Thursday, January 30, 2014
‘The Rover’ Featured On Graffiti With Punctuation’s Top Ten Aussie Films Coming In 2014
The prospect of Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson going head-to-head in Animal Kingdom director David Michod’s next film is an appealing one. Written by Michod and his Blue Tongue Films buddy Joel Edgerton (with brother Nash also starring), expect tension and blood shed. Uber talented indie actor Scoot McNairy is an exciting addition to the cast.
Via Spunk-Ransom, Source
New Kristen Interview with NSMBL
NSMBL got the chance to talk to Kristen Stewart about her newest collaboration and her personal favourites, something that was hard to refuse of course! We were allowed to ask the beautiful actress, who just became the face of the new scent ‘Rosabotanica’ by Balenciaga, all kinds of questions. Kristen has started to like the fashion industry more and finds it more interesting, and she is very proud of her new campaign. Curious to see how the production happened behind the scenes, which products Kristen likes to use and how she feels about constantly being in the spotlight? You’ll see and read it here.
How does it feel to be chosen by such an iconic brand, Balenciaga, to become the face of the new perfume Rosabotanica?
It’s really incredible. I immediately took the chance to work with Nicolas Formicetti (I think they got the wrong name here, doesn’t she mean Nicolas Ghesquière?); I met him during a photo-shoot when I was very young and he was the one who showed me how creative and unique fashion can be. When he called me for this product, I was very enthusiastic. It’s really cool because I usually make movies and this is not really my area. In this way I can combine the best of both.
In what way does this perfume fit your personality?
I sincerely think it’s a wonderful scent; Florabotanica (predecessor of Rosabotanica) I have used for a while now. When I was younger, I didn’t often wear perfume but this perfume showed me that it can really complete your look. I love using Florabotanica in the morning, it’s more natural and light. Rosabotanica is very similar, but it is more daring and stronger and it’s ideal for nights, to go to a party or dinner for example.
Have you ever made a beauty/fashion blunder, for example by following a trend or wearing something you just don’t like anymore?
When I started in the world of red carpets and events I was still so young; when I look back now to what I was wearing then, I think ‘what was I thinking’ but it’s what I liked at that moment. When I was a child I really had no idea, which is actually kind of cute. I dressed like a little boy, which made me look a lot like my brother.
What are your favourite products that you use regularly?
A good moisturizer is very important, I love Dermalogica and Dr. Hauscka – and I also use Proactiv. Besides that I love dry shampoo and hair powder to volumize my hair. It’s not good to wash your hair frequently. It’s actually just important to stay healthy. Get exercise, eat well and every once in a while some green juice for an energy boost. I don’t really use a lot of make-up; at most I use a tinted moisturize because it’s better for your skin than a foundation.
What is the last thing you bought that you got really excited about?
Probably a pair of good sneakers. I don’t usually get excited from buying beauty products; usually more from a nice jacket or shoes.
How does it feel to be a beauty and fashion icon?
Thankfully it all went very naturally, it’s not something I really stop and think about daily. I realise that it’s very special that I get to wear the most beautiful dresses to events and that I’m meeting so many creative and interesting people. Some people don’t even realise how cool they are; you have those people who walk into a room and can fill that room with their energy. It’s really an honour to work with those people and be a part of the industry.
Is it sometimes scary to know that the whole world is watching you and judging everything you do and wear?
You can never make everybody happy, that’s something that I’ve really learned. My goal is to consciously try not to try to make everyone happy. If that’s something you want to accomplish in your life it’s really scary: you can never please everybody. As long as you make your own decision and do thing because it feels good to you, there will always be people who agree and people who don’t. It actually doesn’t even matter. Because at the end of the day, who really gives a shit what dress I’m wearing?
Kristen Interview with Marie Claire UK
Kristen Stewart is a red carpet natural, gracing the press pens with such elegance and ease – but the star admits that she hasn't always been so comfortable with her style choices. While talking to the A-list actress in New York last week, we grilled her on style, beauty, and whether she has any wardrobe regrets (surely not) as she prepares to launch her latest partnership with Balenciaga, Rosabotanica.
We asked K-Stew if she ever looks back and regrets any of her style statements, to which she replied: 'Yeah, totally. Let’s see. Defnitely, I mean I’ve been doing it for a while so I’ve definitely seen fashions and been like "woah".'
She added: 'It shouldn’t be embarrassing because I was so young, but it doesn’t even matter how young you are, you’re just so, so embarrassed.'
We can't imagine Kristen has anything to be embarrassed about when it comes to sartorial choices. But she said: 'I think the pictures that they took at the premiere of Panic Room. It’s like a popular image to show from when I was younger, you know, like "she was a kid!". And I look at that and I’m like "Oh... my... gosh".
'I had like these baby hairs and I was being weird about them, so I was like, "I’m just gonna cut them off". And I had like these little things like poking out from under my hair and behind my ears, and a ridiculous outfit. I did not know how to get dressed up at that age at all, I didn’t even know what I liked. I was just like completely… a goofy kid.
'But it’s just funny to see like that goofy kid version – [because] when I should really be looking at old school photos, I’m looking at a red carpet photo.'
Kristen walked the red carpet alongside her co-star and life-long friend Jodie Foster back in 2002 when she was just 12 years old. A blonde, timid actress with the world – and plenty of exciting fashion collaborations – at her feet. As well as her Balenciaga deal, the star last month landed a contract as the latest face of Chanel. And we doubt it'll be her last.
She told us: 'I definitely look back and think, "Oh that wasn’t my best choice", or that it was so obvious that I wasn’t comfortable in that. But at the same time, you know, I liked it then – you can’t really have too many regrets.
'It is a good feeling though, when you get it right and you can walk tall. It shows, everyone can see that."
Wise words indeed, Kristen Stewart.
Robsten Dreams | Source | Via
Kristen Interview with NY Magazine
"Kristen, you have a little something in your hair," one of Kristen Stewart's people says during our interview in her hotel room, flicking a little piece of fuzz out of her side-parted hair. She turns back to me, mock-yelling. "Thanks a lot! You weren't going to tell me it was there?" Stewart is nonchalant about the fuzz because 1. Her hair looks glossy and good anyway; and 2. She doesn't spend much time thinking about beauty. Throughout our interview about her beauty routine and her repeat involvement with Balenciaga as the face of its new fragrance, Rosabotanica, Stewart has to resist the urge to air-quote the word beauty. The Cut talked to Stewart about her preference for puffy faces, gardenias, and hatred for hotel shampoo.
How do you use scent as part of your acting process?
Whenever I encounter a product that I’ve used on a previous movie, it will take me right back. [Snaps.] Sometimes there will be things I can’t use, even though it might work for a beauty regimen or something that works for the character. I’ll literally have to find another product to use.
So, something like really basic dry shampoo. I used it on The Runaways, and Joan uses that as well. I couldn’t use it anymore. I was just too reminiscent. Also certain lotions, and Rosebud, that chapstick in a tub? Rosebud lip salve. I used that on some movie when I was younger and then I used it again. And then it was like Whoa. It was too much. But with fragrance, no, it’s not a huge part of my process.
What was your first scent memory?
My favorite flower is a gardenia. My grandma had a big gardenia bush. And gardenias aren’t that common. When you find them, it’s always like, Oh, nice. And it’s my favorite flower now too, because of that.
How was the creative process for Florabotanica different than Rosabotanica?
My involvement didn’t change much, to be honest. I get to use it. I have nothing to do with making the fragrance. I just get to stand by and watch people do awesome things. I’m really close with Nicolas [Ghesquière] and this whole story behind it has been really cool. You don’t always find, in fashion, such developed stories. Sometimes it’s a bit more about how something looks, and ends there. Or with fragrance, this is a pretty picture and sells this perfume. This is a little more fun because it is about telling a story. That’s whyI’m into it and why I got into acting.
Florabotanica and Rosabotanica have the same setting. But with Rosabotanica, it’s about someone who has turned from a wide-eyed, yet hungry, fresh, green person. It’s someone who has been in this extreme environment and survived it. She’s grown with it. She’s taken the aspects she’s appreciated out of that environment and ignored the rest. She becomes a part of her environment instead of becoming this Alice in Wonderland type of girl who’s looking around and doesn’t recognize anything. It’s growing on her.
What has surprised you about scent?
Probably that I like it? I was never really a fan of the idea of putting on some synthetic scent. I didn’t like the idea of it. But when I started using it, it became a part of me. It felt natural.
Some perfumes just smell awful. They smell like your grandmother. This one never did to me. I genuinely use Flora all the time. Rosabotanica is a deeper scent to me than Flora. In this one, the rose is pretty strong. It’s [a] muskier fragrance. It’s the nighttime version, more serious. This is vague and kind of silly, but it’s like New York versus L.A. Or night versus day. Or red versus white. It’s the darker version of it.
I saw you got rid of your cornrows.
Yeah, I took those out literally yesterday. They last about a week or so, if you are hard on your hair, which I am. I’ll re-do it at some point. I liked having it. It’s comfortable and keeps my hair out of my face. And I liked the way it looked. But you need to re-do it once a week, or else it will start to look gross. They were fuzzy.
What is your beauty routine like?
I use Proactiv. It works. It’s really good. I’ve used it for a long time. I’m reliant on it. I use their three-step [system]. And I try to moisturize more than I ever had. Apparently, that’s good for you. That’s about it. I drink a lot of water. Like, if you don’t drink water, you look awful. If you do, that’s a huge part of my “beauty” regimen, I guess.
I use mascara, eyeliner, and maybe some concealer. Chapstick. I don’t like color on my lips unless I’m doing full-on.
I don’t do much with my hair. When I’m working, I treat it so often. There’s heat or color on it. When I’m not working, I just like to let it be healthy. I don’t wash it every day. I like to switch up my shampoo. I like Kerastase a lot. I like using, going back and forth, using fully organic. People give me a lot of shampoo and conditioner, so I’m always like, what is that? I don’t always necessarily know what I’m using.
So you’re not using hotel shampoo.
I hate when I forget shampoo and I have to use it. Only because afterwards it feels bone-dry.
Or it feels limp.
Or that. And flat. Totally.
How do you view beauty and your beauty regimen as part of your day-to-day routine?
I’m super lucky because my job allows me to have fun and take things to the extremes. When I’m not working, I have a really basic regimen. I don’t think too much about my clothes [gesturing]. I don’t wear a lot of makeup. I’m always striving to get to the point where I look like I’ve woken up in the last hour. You know that look you get when you’re fresh-faced? You’re a little puffy but looking really good? That’s what I like.
How do you keep that going throughout the day?
I mean. It doesn’t. But that’s okay. I just like it when people look like they’re not trying. And the only way to do that is by not trying.
This interview has been condensed and edited
Robsten Dreams | Source | Via | Via
New Kristen Interview with Vogue Germany
Note: It was translated by Google Translate
New York in January 2014. Kristen Stewart - in jeans, tank top and Balenciaga blazer - will be officially unveiled as the face of the new Balenciaga fragrance "Rosabotanica". In an interview with Vogue, she talks about daring rose fragrances, filming in Germany and her penchant for eyeliner
VOGUE: Congratulations, Nicolas Ghesquière has again committed as a testimonial. He is not the only designer who raves about you ...
Kristen Stewart: Honestly, I can not explain it. But I feel as a muse very comfortable. You meet so many talented people who in turn inspire me. So this is mutual. And I like the creative energy that exists at shoots. It is as if you make a mini movie and has given me a whole new approach to fashion and beauty world.
The shoot for the "Rosabotanica" campaign exotic flowers adorn you. You wear a smokey eye and a loose fitting updo. Onto which styling you put in everyday life?
I like it a lot, to be styled for photo shoots or film premieres. And I like to wear flashy eye make-ups - if they are suitable for the occasion. But to be honest, what you see on the red carpet, is the work of talented stylists. Privately, I guess naturalness. I prefer to wear outfits that are clean and easy. And as absolutely black eyeliner.
Eyeliner is thus the beauty product without having to not go out of the house?
I do not wear much makeup. That was never a big deal for me. But black eyeliner I have always with me. A great product because you can vary it so.
Your favorite look?
Blurred in Undone look. I always wash my face at night, but my eyes I never put make-up on. It looks the next morning just to look good!
On what occasions you wear perfume?
Before I was a testimonial, I did not have much experience with perfume. The fresh scent of roses "Florabotanica" quickly became my companion for the day. I have often placed him. It's nice now to have an alternative. "Rosabotanica" I put preferably on the evening. The spicy and sensual composition is somehow daring. So perfect for going out.
What are you working at the moment?
I just presented at the Sundance Film Festival to my new film "Camp X-Ray". It was so great to seeing the film crew. I like the festival very much - cool people and independent films. And soon I begin filming in New York "Still Alice", an exciting new project. Julianne Moore will play my mother who suffers from Alzheimer's. I love Julianne, she is a wonderful actress!
In 2014 "Sils Maria" will be in the cinema, which was partly filmed in Berlin. How did you like the city?
We have worked very much, but I was fortunate enough to watch a little time to me the city. I love Berlin! It's such a dynamic and unique city. We film in Sils Maria, it's beautiful there!
You visit premieres, turning in New York and as a beauty ambassador on the road - what you want yet for the new year?
I have made an unplanned extended break. I therefore hope for 2014 professional challenges. There is nothing better than to do things that you love.
Robsten Dreams | Source | Via
Kristen Confirmed for 'Still Alice'
From Screendaily:
EXCLUSIVE: Alec Baldwin, Kate Bosworth also on board in-demand drama for which Memento has secured several major deals with key territories.Kristen also talks about doing Still Alice in latest interview with Vogue Germany:
Kristen Stewart, Alec Baldwin and Kate Bosworth are now confirmed alongside Julianne Moore in Memento Films International’s hot -selling drama Still Alice.
The project was one of the most in-demand at the American Film Market (AFM), with Memento locking pre-sales at the market and since with Curzon for the UK, Splendid’s Polyband for Germany, Icon Film for Australia, Frenetic for Switzerland, Svensk for Scandinavia, Baltics and Iceland, Sun Distribution for Latin America, Falcon Film for Middle East, Bir for Turkey, Golden Scene for Hong Kong, GreenNarae for South Korea to and Catchplay to Taiwan.
Moore will play a renowned professor of neuroscience who discovers she’s suffering from an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Stewart will play Lydia, her youngest daughter, who bonds with her mother during her illness in a way that was impossible for them before.
Quinceañera directors Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland will direct the adaptation of Lisa Genova’s bestselling novel of the same name, with production due to get underway in early March in New York City.
Backed by Backup Media and Marie Savare’s new finance venture BSM Studio, producers are Lex Lutzus, Pamela Koffler and James Brown in association with Killer Films. Maria Shriver will serve as executive producer. CAA reps US rights.
Memento’s slate includes BSM-backed Sundance entry Cold in July from director Jim Mickle, Asghar Farhadi’s The Past and Natalia Smirnoff’s Lock Charmer.
Memento managing director Emilie Georges told ScreenDaily: “We knew that the project would be met with enthusiastic interest but the market response to the script and package has been incredible.”
What are you working at the moment?
I just presented at the Sundance Film Festival to my new film "Camp X-Ray". It was so great to seeing the film crew. I like the festival very much - cool people and independent films. And soon I begin filming in New York "Still Alice", an exciting new project. Julianne Moore will play my mother who suffers from Alzheimer's. I love Julianne, she is a wonderful actress!
The author of Still Alice, Lisa Genova, also tweeted about it:
Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth in STILL ALICE the MOVIE! Couldn't be happier!
— LisaGenova (@LisaGenova) January 28, 2014
Robsten Dreams | Via
Former Top Chef Contestant Tiffany Derry Mentions Kristen

Just last week I met Kristen Stewart from Twilight while cooking at Sundance with Brooke Williamson. Her exact words were, 'I f---ing love Top Chef!' She was so excited.
Robsten Dreams | Source | Via
Anna Kendrick Talks '"Pitch Perfect 2"
So, what does "Cups" singer Anna Kendrick think about the exciting news? "Huge," she told The Huffington Post. "It’s totally huge!"
j Kendrick is busy promoting her tongue-in-cheek marketing effort with Newcastle Brown Ale, dubbed "If We Made It," which pokes fun at the ridiculous antics found in traditional Super Bowl commercials. But she found the time to talk with HuffPost Entertainment about "Pitch Perfect 2."
As to whether or not she'll star in the movie, the 28-year-old Oscar-nominated actress has not a clue.
"I wish I knew. I wish there was a script," she explained. "But I really do [want to be in it]. I’m like banging down the doors."
Kendrick doesn't have much to say about the plotline of the film either, joking, "I don’t know what it will be about. What do you think it would be about? I don’t know!"
Well, all we know is that if Kendrick is cast in the sequel, it will be ACA-AMAZING.
Via Gossip_Dance
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