Beware of casting calls like this one for Breaking Dawn. REMEMBER: casting has not even begun yet. Take note of the advices throughout the following article:
Well, a new Breaking Dawn casting scam was recently brought to our attention and we wanted to warn others, so they will recognize the difference between a real casting call and an attempt to fleece fans of their cash.
I received the following message from a Twilight fan:
Sorry to bother you as I am sure that you are busy. We had an ad on the a radio here in Calgary saying that if you text this number at this certain time, you would get a call to audition for the next Breaking Dawn movie at [nameless acting & modeling school]. Today they called and booked an audition time for my daughter on Saturday. I was just wondering if you knew anything about this or if it is just a scam to have people join [nameless acting & modeling school]? They said there was a casting director coming.
Without even gathering any more information about this supposed casting call, I can tell you that this is nothing but a ploy to get people through the door. Once they have arrived, victims will have to sit through a sales pitch and be pressured to sign up for acting and modeling classes that are expensive and of dubious quality. Likely, victims will also be pressured to purchase spendy (and useless) photo portfolios or attend a costly "talent showcase" in LA or New York, where, they're told, they just might be "discovered."
Here are the red flags I spotted in this message:
- Breaking Dawn is not casting yet.
The film doesn't go into production until the fall. No casting director has even been hired.
- Auditions for Breaking Dawn will not take place anywhere where classes are offered, nor will they take place in Calgary.
The film is likely shooting in Vancouver, BC. A real casting company, not an acting and modeling school located in a shopping mall, will be hired to cast the actors.
NOTE: Anytime a company that offers classes or photo portfolios also promotes itself as a talent agency or talent management company: Beware. Real industry professionals know that it is a conflict of interest to do both.
- Auditions for any real roles in the film will not be advertised on the radio.
Actors will be hired through bona fide SAG-franchised talent agencies.
(The extras casting company MAY hold an open casting call, but this won't happen until the film goes into production this fall and actually hires an extras company.
Moreover, it will only be advertised in the Vancouver area or wherever the film is shooting. They do not want to truck extras in from remote locations. There are plenty of people on hand who live nearby.)
- The qualification to audition for a film this huge is not one's ability to send a text message.
The casting directors want educated, established, experienced, professional actors. They don't have time to waste on these kinds of games. Film is a high-pressure, fast-paced business and producers want only the crème de la crème.
If you want to break into acting, get into the best acting class you can find and train, train, train. Don't look around for silly shortcuts. Acting is hard work and very competitive.
- Who in the Forks is this casting director?
This acting/modeling school claims that a casting director will be there, but since it can't possibly be the CD of Breaking Dawn, who is it?
And why are they claiming it's an audition for Breaking Dawn? The film is not yet in production and no crew has been hired.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Popsugar: Some Thoughts On What Bill Condon Might Do With “Breaking Dawn” *Funny*
Popsugar came up with a few funny ideas of what Bill Condon might do with Breaking Dawn based on past projects. They mention a famous scene with Robert and Kristen.
Taylor Lautner At The Star Ambassador Party & Autograph Session In Paris!
Here’s the video of Taylor Lautner in Paris for the Star Ambassador Soirée & autograph session in Paris for LG & Orange!
Vitaminwater is Looking for 'Twilight' Fans and Their Voices
The official Twilight Facebook page shared some details of vitaminwater's search for Twilighters and their voices.
Here are the details:
hey twilighters! we need voices. we’re holding an open casting call for the voice in our next tv and radio commercial for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse! probably helps if you’re into vampires & werewolves and don’t mind telling your friends you’ll rock the airwaves real soon.
here’s how it works:
(1) call (888) 775-0514
(2) say your:
- name
- city, state
- phone #
- email
and don't worry... we will keep all of your information private. this is just so we can contact you to talk more about the job if we want to.
(3) read the script. cool. natural. show your stuff.
if you want to be a superhero, here are a few mandates: tights – with underwear on the outside. and knee-high boots – even if you’re a dude. but if you don’t want to fight crime and want to help fight for overall health, try vitaminwater power-c. it’s got zinc and plenty of vitamin c to help support your immune system. so leave your sidekick back at the cave. The best part? You won’t have to attach one of those ridiculous sidecars to your motorcycle.
(4) if you've got the talent we're looking for, we'll call you back monday or tuesday. and if we decide you've got the talent and we select you to be in our commercial, you'll have to sign a standard scale employment contract.
via {vitaminwater Facebook page}
Here are the details:
hey twilighters! we need voices. we’re holding an open casting call for the voice in our next tv and radio commercial for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse! probably helps if you’re into vampires & werewolves and don’t mind telling your friends you’ll rock the airwaves real soon.
here’s how it works:
(1) call (888) 775-0514
(2) say your:
- name
- city, state
- phone #
and don't worry... we will keep all of your information private. this is just so we can contact you to talk more about the job if we want to.
(3) read the script. cool. natural. show your stuff.
if you want to be a superhero, here are a few mandates: tights – with underwear on the outside. and knee-high boots – even if you’re a dude. but if you don’t want to fight crime and want to help fight for overall health, try vitaminwater power-c. it’s got zinc and plenty of vitamin c to help support your immune system. so leave your sidekick back at the cave. The best part? You won’t have to attach one of those ridiculous sidecars to your motorcycle.
(4) if you've got the talent we're looking for, we'll call you back monday or tuesday. and if we decide you've got the talent and we select you to be in our commercial, you'll have to sign a standard scale employment contract.
via {vitaminwater Facebook page}
Would You Buy a Replica of Bella's Engagement Ring For $2,000?
The writer says those who want the ring for that much money are "people who should know better."
People who should realise that wearing an engagement ring based on a faddy movie about a silly-haired vampire will one day look as silly as wearing an engagement ring branded with the New Kids On the Block logo. People who should realise that they're one small step away from sending out wedding invitations requesting that guests turn up dressed as Hobbits or members of Starfleet. People with fiances who understand that they'll always play second best to Robert Pattinson but still stick around anyway because they don't have any self-esteem left.
There are cheaper versions out there but this one is a "full-blown engagement ring – made from diamonds and 14 carat gold".
People who should realise that wearing an engagement ring based on a faddy movie about a silly-haired vampire will one day look as silly as wearing an engagement ring branded with the New Kids On the Block logo. People who should realise that they're one small step away from sending out wedding invitations requesting that guests turn up dressed as Hobbits or members of Starfleet. People with fiances who understand that they'll always play second best to Robert Pattinson but still stick around anyway because they don't have any self-esteem left.
There are cheaper versions out there but this one is a "full-blown engagement ring – made from diamonds and 14 carat gold".
People Magazine: Twilight Stars Beautiful Without Makeup
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Ashley Greene are all in the legendary People Magazine Most Beautiful issue. Doing something that most actresses wouldn’t ever do, Ashley Greene is featured with NO MAKEUP. She tells PEOPLE, “My favorite feature is probably my eyes. My mom is always saying that you smile with your eyes, and if you look at someone and you’re speaking, you’re really engaging. When I’m acting, they’re kind of a big part of what I do.”
Click here for a sneak peek of some of the other celebrities featured in PEOPLE’s World’s Most Beautiful issue,
To see past PEOPLE’s World’s Most Beautiful covers, click here, and for more PEOPLE’s Most Beautiful content, go to
Click here for a sneak peek of some of the other celebrities featured in PEOPLE’s World’s Most Beautiful issue,
To see past PEOPLE’s World’s Most Beautiful covers, click here, and for more PEOPLE’s Most Beautiful content, go to
A Note to Twilight fans from Breaking Dawn Director Bill Condon
Greetings Twihards, Twifans, Twilight Moms, Team Edward, Team Jacob and Team Switzerland,
I just want to say hello to all of you and let you know that I’m stoked to be getting underway on the adventure of making BREAKING DAWN. As you’ve probably heard, I’ve been given a very warm welcome by Stephenie and Team Summit – who are super-focused, as you know, on getting these movies right.
I’m pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I’ve read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine’s and Chris’s movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine’s notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz’s companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk – a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. I realize that this barely qualifies me for “newborn” status in the universe you’ve been living inside for a few years now, but a guy’s gotta start somewhere.
Like many of you, I’ve always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series DARK SHADOWS, which I followed avidly as a kid. But that alone hadn’t been enough to get me interested in making a vampire movie, even though my early screenwriting and directing efforts grew out of a great love for horror movies and thrillers. Since making GODS AND MONSTERS thirteen years ago, however, I’ve been yearning for a return to a story with Gothic overtones.
The wonderful world that Stephenie has created has obviously struck a chord with you, and I don’t think it’s difficult to see why. For me, her characters are simultaneously timeless, yet very modern. Rooted in a beautiful, real landscape with a great sense of place, Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest of the Forks/La Push menagerie, experience emotions that are primal, and universal: desire, despair, jealousy – and it all comes to fruition in BREAKING DAWN. This is a final chapter in the best sense; not just wide in scope and scale, but emotionally charged and intense throughout.
I’m a huge admirer of the already-iconic Kristen, Robert, and Taylor, and wanted to be the one to work with them as they face the challenges of bringing your beloved characters to the end of their journeys. Really, what could be more fun than that?
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I’ll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. I am excited and grateful to have all of you alongside me for my TWILIGHT journey.
All best,
Bill Condon
P.S. Answer #1: No, there won’t be any musical numbers
I just want to say hello to all of you and let you know that I’m stoked to be getting underway on the adventure of making BREAKING DAWN. As you’ve probably heard, I’ve been given a very warm welcome by Stephenie and Team Summit – who are super-focused, as you know, on getting these movies right.
I’m pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I’ve read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine’s and Chris’s movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine’s notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz’s companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk – a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. I realize that this barely qualifies me for “newborn” status in the universe you’ve been living inside for a few years now, but a guy’s gotta start somewhere.
Like many of you, I’ve always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series DARK SHADOWS, which I followed avidly as a kid. But that alone hadn’t been enough to get me interested in making a vampire movie, even though my early screenwriting and directing efforts grew out of a great love for horror movies and thrillers. Since making GODS AND MONSTERS thirteen years ago, however, I’ve been yearning for a return to a story with Gothic overtones.
The wonderful world that Stephenie has created has obviously struck a chord with you, and I don’t think it’s difficult to see why. For me, her characters are simultaneously timeless, yet very modern. Rooted in a beautiful, real landscape with a great sense of place, Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest of the Forks/La Push menagerie, experience emotions that are primal, and universal: desire, despair, jealousy – and it all comes to fruition in BREAKING DAWN. This is a final chapter in the best sense; not just wide in scope and scale, but emotionally charged and intense throughout.
I’m a huge admirer of the already-iconic Kristen, Robert, and Taylor, and wanted to be the one to work with them as they face the challenges of bringing your beloved characters to the end of their journeys. Really, what could be more fun than that?
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I’ll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. I am excited and grateful to have all of you alongside me for my TWILIGHT journey.
All best,
Bill Condon
P.S. Answer #1: No, there won’t be any musical numbers
Robert Pattinson: More Mature Looking in “Bel Ami”?
I haven’t read either Guy de Maupassant’s 19th-century novel Bel Ami or Rachel Bennette’s screenplay adaptation, so I don’t know exactly how old Robert Pattinson’s Georges Duroy, social/sexual climber extraordinaire, is supposed to be.But looking at videos and photos of Pattinson in costume as Duroy, the soon-to-be-24-year-old actor surely looks quite a bit older in Bel Ami than in his other film roles (see above).
That’s not a disparaging remark. I much prefer Pattinson looking mature than looking like a “boy.” One of the reasons I — and at least some others, I’m sure — enjoy his interviews is that Pattinson comes across as much more mature than your average (or even above-average) 23-24-year-old. (Admittedly, Pattinson has never looked like a “boy” to me, though I still haven’t seen any of his pre-2008 efforts.)
Anyways, I have high hopes for Bel Ami, chiefly because Pattinson and other real good actors are in it: Kristin Scott Thomas, Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci, and Colm Meaney.
Screenwriter Rachel Bennette and directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod are basically all film newcomers in their respective capacities, though Donnellan and Ormerod have both done extensive and quite prestigious stage work. Among the plays they have staged are works by Shakespeare, Chekhov, Pushkin, and Tennessee Williams.
Who knows, perhaps Donnellan’s and Ormerod’s film debut will be as warmly received as those of fellow stage directors Nicholas Hytner (The Madness of King George) and Rob Marshall (Chicago). If so, that should translate into solid box-office receipts as well.
As an aside, in Albert Lewin’s 1947 film The Private Affairs of Bel Ami, Duroy is played by future Oscar winner George Sanders, who was 40-41 at the time. I’m assuming that was (at least) a little older than de Maupassant’s character was supposed to be. The novel is in my to-read list.
Robert Pattinson will next be seen in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which opens on June 30.
via {Alt Film Guide}
That’s not a disparaging remark. I much prefer Pattinson looking mature than looking like a “boy.” One of the reasons I — and at least some others, I’m sure — enjoy his interviews is that Pattinson comes across as much more mature than your average (or even above-average) 23-24-year-old. (Admittedly, Pattinson has never looked like a “boy” to me, though I still haven’t seen any of his pre-2008 efforts.)
Anyways, I have high hopes for Bel Ami, chiefly because Pattinson and other real good actors are in it: Kristin Scott Thomas, Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci, and Colm Meaney.
Screenwriter Rachel Bennette and directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod are basically all film newcomers in their respective capacities, though Donnellan and Ormerod have both done extensive and quite prestigious stage work. Among the plays they have staged are works by Shakespeare, Chekhov, Pushkin, and Tennessee Williams.
Who knows, perhaps Donnellan’s and Ormerod’s film debut will be as warmly received as those of fellow stage directors Nicholas Hytner (The Madness of King George) and Rob Marshall (Chicago). If so, that should translate into solid box-office receipts as well.
As an aside, in Albert Lewin’s 1947 film The Private Affairs of Bel Ami, Duroy is played by future Oscar winner George Sanders, who was 40-41 at the time. I’m assuming that was (at least) a little older than de Maupassant’s character was supposed to be. The novel is in my to-read list.
Robert Pattinson will next be seen in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which opens on June 30.
via {Alt Film Guide}
New Zealand’s The 2010 Out Takes Film Festival to Feature “Little Ashes”
This is the 16th year the film festival has run with each event gaining a wider audience and following. Out Takes showcases the trials, tribulations and triumphs of queer issues in a variety of genres helped along by a bit of Hollywood eye candy (Robert Pattinson) high rating documentaries, and oh-so-stylish films such as We Are the Mods.
“We are really focussing on quality features this year” says Out Takes Chief Programmer Simon Fulton. “We have the first ever New Zealand cinematic screening of the big-budget period drama Little Ashes featuring Twilight star Robert Pattinson; love stories shot in the queer nightlife of Athens like Strella; and comedic feel-good films like Drool, also featuring Mulholland Drive’s Laura Harring.”
“We are really focussing on quality features this year” says Out Takes Chief Programmer Simon Fulton. “We have the first ever New Zealand cinematic screening of the big-budget period drama Little Ashes featuring Twilight star Robert Pattinson; love stories shot in the queer nightlife of Athens like Strella; and comedic feel-good films like Drool, also featuring Mulholland Drive’s Laura Harring.”
Special Edition “New Moon” DVD Set by Liverpool (Mexico)
Set includes:
* The New Moon movie DVD Special Edition
* The novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
* The book with scenes from the movies
* A certificate of authenticity
* Collectible cards and a bracelet
* The New Moon movie DVD Special Edition
* The novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
* The book with scenes from the movies
* A certificate of authenticity
* Collectible cards and a bracelet
Robert Pattinson the most popular wax figure at Madam Tussaud’s: More popular than Queen of England
Robert Pattinson, actor of the Twilight series was honored about two months ago with a wax figure in the Madam Tussaud in New York City (located in Times Square). Twilight fans came from around the globe to touch his hair, take a photo and really get a good look at the famous actor up close and personal. And they are still coming.
“I can confirm that R Patz [sic] has been a HUGE hit this weekend since joining the A list party at Madame Tussauds – in fact more people bought a picture of him than The Queen and Barack Obama put together!!” says the PR staff of the famous museum only weeks after the display was put in.
However over the last weekend, the museum was actually jammed – still – with Twilight fans. In an orderly line people had to wait to see the actor, take a picture and run their fingers through his hair.
“I can confirm that R Patz [sic] has been a HUGE hit this weekend since joining the A list party at Madame Tussauds – in fact more people bought a picture of him than The Queen and Barack Obama put together!!” says the PR staff of the famous museum only weeks after the display was put in.
However over the last weekend, the museum was actually jammed – still – with Twilight fans. In an orderly line people had to wait to see the actor, take a picture and run their fingers through his hair.
Betty White ‘too busy’ to get naked with Robert Pattinson
Golden Girl Betty White says she is too busy to do a nude scene with Twilight hunk Robert Pattinson who is 65 years her junior.
But the 88-year-old actress says she should write to the 23-year-old Brit for reportedly calling her the sexiest woman in the US.
‘I should write him a thank you note,’ White tells the New York Post.
When asked if she would do a nude scene with the heart-throb though, White squashed the idea.
‘No, sorry. I wouldn’t,’ she says. ‘There really isn’t much spare time these days.’
TV veteran White will guest host US TV show Saturday Night Live on May 8 after fans launched an internet campaign requesting that she appear.
‘I don’t understand it all,’ White says. ‘I’m the luckiest old broad on two feet.’
White, who co-starred alongside Sandra Bullock in The Proposal last year, is in hot demand of late, despite nearing 90.
The Saturday Night Live guest spot is just the latest in a string of recent projects that includes her new TV series Hot In Cleveland.
Speaking about her upcoming schedule she says: ‘I do the show Saturday night. Sunday I fly back to California and Monday I start the new series I’m doing for TV Land.’
The demanding commitments won’t slow her down though, White insists.
‘I think energy builds on energy,’ she says. ‘I love the business I’m in and the more you do, the more it works.’
But the 88-year-old actress says she should write to the 23-year-old Brit for reportedly calling her the sexiest woman in the US.
‘I should write him a thank you note,’ White tells the New York Post.
When asked if she would do a nude scene with the heart-throb though, White squashed the idea.
‘No, sorry. I wouldn’t,’ she says. ‘There really isn’t much spare time these days.’
TV veteran White will guest host US TV show Saturday Night Live on May 8 after fans launched an internet campaign requesting that she appear.
‘I don’t understand it all,’ White says. ‘I’m the luckiest old broad on two feet.’
White, who co-starred alongside Sandra Bullock in The Proposal last year, is in hot demand of late, despite nearing 90.
The Saturday Night Live guest spot is just the latest in a string of recent projects that includes her new TV series Hot In Cleveland.
Speaking about her upcoming schedule she says: ‘I do the show Saturday night. Sunday I fly back to California and Monday I start the new series I’m doing for TV Land.’
The demanding commitments won’t slow her down though, White insists.
‘I think energy builds on energy,’ she says. ‘I love the business I’m in and the more you do, the more it works.’
Rob Awarded Best Actor for “How to Be” at the Strasbourg Film Festival
Other awards received by Twilighters for non-”Twilight” performances fall primarily in the niche, festival, or independent realm. Robert Pattinson’s sole non-”Twilight” win was awarded by the Strasbourg International Film Festival—he was honored with a “Best Actor” designation for his performance in “How to Be”.
‘Eclipse’ Stars Eager To Show Cullens’ ‘True Vampire-ness’
The latest “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” trailer proved that the third film in the popular franchise is going to be the most action-packed “Twilight” film yet. And in an interview with Los Angeles Times the actors who make up the Cullen family are clearly excited to show that their characters aren’t just about playing baseball and sitting around the piano.
“This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness,” said Peter Facinelli, who plays Carlisle Cullen.
One of the bigger surprises for fans is going to be a chance to see a “dark, dangerous side” of Alice Cullen, played by Ashley Greene. The fan-favorite character is typically portrayed as a bubbly fashionista and party planner who is overly protective of her vampire family and Bella (Kristen Stewart). But Greene promises that “Eclipse” will showcase the toughest Alice yet.
“Alice gets a little edgier with each installment,” she told the Times. “It’s a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we’re still vampires and we’re dangerous.”
Elizabeth Reaser, whose Esme had very little to do in “Twilight” and “New Moon,” enjoyed her part in “Eclipse.” “It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven’t really been explored,” Reaser said. “Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.”
Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed also spoke about Jasper’s and Rosalie’s flashbacks in the third installment. “You’ll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family,” Rathbone said. “There’s a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film.”
Reed added, “Fans got to see a bit of [Rosalie's] sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She’s a survivor.”
“This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness,” said Peter Facinelli, who plays Carlisle Cullen.
One of the bigger surprises for fans is going to be a chance to see a “dark, dangerous side” of Alice Cullen, played by Ashley Greene. The fan-favorite character is typically portrayed as a bubbly fashionista and party planner who is overly protective of her vampire family and Bella (Kristen Stewart). But Greene promises that “Eclipse” will showcase the toughest Alice yet.
“Alice gets a little edgier with each installment,” she told the Times. “It’s a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we’re still vampires and we’re dangerous.”
Elizabeth Reaser, whose Esme had very little to do in “Twilight” and “New Moon,” enjoyed her part in “Eclipse.” “It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven’t really been explored,” Reaser said. “Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.”
Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed also spoke about Jasper’s and Rosalie’s flashbacks in the third installment. “You’ll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family,” Rathbone said. “There’s a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film.”
Reed added, “Fans got to see a bit of [Rosalie's] sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She’s a survivor.”
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Kristen Stewart Signed Bella Doll Up For Charity Bids
The West Hollywood Elementary School has a signed Bella action figure by Kristen Stewart. Proceeds are going to the school whose mission is to support and enhance the enrichment of learning at West Hollywood Elementary School by promoting each child’s growth in areas of academics, physical fitness and well being, as well as through the visual and performing arts.
Check out the auction here.
Check out the auction here.
Nikki Reed and Ashley Greene to Receive Young Hollywood Awards
According to Deadline Hollywood, Nikki Reed and Ashley Greene will receive the Young Hollywood Awards this year.
Nikki Reed – Young Hollywood Superstar in the Making
Ashley Greene – Young Hollywood Style Icon
This is Nikki Reed’s second time winning an award. She was recognized back in 2003 for her work on Thirteen by receiving a One to Watch Award.
Other Twilight cast members who have been recognized are Catherine Hardwicke for the youth oriented film Twilight and Cam Gigandet
Nikki Reed – Young Hollywood Superstar in the Making
Ashley Greene – Young Hollywood Style Icon
This is Nikki Reed’s second time winning an award. She was recognized back in 2003 for her work on Thirteen by receiving a One to Watch Award.
Other Twilight cast members who have been recognized are Catherine Hardwicke for the youth oriented film Twilight and Cam Gigandet
Jackson Rathbone and 100 Monkeys Photo Book
Jackson Rathbone and the 100 Monkeys are going to be featured in a GORGEOUS photo book called No Sleep. According to the site organizing the effort:
“It is almost here… The Jackson Rathbone and 100 Monkeys photobook from Phoenix Taylor! Enjoy 7 days on the road and backstage with the Twilight Star and the band 100 Monkeys as documented in this collection of brilliant photos! It’s a journey through the realistic life of Jackson as he juggles his art, his passion and his fans. Many times we only get to see the end result… the images on the magazine covers and we imagine the “glamorous” lives they must lead, but the truth is much more of a circus at times that leaves you with little time and No Sleep. ”
Prices range from $75-$175 depending on which edition you want. Some come with autographs from photographer Phoenix Taylor. Check it all out. Via Twifans
“It is almost here… The Jackson Rathbone and 100 Monkeys photobook from Phoenix Taylor! Enjoy 7 days on the road and backstage with the Twilight Star and the band 100 Monkeys as documented in this collection of brilliant photos! It’s a journey through the realistic life of Jackson as he juggles his art, his passion and his fans. Many times we only get to see the end result… the images on the magazine covers and we imagine the “glamorous” lives they must lead, but the truth is much more of a circus at times that leaves you with little time and No Sleep. ”
Prices range from $75-$175 depending on which edition you want. Some come with autographs from photographer Phoenix Taylor. Check it all out. Via Twifans
Win a Jacob doll figure
You can win a 17.5" Jacob Black Dressed Tonner Character Figure!
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.BooBoo Stewart Twilight: Eclipse Interview
BooBoo Stewart's great at keeping exact details about 'Eclipse' secret, but he did talk about the training, his wolf, and 'Twilight' fans during our interview at the premiere of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.'
BooBoo Stewart – 'Seth Clearwater' in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Alex Meraz told me about the training you had to do, so can you tell me about the training?
BooBoo Stewart: "Actually, which was really awesome, I didn't have to go through the training with those guys. My mom's a personal trainer so it was really awesome. She got to train me in the gym."
What did she have you do most to get in shape to be a wolf?
BooBoo Stewart: "I mean, you train something different every day. It depends on the day. You don't want to work the same muscle too much because then you'll break it down."
And the CGI…have you seen your wolf?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah, I got to see him. It looks awesome."
Is it how you imagined it would look?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah, definitely, it's so awesome. I wish I could turn into a wolf in real life, but I can't do that."
Put yourself in the fans' place, in reading that book and seeing your wolf on screen, what are they going to think?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yessss! They did it right."
Talk about working with director David Slade. Everybody says he knows exactly what he wants from every scene.
BooBoo Stewart: "He's awesome. Such a cool guy. He knows what he wants, but he makes you feel comfortable on set. He doesn't cross that line of making you feel uncomfortable, which is really awesome."
The fans this time around were just as fanatical visiting the set as they were before. Did you have any run-ins?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah. Actually the first day I was there these fans, we were filming like – I don't know, a hard place to get…it's hard to get there on foot…and so they got there though. They passed the barricade and plaster walls and all these crazy stuff, and I saw them standing over there but I didn't think they thought they'd make it up there, so they were just kind of like, 'What do I do now? We're here – what do we do?' So they were just like standing there. And the security got them off, but it was hilarious. It was funny though, but that's awesome they made it all the way up there."
How did they know how to get to such a secluded place?
BooBoo Stewart: "I have no idea. They're just so loyal and just they know. They know."
Have you been getting lots of emails and fan letters?
BooBoo Stewart: "A lot of fan letters. Actually, these are all fan…I get a lot of fan bracelets all the time and wear them. I wear them all the time."
Do they come with letters saying what those actually mean to the person who did them?
BooBoo Stewart: "They all do. I read them all. Send them back stuff. It's fun."
Has David shown you any of the footage?
BooBoo Stewart: "I've actually seen a couple previews, so they look good. It's definitely like every movie's getting better."
Because Eclipse is, out of the four, my favorite book.
BooBoo Stewart: "Mine too."
Why is it your favorite?
BooBoo Stewart: "Just the action I think. It really gets you pumped. Like, 'Okay, yeah, an arm gets ripped off. Yeah!'"
So when you signed up you were like, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to just the action parts of this!"?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah. I was just looking forward to being there, just all being on set. It's awesome."
Did you guys do anything special to bond?
BooBoo Stewart: "I'm not sure. I actually just got back from signing autographs in Australia with Gil [Birmingham], he plays Billy Black. So, yeah, it's really cool. We got to spend some time together just having a good time."
Are you ready if they say, "We're doing Breaking Dawn next month."? Are you ready?
BooBoo Stewart: "I would be ready, yeah."
Have they told you anything at all?
BooBoo Stewart: "I don't know. I really don't."
Are you signed on?
BooBoo Stewart: "No, not yet. Not that I know of. I haven't signed anything."
You've read number four?
BooBoo Stewart: "Oh I've read the books. Yeah, I've read the books. They're great. That's a long book. Someone said, 'I read it in like three days!' I'm like, 'How did you read that in three days?'"
So the fourth book, we get to see you much more in the action and Seth becomes more of a central character. You're looking forward to playing that I'm sure.
BooBoo Stewart: "Oh yeah, for sure. It'll be so much fun if it happens."
Are you a fan of Freddy [Krueger]?
BooBoo Stewart: "Oh my gosh, Jackie Earle Haley is my favorite actor. It's Heath Ledger, Jackie Earle Haley, and Mickey Rourke. Those are my three favorite actors and wow, I've been waiting for this movie. I'm like, 'Yessss!'"
BooBoo Stewart – 'Seth Clearwater' in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Alex Meraz told me about the training you had to do, so can you tell me about the training?
BooBoo Stewart: "Actually, which was really awesome, I didn't have to go through the training with those guys. My mom's a personal trainer so it was really awesome. She got to train me in the gym."
What did she have you do most to get in shape to be a wolf?
BooBoo Stewart: "I mean, you train something different every day. It depends on the day. You don't want to work the same muscle too much because then you'll break it down."
And the CGI…have you seen your wolf?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah, I got to see him. It looks awesome."
Is it how you imagined it would look?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah, definitely, it's so awesome. I wish I could turn into a wolf in real life, but I can't do that."
Put yourself in the fans' place, in reading that book and seeing your wolf on screen, what are they going to think?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yessss! They did it right."
Talk about working with director David Slade. Everybody says he knows exactly what he wants from every scene.
BooBoo Stewart: "He's awesome. Such a cool guy. He knows what he wants, but he makes you feel comfortable on set. He doesn't cross that line of making you feel uncomfortable, which is really awesome."
The fans this time around were just as fanatical visiting the set as they were before. Did you have any run-ins?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah. Actually the first day I was there these fans, we were filming like – I don't know, a hard place to get…it's hard to get there on foot…and so they got there though. They passed the barricade and plaster walls and all these crazy stuff, and I saw them standing over there but I didn't think they thought they'd make it up there, so they were just kind of like, 'What do I do now? We're here – what do we do?' So they were just like standing there. And the security got them off, but it was hilarious. It was funny though, but that's awesome they made it all the way up there."
How did they know how to get to such a secluded place?
BooBoo Stewart: "I have no idea. They're just so loyal and just they know. They know."
Have you been getting lots of emails and fan letters?
BooBoo Stewart: "A lot of fan letters. Actually, these are all fan…I get a lot of fan bracelets all the time and wear them. I wear them all the time."
Do they come with letters saying what those actually mean to the person who did them?
BooBoo Stewart: "They all do. I read them all. Send them back stuff. It's fun."
Has David shown you any of the footage?
BooBoo Stewart: "I've actually seen a couple previews, so they look good. It's definitely like every movie's getting better."
Because Eclipse is, out of the four, my favorite book.
BooBoo Stewart: "Mine too."
Why is it your favorite?
BooBoo Stewart: "Just the action I think. It really gets you pumped. Like, 'Okay, yeah, an arm gets ripped off. Yeah!'"
So when you signed up you were like, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to just the action parts of this!"?
BooBoo Stewart: "Yeah. I was just looking forward to being there, just all being on set. It's awesome."
Did you guys do anything special to bond?
BooBoo Stewart: "I'm not sure. I actually just got back from signing autographs in Australia with Gil [Birmingham], he plays Billy Black. So, yeah, it's really cool. We got to spend some time together just having a good time."
Are you ready if they say, "We're doing Breaking Dawn next month."? Are you ready?
BooBoo Stewart: "I would be ready, yeah."
Have they told you anything at all?
BooBoo Stewart: "I don't know. I really don't."
Are you signed on?
BooBoo Stewart: "No, not yet. Not that I know of. I haven't signed anything."
You've read number four?
BooBoo Stewart: "Oh I've read the books. Yeah, I've read the books. They're great. That's a long book. Someone said, 'I read it in like three days!' I'm like, 'How did you read that in three days?'"
So the fourth book, we get to see you much more in the action and Seth becomes more of a central character. You're looking forward to playing that I'm sure.
BooBoo Stewart: "Oh yeah, for sure. It'll be so much fun if it happens."
Are you a fan of Freddy [Krueger]?
BooBoo Stewart: "Oh my gosh, Jackie Earle Haley is my favorite actor. It's Heath Ledger, Jackie Earle Haley, and Mickey Rourke. Those are my three favorite actors and wow, I've been waiting for this movie. I'm like, 'Yessss!'"
What We Can Expect from the Cullen Family in 'Eclipse'
With 60 more days to go until June 30, here is an interview with Peter Facinelli and Elizabeth Reaser on Eclipse as well as the rest of the Cullen clan discussing what we can expect to see from their characters in the film.
The family that slays together, stays together.
At least that's the case for the Cullen brood.
In "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which hits theaters June 30, Seattle is ravaged by a series of killings caused by an army of newborn vampires controlled by revenge-seeking bloodsucker Victoria. To combat the threat against Bella ( Kristen Stewart) in this third installment of the franchise, the Cullens must band together and join forces with their sworn enemies, the wolf pack.
"The whole family is in a vulnerable position because of the love we have for Bella," said Elizabeth Reaser, who plays matriarch Esme Cullen. "If she's not OK, we're not OK."
In the past, we've seen the clan hit baseballs so hard that they can play only in a thunder storm, to block out the sound. And we've watched the buttoned-up human imposters welcome Bella into their home as the human girlfriend of one of their own — the handsome Edward.
"This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness," said Peter Facinelli, who plays head vampire Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the series based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer.
What can we expect from the pale-faced Cullen family (which includes the Hale siblings) this go around? Here's what the actors say audiences can expect from the story and their characters:
Facinelli: "For me, as Carlisle, it's an exciting portion of the series. Carlisle is very compassionate and he has a lot of killing to do in this movie. I joke, after he kills the bad guys, he says he's sorry in his head. And, you know, he's calm and level-headed. He's the rock of the family. He usually has a lot of information to draw from because Alice can see into the future and Edward can read minds. In this third movie, he's not getting that information. Neither one of his sources are working, so he's kind of flying blind."
Reaser: "Esme is still a vampire. She still wants to kill people all day long. It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven't really been explored. Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.
Ashley Greene (as Alice Cullen): "Yeah, she's delicate and prissy at times, but Alice gets a little edgier with each installment. And with these vampires messing with her family and the people she loves, you're going to see a bit of her toughness. It's a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we're still vampires and we're dangerous. You're going to see the dark, dangerous side of Alice."
Kellan Lutz (as Emmett Cullen): "You're going to see a smile on Emmett's face from start to finish. He just loves to fight. And there's a lot of fighting. He sort of plays bigger in this one than the others."
Jackson Rathbone (as Jasper Hale): "You'll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family. Fans will get some of Jasper's back story in ‘Eclipse.' I got to wear the whole Civil War gear and everything. There's a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film."
Nikki Reed (as Rosalie Hale): "You see a reason for her attitude. I think fans will feel for her. There was a bit of that in ‘New Moon.' Fans got to see a bit of her sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She's a survivor. This is her family. So if protecting Bella means protecting her family, she's going to do it."
Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen): Snagging a phone interview with the brooding dreamboat — who was overseas shooting his latest film, "Bel Ami" — proved difficult. So what can we expect from the lovesick Edward? He promises to love Bella "every moment of forever," as the trailer reveals. He's still hesitant about her becoming a vampire. He's determined to protect her from Victoria. And he's vying with Jacob for her affections. Oh, the life of an antique teenage vampire.
The family that slays together, stays together.
At least that's the case for the Cullen brood.
In "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which hits theaters June 30, Seattle is ravaged by a series of killings caused by an army of newborn vampires controlled by revenge-seeking bloodsucker Victoria. To combat the threat against Bella ( Kristen Stewart) in this third installment of the franchise, the Cullens must band together and join forces with their sworn enemies, the wolf pack.
"The whole family is in a vulnerable position because of the love we have for Bella," said Elizabeth Reaser, who plays matriarch Esme Cullen. "If she's not OK, we're not OK."
In the past, we've seen the clan hit baseballs so hard that they can play only in a thunder storm, to block out the sound. And we've watched the buttoned-up human imposters welcome Bella into their home as the human girlfriend of one of their own — the handsome Edward.
"This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness," said Peter Facinelli, who plays head vampire Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the series based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer.
What can we expect from the pale-faced Cullen family (which includes the Hale siblings) this go around? Here's what the actors say audiences can expect from the story and their characters:
Facinelli: "For me, as Carlisle, it's an exciting portion of the series. Carlisle is very compassionate and he has a lot of killing to do in this movie. I joke, after he kills the bad guys, he says he's sorry in his head. And, you know, he's calm and level-headed. He's the rock of the family. He usually has a lot of information to draw from because Alice can see into the future and Edward can read minds. In this third movie, he's not getting that information. Neither one of his sources are working, so he's kind of flying blind."
Reaser: "Esme is still a vampire. She still wants to kill people all day long. It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven't really been explored. Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.
Ashley Greene (as Alice Cullen): "Yeah, she's delicate and prissy at times, but Alice gets a little edgier with each installment. And with these vampires messing with her family and the people she loves, you're going to see a bit of her toughness. It's a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we're still vampires and we're dangerous. You're going to see the dark, dangerous side of Alice."
Kellan Lutz (as Emmett Cullen): "You're going to see a smile on Emmett's face from start to finish. He just loves to fight. And there's a lot of fighting. He sort of plays bigger in this one than the others."
Jackson Rathbone (as Jasper Hale): "You'll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family. Fans will get some of Jasper's back story in ‘Eclipse.' I got to wear the whole Civil War gear and everything. There's a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film."
Nikki Reed (as Rosalie Hale): "You see a reason for her attitude. I think fans will feel for her. There was a bit of that in ‘New Moon.' Fans got to see a bit of her sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She's a survivor. This is her family. So if protecting Bella means protecting her family, she's going to do it."
Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen): Snagging a phone interview with the brooding dreamboat — who was overseas shooting his latest film, "Bel Ami" — proved difficult. So what can we expect from the lovesick Edward? He promises to love Bella "every moment of forever," as the trailer reveals. He's still hesitant about her becoming a vampire. He's determined to protect her from Victoria. And he's vying with Jacob for her affections. Oh, the life of an antique teenage vampire.
Edward Cullen vs. Harry Potter
I met Robert Pattinson last May in Cannes. It was a top-secret kind of thing — I had to sign a paper saying I wouldn’t write a story about it until his new movie, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, opens in November — but I can reveal that the interview, which was held in the martini bar behind a beachside restaurant, was held to the background noise of a crowd of young girls who stood on the road, behind security barriers, and screamed non-stop. I don’t know how Pattinson finally got out: by sea would seem to be the only escape route. Otherwise, he may be there yet.
By contrast, Daniel Radcliffe, the star of the Harry Potter films that are competing for the same tween audience, is a less likely sex symbol: he’s short and nerdy. That’s not my judgment, it’s what Radcliffe himself said the other day. “If girls like short and nerdy, then I’m a sex symbol,” he said, adding, “Rob Pattinson is a sex symbol. He’s a genuinely sexy guy — he’s got the height.”
Pattinson, who coincidentally played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is six foot one. Radcliffe is five foot six.
Radcliffe can also get young girls to scream, but his is a more restrained hysteria. At the New York City premiere of his new movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, he walked past the adult reporters to talk to an 11-year-old girl named Danielle, who was reporting for Scholastic News, an online service for kids. Here is part of that interview, as reported in New York magazine:
Danielle: “I’ve seen the first and second movies and read the first and second book and they are so good. Especially the movies. I loved them, the movies.”
Radcliffe: “Thank you very much. You’re very, very kind. They get even better than that though, so when you get the time, or when your parents think you’re old enough, you must watch the rest. They’re very cool.”
Radcliffe’s sweet and patient answer is a telling indication of the audience for the Harry Potter films as compared with the more mature passions of the Twilight fans who find Pattinson’s Edward Cullen character too adorable for words.
However, young wizards-in-waiting do grow up to become young virgins-in-waiting, and Harry Potter himself is growing into that more adult world: the word is that the new movie is more mature and that romance is in the air. The wizard is getting older, and suddenly it’s not all quidditch and magic spells.
That crossover in audience appeal has put Harry Potter into a kind of competition with Twilight. The vampire movie has made $382 million (US), and while that is dwarfed by the Harry Potter success story — 400 million books sold, $4.5 billion at the box office — a rivalry has sprung up among fans, at least on a tsunami of fansites arguing the merits of the two franchises. (Sample debate, from If the Twilight characters and the Harry Potter characters got into a fight, who would win?)
The studios behind the series are steering clear of talk about competition, except for the fact that the Twilight films don’t open near the dates when Harry Potter movies are introduced.
Rob Friedman, head of Summit Entertainment, which produces the Twilight movies, told the Wall Street Journal, “We are very cognizant of where they are, and we’ve always been wary of being in too close proximity to Harry Potter because we know our fans cross over so much and we definitely don’t want to compete with Harry for attention.”
If Harry is still the king, Twilight is the coming thing. But not all Harry Potter fans have matured into Twilight aficionados and there are new readers all the time. An indication of Harry’s enduring popularity can be seen in an ad from Bauman Rare Books, a New York company: a 1940 first edition of Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom The Bell Tolls sells for $2,600; a signed first edition of John Le Carre’s 1963 novel The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is priced at $5,500, but an autographed first edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which was published in 1998, costs $13,500.
Harry has burrowed into the common culture in a way that Twilight has yet to accomplish. A group called The Harry Potter Alliance, which promotes social activism among Harry Potter fans, is asking moviegoers who attend the new film to wear name tags stating lessons taught by Albus Dumbledore, Harry’s mentor, and to tweet these messages to each other (a discussion of the character’s lessons can be found at
In a press release, Andrew Slack, the head of the alliance, compares Dumbledore’s messages to those of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
So far, no one has said that about Edward Cullen. He is a vampire, but Harry Potter may be the one who lives forever.
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By contrast, Daniel Radcliffe, the star of the Harry Potter films that are competing for the same tween audience, is a less likely sex symbol: he’s short and nerdy. That’s not my judgment, it’s what Radcliffe himself said the other day. “If girls like short and nerdy, then I’m a sex symbol,” he said, adding, “Rob Pattinson is a sex symbol. He’s a genuinely sexy guy — he’s got the height.”
Pattinson, who coincidentally played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is six foot one. Radcliffe is five foot six.
Radcliffe can also get young girls to scream, but his is a more restrained hysteria. At the New York City premiere of his new movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, he walked past the adult reporters to talk to an 11-year-old girl named Danielle, who was reporting for Scholastic News, an online service for kids. Here is part of that interview, as reported in New York magazine:
Danielle: “I’ve seen the first and second movies and read the first and second book and they are so good. Especially the movies. I loved them, the movies.”
Radcliffe: “Thank you very much. You’re very, very kind. They get even better than that though, so when you get the time, or when your parents think you’re old enough, you must watch the rest. They’re very cool.”
Radcliffe’s sweet and patient answer is a telling indication of the audience for the Harry Potter films as compared with the more mature passions of the Twilight fans who find Pattinson’s Edward Cullen character too adorable for words.
However, young wizards-in-waiting do grow up to become young virgins-in-waiting, and Harry Potter himself is growing into that more adult world: the word is that the new movie is more mature and that romance is in the air. The wizard is getting older, and suddenly it’s not all quidditch and magic spells.
That crossover in audience appeal has put Harry Potter into a kind of competition with Twilight. The vampire movie has made $382 million (US), and while that is dwarfed by the Harry Potter success story — 400 million books sold, $4.5 billion at the box office — a rivalry has sprung up among fans, at least on a tsunami of fansites arguing the merits of the two franchises. (Sample debate, from If the Twilight characters and the Harry Potter characters got into a fight, who would win?)
The studios behind the series are steering clear of talk about competition, except for the fact that the Twilight films don’t open near the dates when Harry Potter movies are introduced.
Rob Friedman, head of Summit Entertainment, which produces the Twilight movies, told the Wall Street Journal, “We are very cognizant of where they are, and we’ve always been wary of being in too close proximity to Harry Potter because we know our fans cross over so much and we definitely don’t want to compete with Harry for attention.”
If Harry is still the king, Twilight is the coming thing. But not all Harry Potter fans have matured into Twilight aficionados and there are new readers all the time. An indication of Harry’s enduring popularity can be seen in an ad from Bauman Rare Books, a New York company: a 1940 first edition of Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom The Bell Tolls sells for $2,600; a signed first edition of John Le Carre’s 1963 novel The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is priced at $5,500, but an autographed first edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which was published in 1998, costs $13,500.
Harry has burrowed into the common culture in a way that Twilight has yet to accomplish. A group called The Harry Potter Alliance, which promotes social activism among Harry Potter fans, is asking moviegoers who attend the new film to wear name tags stating lessons taught by Albus Dumbledore, Harry’s mentor, and to tweet these messages to each other (a discussion of the character’s lessons can be found at
In a press release, Andrew Slack, the head of the alliance, compares Dumbledore’s messages to those of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
So far, no one has said that about Edward Cullen. He is a vampire, but Harry Potter may be the one who lives forever.
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‘Eclipse’ Listed as One of Summer Movie Soundtracks To Look Forward To
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Soundtrack: As we first reported, the summer’s most-anticipated ‘track is due June 8, but already, speculation is running rampant about just who will appear on it. Will Muse make it three-for-three? Will Adam Lambert score a spot? Or will music supervisor Alexandra Patsavas opt to go the more indie route, like she did with the soundtrack to “New Moon”? With a platinum-plus pedigree behind it, all eyes (and ears) will certainly be on the “Eclipse” album to continue the trend.
Twilight Inspires The American Idol Contestants To Do Vampire Commercial VIDEO
Either someone at Fox is a Twilight fan, or the contestants are. Either way, this Ford commercial is quite cool and certainly memorable. Some of them look misplaced as dark vampires, and others, like Crystal Bowersox, look quite convincing. Everyone except Michael Lynche donned colored contacts, dark attire and fangs. Which one do you pulls off the look best?
Popsugar Playoffs Round 4: Robert Pattinson vs Penelope Cruz
Voting has moved on once again for the PopSugar Playoffs! Rob beat out his previous oponnent Justin Timberlake with 78% to Justin’s 22%. Now he has been paired up with Penelope Cruz. Make sure to vote for Rob!!!
Robert on Time’s 100 Most Influential of 2010 (By Chris Weitz)

I have to be careful about what I write here because it will be tweeted the moment TIME hits the stands. And if I say something bad about Rob Pattinson, I’m dead meat. That’s the devotion the Twilight films inspire. It’s certainly not how he planned it. And though I am continually impressed by the aplomb with which he handles the hysteria, I occasionally think he would take it all back if given the chance. Because essentially, Rob, 23, is a reserved, bookish sort of specimen, a guy who’d rather spend the night at the corner table in the pub with friends — a bit of a weirdo, frankly, in the best sense.
So how to write about someone who seems to answer Freud’s rhetorical question, What do women want? Perhaps it’s just worth pointing out that it’d be fun to have a beer with him even if he weren’t Edward Cullen. That we haven’t seen a tenth of what he can do onscreen. And that important things, beyond the veil of Hollywood, occupy his time too — music, conversation, ideas, a sense of the absurd. Which, maybe, explains why he never gets to my e-mails. I love you, Rob! Call me!
Weitz directed The Twilight Saga: New Moon
‘Remember Me’ brings more than just romance
Tyler Hawkins and Ally Craig have both lead harsh lives in the harsh world of New York City. When fate puts them together, a perfect match is created.
While a lot of the focus is on the relationship of Tyler and Ally, the plot is complicated. There are issues involving the inattentive lawyer father Charles Hawkins, played by Pierce Brosnan. Tyler’s artistic outcast 11-year-old sister Caroline, played by the adorable, wide-eyed Ruby Jerins (“Shutter Island,” “Six Degrees”), and Ally’s overprotective cop father Neil Craig, played by Chris Cooper (“The Patriot,” “The Bourne Identity”).
After seeing Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and Cedric Diggory, this role was refreshing and seemed more natural to him. Pattinson stars as Tyler Hawkins, a college student at NYU with an undecided future and a tragic past. Tyler is a smart, cocky individual who is distant with his father, rooms with his best friend Aidan Hall, played by Tate Ellington (“The Elephant King,” “Red Hook”), and adores his little sister. the role of Tyler, offers Pattinson a wider range of emotions than Edward Cullen does; shown by Pattinson’s improved acting and excellent portrayal of the character.
Emilie de Ravin is very convincing as Ally Craig, a 21-yearold student and future social worker who catches Tyler’s attention one day in class, leading to their inevitable meeting. Ally has a heartbreaking past too, causing her to relate to Tyler. She strives for independence under her father’s constant watch. De Ravin’s chemistry with Pattinson is impeccable as their characters complement each other very well.
The film also stars Lena Olin (“Chocolat”) as Tyler’s mom, Diane Hirsch, and Gregory Jbara (“Grounded for Life,” “Exit Speed”) as Tyler’s stepdad, Les Hirsch. While these two are not major roles, the stepdad rarely appearing, each hold their own and add to the realism of the film.
The script is witty and well written, and the underlying musical score is very appropriate, matching well with their respective scenes. Do not go into this movie thinking it is just going to be a love story; there is definitely a lot more going on under the trailer-displayed plot.
With director Allen Coulter (“Hollywoodland”) and writer Will Fetters, “Remember Me” is an emotionally impacting movie about love and the bond of family.Currently the movie is in theaters at Ashley Cinemas.
While a lot of the focus is on the relationship of Tyler and Ally, the plot is complicated. There are issues involving the inattentive lawyer father Charles Hawkins, played by Pierce Brosnan. Tyler’s artistic outcast 11-year-old sister Caroline, played by the adorable, wide-eyed Ruby Jerins (“Shutter Island,” “Six Degrees”), and Ally’s overprotective cop father Neil Craig, played by Chris Cooper (“The Patriot,” “The Bourne Identity”).
After seeing Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and Cedric Diggory, this role was refreshing and seemed more natural to him. Pattinson stars as Tyler Hawkins, a college student at NYU with an undecided future and a tragic past. Tyler is a smart, cocky individual who is distant with his father, rooms with his best friend Aidan Hall, played by Tate Ellington (“The Elephant King,” “Red Hook”), and adores his little sister. the role of Tyler, offers Pattinson a wider range of emotions than Edward Cullen does; shown by Pattinson’s improved acting and excellent portrayal of the character.
Emilie de Ravin is very convincing as Ally Craig, a 21-yearold student and future social worker who catches Tyler’s attention one day in class, leading to their inevitable meeting. Ally has a heartbreaking past too, causing her to relate to Tyler. She strives for independence under her father’s constant watch. De Ravin’s chemistry with Pattinson is impeccable as their characters complement each other very well.
The film also stars Lena Olin (“Chocolat”) as Tyler’s mom, Diane Hirsch, and Gregory Jbara (“Grounded for Life,” “Exit Speed”) as Tyler’s stepdad, Les Hirsch. While these two are not major roles, the stepdad rarely appearing, each hold their own and add to the realism of the film.
The script is witty and well written, and the underlying musical score is very appropriate, matching well with their respective scenes. Do not go into this movie thinking it is just going to be a love story; there is definitely a lot more going on under the trailer-displayed plot.
With director Allen Coulter (“Hollywoodland”) and writer Will Fetters, “Remember Me” is an emotionally impacting movie about love and the bond of family.Currently the movie is in theaters at Ashley Cinemas.
Meet and Greet with Peter Facinelli in Huntington, WV
Peter Facinelli will be in Huntington, West Virginia this Sunday, May 2 for a meet-and-greet. Here are the details:
WHERE: Huntington Mall gazebo
WHEN: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
TICKETS: Autographs $25, pictures are $40. Cash only. A portion of the proceeds benefits Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a pediatric cancer charity.
INFO: or 800-615-3535
Charleston's The Gazette did a 5 question Q&A with Peter discussing his upcoming projects, his relationship with the cast and working with a different director for each Twilight saga film.
Q: How is the world of vampires these days?
A: Busy. It's a good thing I have eternity.
Q: You have the third "Twilight" film, "Eclipse," coming out in June. What else are you working on?
A: I wrote a movie, and we're shooting that in July, which should finish just in time to start the third season of "Nurse Jackie" [on Showtime]. Then, hopefully, we'll find out what we're doing with "Breaking Dawn" by then.
Q: Do you have any idea when "Breaking Dawn" might start filming?
A: Nope.
Q: The "Twilight" franchise has changed directors with every film. How does that affect you as an actor?
A: I think it's more difficult for the director. They're coming in on a moving train. Everyone already has their characters created. I like working with different directors. I've done television series, like "Nurse Jackie" and "Six Feet Under," and every episode is a new director. They come in and give a new perspective on the material.
Q: After three films, has your relationship with the rest of the cast changed?
A: No. I think the only thing that has changed is more people are aware of us on the streets. When we shot "Twilight," we'd all go out to dinner, and nobody cared what we were shooting or what we were doing. Now, if we go out to dinner, we have vans of people following us, which doesn't always make for a good time. So we end up spending more of our time in our rooms, just ordering in.
WHERE: Huntington Mall gazebo
WHEN: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
TICKETS: Autographs $25, pictures are $40. Cash only. A portion of the proceeds benefits Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a pediatric cancer charity.
INFO: or 800-615-3535
Charleston's The Gazette did a 5 question Q&A with Peter discussing his upcoming projects, his relationship with the cast and working with a different director for each Twilight saga film.
Q: How is the world of vampires these days?
A: Busy. It's a good thing I have eternity.
Q: You have the third "Twilight" film, "Eclipse," coming out in June. What else are you working on?
A: I wrote a movie, and we're shooting that in July, which should finish just in time to start the third season of "Nurse Jackie" [on Showtime]. Then, hopefully, we'll find out what we're doing with "Breaking Dawn" by then.
Q: Do you have any idea when "Breaking Dawn" might start filming?
A: Nope.
Q: The "Twilight" franchise has changed directors with every film. How does that affect you as an actor?
A: I think it's more difficult for the director. They're coming in on a moving train. Everyone already has their characters created. I like working with different directors. I've done television series, like "Nurse Jackie" and "Six Feet Under," and every episode is a new director. They come in and give a new perspective on the material.
Q: After three films, has your relationship with the rest of the cast changed?
A: No. I think the only thing that has changed is more people are aware of us on the streets. When we shot "Twilight," we'd all go out to dinner, and nobody cared what we were shooting or what we were doing. Now, if we go out to dinner, we have vans of people following us, which doesn't always make for a good time. So we end up spending more of our time in our rooms, just ordering in.
Bryce Dallas Howard is Most Anticipated Summer Villain
Bryce Dallas Howard was voted the "Most Anticipated Summer Villain" folks want to see when The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits theaters June 30th.
We all know Bryce is taking on the role of "Victoria" in the third installment of the saga, replacing Rachelle Lefevre who played the character in Twilight and New Moon.
Here are the official Fandango poll results:
Most Anticipated Summer Movie Villain:
Bryce Dallas Howard (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse) 31%
Mickey Rourke (Iron Man 2) 29%
Sam Rockwell (Iron Man 2) 11%
Val Kilmer (MacGruber) 8%
Eric Roberts (The Expendables) 6%
Steve Carell (Despicable Me) 5%
Mark Strong (Robin Hood) 4%
We all know Bryce is taking on the role of "Victoria" in the third installment of the saga, replacing Rachelle Lefevre who played the character in Twilight and New Moon.
Here are the official Fandango poll results:
Most Anticipated Summer Movie Villain:
Bryce Dallas Howard (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse) 31%
Mickey Rourke (Iron Man 2) 29%
Sam Rockwell (Iron Man 2) 11%
Val Kilmer (MacGruber) 8%
Eric Roberts (The Expendables) 6%
Steve Carell (Despicable Me) 5%
Mark Strong (Robin Hood) 4%
Bill Condon Perfect for Handling Those Steamy Scenes in 'Breaking Dawn'?
"[Condon] really is good at getting in there with the sexual stuff you don't talk about, he's shown that in Gods and Monsters," Deep Twi assessed, regarding Condon's film with Brendan Fraser and Ian McKellen. Monsters essentially was about a retired gay director (McKellen) who wanted his gardener (Fraser), who didn't seem to know exactly what the hell he wanted. The ending wasn't entirely happy.
And given the progressive romantic lives (finally!) Bella and Edward have in Stephenie Meyer's fourth Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, maybe it's best to have a guy who knows how tease the PG stuff while still keeping everything tuned to the overwhelming teenage audience? Probably. Just think we all coulda used a guy who gets sex—in any kind of filmic capacity—on Twilight a whole lot sooner.
Also, our Summit insider informs us the reason they're still waiting to decide whether Breaking will be made into one or two (or three?) films is to get Condon's input.
"It only makes sense," Deep Twi added, "if we want this guy to stay with us for a while to get his input on everything."
Uh, for a while?
Yep, you heard right.
After all, vampires do live forever, do they not?
And given the progressive romantic lives (finally!) Bella and Edward have in Stephenie Meyer's fourth Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, maybe it's best to have a guy who knows how tease the PG stuff while still keeping everything tuned to the overwhelming teenage audience? Probably. Just think we all coulda used a guy who gets sex—in any kind of filmic capacity—on Twilight a whole lot sooner.
Also, our Summit insider informs us the reason they're still waiting to decide whether Breaking will be made into one or two (or three?) films is to get Condon's input.
"It only makes sense," Deep Twi added, "if we want this guy to stay with us for a while to get his input on everything."
Uh, for a while?
Yep, you heard right.
After all, vampires do live forever, do they not?
'The Runaways' Now Available For Pre-Order
Upcoming Vanity Fair Spread with the 'Eclipse' Women
Gossip Cop can confirm that there will be an upcoming major spread in Vanity Fair with Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning (Jane), Nikki Reed (Rosalie) and Elizabeth Reaser (Esme) (among others).
They were photographed this past Sunday for an issue that will come out around the time of the Eclipse release date (June 30).
The above photo is from the December 2008 issue of VF of the entire Twilight cast.
Check out the video to go back in time to that shoot...
They were photographed this past Sunday for an issue that will come out around the time of the Eclipse release date (June 30).
The above photo is from the December 2008 issue of VF of the entire Twilight cast.
Check out the video to go back in time to that shoot...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Upcoming TV Appearances in May from 'Twilight' Saga Stars
So far, we have two confirmed TV appearances of a few Twilight Saga cast members.
Thursday, May 13 Oprah dubbed May 13 the Twilight show with "all the other big Twilight stars in attendance including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning. Take note that this is also Rob's 24th birthday ;)
Wednesday, May 19 Gossip Cop has confirmed that Rob will make his third appearance on Ellen with taping taking place the previous day.
Upcoming rumored appearances: Rob on Jay Leon and Jimmy Kimmel. We'll keep you posted once official word gets out about these apperances.
via{Rob Pattz News}
Thursday, May 13 Oprah dubbed May 13 the Twilight show with "all the other big Twilight stars in attendance including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning. Take note that this is also Rob's 24th birthday ;)
Wednesday, May 19 Gossip Cop has confirmed that Rob will make his third appearance on Ellen with taping taking place the previous day.
Upcoming rumored appearances: Rob on Jay Leon and Jimmy Kimmel. We'll keep you posted once official word gets out about these apperances.
via{Rob Pattz News}
Review: “Remember Me”
“Remember Me” — that won’t be hard. This romantic tragedy has something of a sweet message buried deep underneath its cold exterior. This film leaves the viewer feeling both warm and haunted, even after having have left the theater.
The film begins with a strong act of urban violence at a subway station in 1991, where 11 year-old Ally Craig (Caitlyn Rund) witnesses her mother’s murder.
The rest of the movie is set in New York City a decade later, where the film’s protagonist, Tyler Hawkins (“Twilight’s” Robert Pattinson), lives. Tyler is a sour, rebellious young man (think Edward Cullen with a little less class) who is dealing his family’s strained relationship after his older brother’s suicide several years earlier. The viewer is led to believe this tragedy caused Tyler’s moodiness and his especially hateful attitude toward his estranged, lawyer father (Pierce Brosnan).
Fortunately, Tyler isn’t at odds with everyone in his family. He has a soft spot for his 11-year-old sister, Caroline (played by Ruby Jerins), a young misfit, but a talented artist. Tyler is known to go out of his way to lovingly protect his baby sister.
The now 21-year-old Ally (played by “Lost’s” Emilie de Ravin) is living with her police officer father (Chris Cooper) in New York as well. When Ally’s father arrests Tyler for talking back to a police officer, he begins dating her to get revenge on her dad. However, the pair end up falling in love, and their love is what helps them each heal from their own tragic pasts.
While the plot of this film is very typical, the ending certainly isn’t. It was worth paying $5 for the matinee showing just to hear the simultaneous gasps of the audience, as the movie’s plot-twist ending plays out during the last five minutes. An observant viewer will find clues to the end throughout movie.
Despite the film’s bad reviews from critics (it received a 28 percent on Rotten Tomatoes Tomato Meter at it proved to be very entertaining, and the movie surprisingly continued to stay interesting throughout its nearly two-hour runtime.
The film’s witty dialogue played a big role in contributing to its intrigue. At one point, 11 year-old Caroline tells her brother that their aunt isn’t allowed to drink at Christmas anymore, because last time she caused a “Yuletide homicide.” Snappy lines such as this appeared throughout the movie and received plenty of laughs from the audience.
The actors are the most impressive part of the movie, however. When given actual lines, (“Bella, I love you, but I’m dangerous for you,” doesn’t count) Pattinson’s acting shines. Viewers can see this guy has actual chops. Brosnan (famous for playing James Bond several years ago) plays a convincingly cold and even somewhat frightening father for Pattinson. However, the award for best actor in this film goes to Jerins for her role as the young Caroline. Jerins plays an incredibly sweet little girl, whose artistic gift is astounding. Jerins is also a convincing victim, as her character is tormented by bullies who don’t understand her talent. Her haunted face after a group of girls decide to completely cut off a section of her hair is enough to break anyone’s heart.
While actors like Pattinson are popular among the teen set, viewers should know this movie isn’t for the tween Twi-hards. This dark movie is rich with realistic violence (unlike the fantasy, stylized violence found in “Twilight”) and often proves to be quite graphic. The film arouses several touchy subjects including suicide, bullying, and parental neglect.
While this film features harsh violence and sensitive subjects, its overall message showing importance of forgiveness is apparent throughout. The movie also stresses the importance of living each day to the fullest, as Tyler states, “Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it’s very important that you do it. I tend to disagree with the first part.”
The film begins with a strong act of urban violence at a subway station in 1991, where 11 year-old Ally Craig (Caitlyn Rund) witnesses her mother’s murder.
The rest of the movie is set in New York City a decade later, where the film’s protagonist, Tyler Hawkins (“Twilight’s” Robert Pattinson), lives. Tyler is a sour, rebellious young man (think Edward Cullen with a little less class) who is dealing his family’s strained relationship after his older brother’s suicide several years earlier. The viewer is led to believe this tragedy caused Tyler’s moodiness and his especially hateful attitude toward his estranged, lawyer father (Pierce Brosnan).
Fortunately, Tyler isn’t at odds with everyone in his family. He has a soft spot for his 11-year-old sister, Caroline (played by Ruby Jerins), a young misfit, but a talented artist. Tyler is known to go out of his way to lovingly protect his baby sister.
The now 21-year-old Ally (played by “Lost’s” Emilie de Ravin) is living with her police officer father (Chris Cooper) in New York as well. When Ally’s father arrests Tyler for talking back to a police officer, he begins dating her to get revenge on her dad. However, the pair end up falling in love, and their love is what helps them each heal from their own tragic pasts.
While the plot of this film is very typical, the ending certainly isn’t. It was worth paying $5 for the matinee showing just to hear the simultaneous gasps of the audience, as the movie’s plot-twist ending plays out during the last five minutes. An observant viewer will find clues to the end throughout movie.
Despite the film’s bad reviews from critics (it received a 28 percent on Rotten Tomatoes Tomato Meter at it proved to be very entertaining, and the movie surprisingly continued to stay interesting throughout its nearly two-hour runtime.
The film’s witty dialogue played a big role in contributing to its intrigue. At one point, 11 year-old Caroline tells her brother that their aunt isn’t allowed to drink at Christmas anymore, because last time she caused a “Yuletide homicide.” Snappy lines such as this appeared throughout the movie and received plenty of laughs from the audience.
The actors are the most impressive part of the movie, however. When given actual lines, (“Bella, I love you, but I’m dangerous for you,” doesn’t count) Pattinson’s acting shines. Viewers can see this guy has actual chops. Brosnan (famous for playing James Bond several years ago) plays a convincingly cold and even somewhat frightening father for Pattinson. However, the award for best actor in this film goes to Jerins for her role as the young Caroline. Jerins plays an incredibly sweet little girl, whose artistic gift is astounding. Jerins is also a convincing victim, as her character is tormented by bullies who don’t understand her talent. Her haunted face after a group of girls decide to completely cut off a section of her hair is enough to break anyone’s heart.
While actors like Pattinson are popular among the teen set, viewers should know this movie isn’t for the tween Twi-hards. This dark movie is rich with realistic violence (unlike the fantasy, stylized violence found in “Twilight”) and often proves to be quite graphic. The film arouses several touchy subjects including suicide, bullying, and parental neglect.
While this film features harsh violence and sensitive subjects, its overall message showing importance of forgiveness is apparent throughout. The movie also stresses the importance of living each day to the fullest, as Tyler states, “Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it’s very important that you do it. I tend to disagree with the first part.”
What it means that Stephenie Meyer will serve as 'producer' on 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn'
Today's announcement that Bill Condon will direct The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn came with another in-laid piece of news: Stephenie Meyer will serve as producer on the film for the first time in her Twilight film career.
A lot of you have reached out with inquiries about what it means that she'll serve as a producer, so here's the basic gist of what a producer is, does, and how it relates to Stephenie Meyer and Breaking Dawn.
For starters, a producer, by generic definition is "the person on a movie set who makes sure everyone shows up and knows what to do when—and who knows beforehand what’s being served for lunch."
Prior Twilight Saga film producers, whose names you might recognize, include Wyck Godfrey and Karen Rosenfelt (who'll return to that position for Breaking Dawn, according to the announcement) as well as Greg Mooradian. We've also had "executive producers" (definition: "often owns the rights to a book or story idea or secures at least 25 percent of the film's budget . . . rarely have creative or technical involvement and are often caught up with several projects at once") like Marty Bowen, Michele Imperato Stabile, Guy Oseary, and Mark Morgan; "co-producers" (definition: "works under the producer and often helps with casting, financing, or postproduction") such as Jamie Marshall and Bill Bannerman; "associate producers" ("a largely honorary title") like Patrick Thomas Smith and David Roker; and "consulting producers" (definition: "generally a high-level writer who is contributing . . . but is not one of the principal forces").
You're probably thinking: there's no way Stephenie Meyer is taking a producer role to make sure the actors show up or have lunch on the table every day. No doubt you're right about that.
Instead, she's probably just working out a more hands-on role for herself in this, the fourth Twilight series film based on her books. There are likely some details or nuances about the story or filmmaking process that she'd like a heavy hand in, understandably, and working as a producer rather than simply being the source material affords her more opportunity to have a say-so in day-to-day details of filmmaking for this project.
You might remember when Robert Pattinson assumed a role on the film Remember Me as executive producer and his words as to why that happened: "I just didn’t want it to be messed around with . . . I didn’t want it to be compromised in any way . . . anything I could do to help to maintain the film . . ."
With Stephenie Meyer and Breaking Dawn, the case is probably similar. This is no cause for alarm for Twilight fans at all. In fact, for some it may be a reason to celebrate.
via {Twilight Examiner}
A lot of you have reached out with inquiries about what it means that she'll serve as a producer, so here's the basic gist of what a producer is, does, and how it relates to Stephenie Meyer and Breaking Dawn.
For starters, a producer, by generic definition is "the person on a movie set who makes sure everyone shows up and knows what to do when—and who knows beforehand what’s being served for lunch."
Prior Twilight Saga film producers, whose names you might recognize, include Wyck Godfrey and Karen Rosenfelt (who'll return to that position for Breaking Dawn, according to the announcement) as well as Greg Mooradian. We've also had "executive producers" (definition: "often owns the rights to a book or story idea or secures at least 25 percent of the film's budget . . . rarely have creative or technical involvement and are often caught up with several projects at once") like Marty Bowen, Michele Imperato Stabile, Guy Oseary, and Mark Morgan; "co-producers" (definition: "works under the producer and often helps with casting, financing, or postproduction") such as Jamie Marshall and Bill Bannerman; "associate producers" ("a largely honorary title") like Patrick Thomas Smith and David Roker; and "consulting producers" (definition: "generally a high-level writer who is contributing . . . but is not one of the principal forces").
You're probably thinking: there's no way Stephenie Meyer is taking a producer role to make sure the actors show up or have lunch on the table every day. No doubt you're right about that.
Instead, she's probably just working out a more hands-on role for herself in this, the fourth Twilight series film based on her books. There are likely some details or nuances about the story or filmmaking process that she'd like a heavy hand in, understandably, and working as a producer rather than simply being the source material affords her more opportunity to have a say-so in day-to-day details of filmmaking for this project.
You might remember when Robert Pattinson assumed a role on the film Remember Me as executive producer and his words as to why that happened: "I just didn’t want it to be messed around with . . . I didn’t want it to be compromised in any way . . . anything I could do to help to maintain the film . . ."
With Stephenie Meyer and Breaking Dawn, the case is probably similar. This is no cause for alarm for Twilight fans at all. In fact, for some it may be a reason to celebrate.
via {Twilight Examiner}
'Eclipse' News Round-up
With all the Eclipse news that has been circulating recently, Twi Examiner thought it'd be good to round-up all the news from the past few days in case you may have missed something.
So here we go...
1) Summit Entertainment is getting involved with a new marketing strategy for promotion of Eclipse.
thisMoment, a company focused on creating engaging experiences at the point where social media, mobile devices, and the real-time Web collide, today announced that Summit Entertainment is leveraging its Distributed Engagement Channel (DEC) to create an official interactive experience for Twilight fans and moviegoers online.
The new channel, which connects fans across Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, will feature exclusive interviews, real-time chat functionality across multiple web environments and live streaming video from upcoming Twilight Saga events.
This "interactive experience" was utlized during the live chat last week with Nikki Reed (Rosalie), Bryce Dallas Howard (Victoria) and Julia Jones (Leah) after the premiere of the final Eclipse trailer online.
2) We have updated our international Eclipse release dates list
Please take note that we are continually updating the list. Also, if you don't see your country listed that just means we don't know your release date so if you do, please email us or tweet us.
3) Eclipse trailer mash-up
For your convenience and an extra kick in the Eclipse trailer, there is now a mash-up of the two trailers that were released.
And the music used in the trailer was identified as "Two Steps from Hell" by Underworld.
4) HitFix puts Eclipse at #3 on their "Ten Biggest Summer Movies of 2010" list and estimates Eclipse will take in $330 million.
They guarantee $300 million and wonder if Twilight are just as excited for the third installment as they were the first two.
So here we go...
1) Summit Entertainment is getting involved with a new marketing strategy for promotion of Eclipse.
thisMoment, a company focused on creating engaging experiences at the point where social media, mobile devices, and the real-time Web collide, today announced that Summit Entertainment is leveraging its Distributed Engagement Channel (DEC) to create an official interactive experience for Twilight fans and moviegoers online.
The new channel, which connects fans across Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, will feature exclusive interviews, real-time chat functionality across multiple web environments and live streaming video from upcoming Twilight Saga events.
This "interactive experience" was utlized during the live chat last week with Nikki Reed (Rosalie), Bryce Dallas Howard (Victoria) and Julia Jones (Leah) after the premiere of the final Eclipse trailer online.
2) We have updated our international Eclipse release dates list
Please take note that we are continually updating the list. Also, if you don't see your country listed that just means we don't know your release date so if you do, please email us or tweet us.
3) Eclipse trailer mash-up
For your convenience and an extra kick in the Eclipse trailer, there is now a mash-up of the two trailers that were released.
And the music used in the trailer was identified as "Two Steps from Hell" by Underworld.
4) HitFix puts Eclipse at #3 on their "Ten Biggest Summer Movies of 2010" list and estimates Eclipse will take in $330 million.
They guarantee $300 million and wonder if Twilight are just as excited for the third installment as they were the first two.
Twilight series goes beyond a basic, teenage love story
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.”
Twilight’s most-quoted line is almost more recognizable than Dickens’s, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
The Twilight series portrays frail but headstrong (albeit socially stupid) Bella Swan and her sparkly vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen.
Such a plot has made many girls, and possibly a few guys, swoon and hit the floor.
Ginger Buchanan is one of them. After reviving, the 19-year-old UNC Asheville student said, “I love Twilight. It’s entertaining because it doesn’t have to be.”
The history, psychology and education student said the best part about it is the characters’ relationships.
“They’re so good to read and they give you completely unrealistic ideas about life. It’s great,” the Hayesville native said.
Although scarily true for some over-obsessed individuals, the stories can rejuvenate long-dormant feelings of optimism in a dismal and pathetic young-adult world.
With mundane assignments and bizarre friends, anybody feeling the least bit socially ostracized may find comfort in these tweeny books.
Almost better than chocolate, and that is a very heavy almost, they do not even have calories.
But the books provide more than just comfort. They are entertaining, in the sense that maybe it is possible for the unknown to exist in the neighborhood.
It captures the world in an entirely new perspective, and allows readers to interpret different scenarios with new imagination.
Good vampires, protecting the townspeople, makes a human-interest story at its very best, complete with love triangles, coming-of-age story and family drama.
Buchanan votes Team Edward in the books.
Although a gentleman with romantic ideals, Edward Cullen is not perfect. It is justifiable to resist the idea of a boy scaling the window and watching you sleep.
On the other hand, does anybody Facebook creep? How about do a drive-by and attempt to run into someone?
When it comes to love, nobody does the right thing.
However, the intentions are good and that is where the fascination is.
There is just something so appealing about an imperfect romance.
Read the Rest HERE
Twilight’s most-quoted line is almost more recognizable than Dickens’s, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
The Twilight series portrays frail but headstrong (albeit socially stupid) Bella Swan and her sparkly vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen.
Such a plot has made many girls, and possibly a few guys, swoon and hit the floor.
Ginger Buchanan is one of them. After reviving, the 19-year-old UNC Asheville student said, “I love Twilight. It’s entertaining because it doesn’t have to be.”
The history, psychology and education student said the best part about it is the characters’ relationships.
“They’re so good to read and they give you completely unrealistic ideas about life. It’s great,” the Hayesville native said.
Although scarily true for some over-obsessed individuals, the stories can rejuvenate long-dormant feelings of optimism in a dismal and pathetic young-adult world.
With mundane assignments and bizarre friends, anybody feeling the least bit socially ostracized may find comfort in these tweeny books.
Almost better than chocolate, and that is a very heavy almost, they do not even have calories.
But the books provide more than just comfort. They are entertaining, in the sense that maybe it is possible for the unknown to exist in the neighborhood.
It captures the world in an entirely new perspective, and allows readers to interpret different scenarios with new imagination.
Good vampires, protecting the townspeople, makes a human-interest story at its very best, complete with love triangles, coming-of-age story and family drama.
Buchanan votes Team Edward in the books.
Although a gentleman with romantic ideals, Edward Cullen is not perfect. It is justifiable to resist the idea of a boy scaling the window and watching you sleep.
On the other hand, does anybody Facebook creep? How about do a drive-by and attempt to run into someone?
When it comes to love, nobody does the right thing.
However, the intentions are good and that is where the fascination is.
There is just something so appealing about an imperfect romance.
Read the Rest HERE
LA Times: What kind of ‘Breaking Dawn’ will Bill Condon make?
Summit confirmed this morning that, as the rumor mill in Hollywood has been churning for weeks, “Dreamgirls” director Bill Condon will come on to direct the fourth installment in the “Twilight” franchise, no doubt prompting an unlikely spike in “Gods & Monsters” DVD sales among teenage girls. (Condon’s name was first reported as a “Breaking Dawn” candidate back in March by Entertainment Weekly.)
Condon has generally been thought of as the more logical choice, at least compared to some of the other directors under consideration, like Sofia Coppola and Stephen Daldry.
In making the choice, Summit, which has gone for a different type of director for each film in the franchise, clearly wanted someone with more Oscar chops (Condon’s won one and been nominated for a second). That’s both because the “Breaking Dawn” material is a little more complicated than the previous books and because with the franchise already an unstoppable juggernaut, they can afford to take a risk, at least a small one.
So what kind of teen-vampire fable will the man responsible for “Dreamgirls,” “Gods & Monsters” and “Kinsey” make? None of his previous directing credits are obvious analogues to this movie (though the initial frenzy over him as a candidate was a little baffling; good filmmakers reinvent themselves all the time. And it’s nothing compared to Rob Marshall, another man known for musicals, taking on “Pirates of the Caribbean 4″).
Each of Condon’s directorial films (he also wrote “Chicago,” but we’ll leave that one out) contains a strand that can be put front and center in “Breaking Dawn” if the director chose (some spoilers ahead if you’re not familiar with the novel).
“Dreamgirls,” for all its pomp, centers on the larger world persecuting an anointed one, a neat parallel to the ordeal faced by Bella’s child. It also tells a sprawling story from several perspectives, as the “Breaking Dawn” novel does.
“Monsters,” which tells of the personal and creative trouble of “Bride of Frankenstein” director James Whale, could come in handy if Condon wanted to explore the demons that come from within, a plight particularly faced by Bella throughout the series.
And a “Kinsey” influence would mean the foregrounding of a misunderstood but right-minded outsider, which kind of describes all three main protagonists in the series but especially, in this book, describes Jacob, who breaks away from his family over their murderous intentions for Bella’s child.
As a rule, Condon has been preoccupied with the underdog in his movies, though one who ultimately triumphs and finds vindication, which fits nicely with the themes of “Twilight.”
Still, plenty of other questions will arise as production moves forward — namely, whether the film will shoot in 3-D, how the likely second film that will come from the “Breaking Dawn” novel will be developed, and how the timing of this one will unfold, with Summit eager to keep the momentum going but Condon, like most Oscar winners, accustomed to working at a slower pace.
In “Gods & Monsters,” Condon depicted a filmmaker beset by troubles as he tried to make an expectation-laden tale of the supernatural. Here’s hoping life doesn’t imitate art.
Condon has generally been thought of as the more logical choice, at least compared to some of the other directors under consideration, like Sofia Coppola and Stephen Daldry.
In making the choice, Summit, which has gone for a different type of director for each film in the franchise, clearly wanted someone with more Oscar chops (Condon’s won one and been nominated for a second). That’s both because the “Breaking Dawn” material is a little more complicated than the previous books and because with the franchise already an unstoppable juggernaut, they can afford to take a risk, at least a small one.
So what kind of teen-vampire fable will the man responsible for “Dreamgirls,” “Gods & Monsters” and “Kinsey” make? None of his previous directing credits are obvious analogues to this movie (though the initial frenzy over him as a candidate was a little baffling; good filmmakers reinvent themselves all the time. And it’s nothing compared to Rob Marshall, another man known for musicals, taking on “Pirates of the Caribbean 4″).
Each of Condon’s directorial films (he also wrote “Chicago,” but we’ll leave that one out) contains a strand that can be put front and center in “Breaking Dawn” if the director chose (some spoilers ahead if you’re not familiar with the novel).
“Dreamgirls,” for all its pomp, centers on the larger world persecuting an anointed one, a neat parallel to the ordeal faced by Bella’s child. It also tells a sprawling story from several perspectives, as the “Breaking Dawn” novel does.
“Monsters,” which tells of the personal and creative trouble of “Bride of Frankenstein” director James Whale, could come in handy if Condon wanted to explore the demons that come from within, a plight particularly faced by Bella throughout the series.
And a “Kinsey” influence would mean the foregrounding of a misunderstood but right-minded outsider, which kind of describes all three main protagonists in the series but especially, in this book, describes Jacob, who breaks away from his family over their murderous intentions for Bella’s child.
As a rule, Condon has been preoccupied with the underdog in his movies, though one who ultimately triumphs and finds vindication, which fits nicely with the themes of “Twilight.”
Still, plenty of other questions will arise as production moves forward — namely, whether the film will shoot in 3-D, how the likely second film that will come from the “Breaking Dawn” novel will be developed, and how the timing of this one will unfold, with Summit eager to keep the momentum going but Condon, like most Oscar winners, accustomed to working at a slower pace.
In “Gods & Monsters,” Condon depicted a filmmaker beset by troubles as he tried to make an expectation-laden tale of the supernatural. Here’s hoping life doesn’t imitate art.
Robert Pattinson Set for Third “Ellen” Appearance
Robert Pattinson is set to take another bite out of daytime.
The Eclipse vampire will join Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show in an episode airing Wednesday, May 19, Gossip Cop can confirm. It will be taped the previous day.
It isn’t the first “Ellen” engagement for Pattinson. The star appeared on the program back in November while promoting New Moon. That was the interview in which he described a woman in a public crowd getting naked to get his attention.
Gossip Cop will have more scoops as the June 30 Eclipse release nears.
The Eclipse vampire will join Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show in an episode airing Wednesday, May 19, Gossip Cop can confirm. It will be taped the previous day.
It isn’t the first “Ellen” engagement for Pattinson. The star appeared on the program back in November while promoting New Moon. That was the interview in which he described a woman in a public crowd getting naked to get his attention.
Gossip Cop will have more scoops as the June 30 Eclipse release nears.
Condon Strong Choice to Direct Twilight: Breaking Dawn (Stephenie Meyer Producing)
Finally, Summit Entertainment is confirming what we already had heard: that Dreamgirls director and last year’s Oscar co-producer Bill Condon will direct the fourth film in the series, Breaking Dawn. This is by far the trickiest of the four Stephenie Meyer novels, and the film world has been watching with bated breath for any news, posting stories on directors who were under consideration, much less hired. Bad buzz has been swirling around the third film Twilight: Eclipse, directed by David Slade, who lost his editor and had to do reshoots. That film will open June 30. The series has grossed $1.1 billion worldwide to date, so Summit does not want to lose momentum.
Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg is returning, along with the Twilight star trio Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, and Stephenie Meyer are producing.
Condon is also a top screenwriter; he was nominated for writing the Oscar-winning Chicago and won the Oscar for adapted screenplay for Gods and Monsters. I’m also a fan of his under-appreciated biopic Kinsey. The question might be, what’s in it for Condon? Besides a good payday, every director can use a hit. Lately Condon has been turning. like many smart adults in town, to cable. He directed the pilot episode for the Showtime series The Big C and is developing Tilda, series inspired by Hollywood blogger Nikki Finke, set to star Diane Keaton.
Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg is returning, along with the Twilight star trio Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, and Stephenie Meyer are producing.
Condon is also a top screenwriter; he was nominated for writing the Oscar-winning Chicago and won the Oscar for adapted screenplay for Gods and Monsters. I’m also a fan of his under-appreciated biopic Kinsey. The question might be, what’s in it for Condon? Besides a good payday, every director can use a hit. Lately Condon has been turning. like many smart adults in town, to cable. He directed the pilot episode for the Showtime series The Big C and is developing Tilda, series inspired by Hollywood blogger Nikki Finke, set to star Diane Keaton.
Has ‘Twilight’ marketing gone too far? Commitment ring raises eyebrows
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart really do get engaged, at least in the upcoming “Twilight” sequel “Eclipse.” Edward gives Bella a diamond engagement ring, and it’s now being mass-produced for sale to Twilight fans.
Since most tween and teen Twilight fans are unlikely to be getting enagaged anytime soon, the jewelry, co-designed by Twilight author Stephenie Meyers, is being sold as a “commitment ring.”
Meyers was raised as a Mormon and abstaining from pre-marital sex is one of the themes of the Twilight book series.
Commitment rings, however, have been criticized by some child welfare advocates because they can be used as an excuse by teens to have sex. Commitment rings are also popular among gays and lesbians (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
Nonetheless, the Twilight marketing machine grinds on.
Meyer co-designed the ring with jewelers at the Infinite Jewelry Co.. It will be available in 14 karat white or yellow gold for $1,979.
For those who are slightly, shall we say, less committed another version will sell for $40. A third mid-priced version sells for $479.
Infinite Jewelry posted this description on its web site: “Experience your romance with Edward Cullen in a whole new way when you slip on Bella’s Engagement Ring! You’ll love showing off the radiant stones in this elegant, domed-oval, gold ring. In true Victorian-era design.”
The diamond-encrusted oval ring features a 19th Century Victorian-era design. Edward is over 100 years old don’tcha’ know.
The ring was featured in the second “Eclipse” trailer.
Rob recently put to rest rumors that he is engaged in real life to Kristen, despite rampant rumors to the contrary.
“This engagement thing is total bulls**t, I don’t even know where it comes from.”
“Kristen is my friend. I really like to work with her. She’s more mature than her age, a real professional. I couldn’t wish a better partner, because she makes my every move, every sentence authentic.”
In case commitment rings aren’t your style, Twilight inspired watches and necklaces are also available.
Since most tween and teen Twilight fans are unlikely to be getting enagaged anytime soon, the jewelry, co-designed by Twilight author Stephenie Meyers, is being sold as a “commitment ring.”
Meyers was raised as a Mormon and abstaining from pre-marital sex is one of the themes of the Twilight book series.
Commitment rings, however, have been criticized by some child welfare advocates because they can be used as an excuse by teens to have sex. Commitment rings are also popular among gays and lesbians (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
Nonetheless, the Twilight marketing machine grinds on.
Meyer co-designed the ring with jewelers at the Infinite Jewelry Co.. It will be available in 14 karat white or yellow gold for $1,979.
For those who are slightly, shall we say, less committed another version will sell for $40. A third mid-priced version sells for $479.
Infinite Jewelry posted this description on its web site: “Experience your romance with Edward Cullen in a whole new way when you slip on Bella’s Engagement Ring! You’ll love showing off the radiant stones in this elegant, domed-oval, gold ring. In true Victorian-era design.”
The diamond-encrusted oval ring features a 19th Century Victorian-era design. Edward is over 100 years old don’tcha’ know.
The ring was featured in the second “Eclipse” trailer.
Rob recently put to rest rumors that he is engaged in real life to Kristen, despite rampant rumors to the contrary.
“This engagement thing is total bulls**t, I don’t even know where it comes from.”
“Kristen is my friend. I really like to work with her. She’s more mature than her age, a real professional. I couldn’t wish a better partner, because she makes my every move, every sentence authentic.”
In case commitment rings aren’t your style, Twilight inspired watches and necklaces are also available.
Confirmed: Oscar-winner Bill Condon directing “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn”
The first part is from HitFix.
Official SUmmit Press Release is after the article.
As reported earlier, Summit Entertainment has found its next “Twilight” filmmaker and now formally locked up Oscar-winner Bill Condon to direct “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.” While none of the stars have signed deals yet, the entire cast including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are expected to return. This is possibly one reason the studio has not confirmed whether, as rumored, there will be one or two “Breaking Dawn” films.
“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring the climax of this saga to life on-screen. As fans of the series know, this is a one-of-a-kind book – and we’re hoping to create an equally unique cinematic experience,” said Bill Condon.
The fourth book in Stephenie Meyer’s popular series chronicles Bella’s most advanced initiation into the vampire world to date, but is also seen by many as the most difficult to adapt of all the best-selling novels. Melissa Rosenberg, who adapted the first two novels, would continue in that role for “Dawn.” Stephenie Meyer has already met with Condon to discuss the project. She noted in the release, “I’m so thrilled that Bill wants to work with us. I think he’s going to be a great fit, and I’m excited to see what he does with the material.”
Erik Feig, President of Production and Acquisitions, for Summit Entertainment added, “Bringing Stephenie Meyer’s BREAKING DAWN to the screen requires a graceful and intelligent hand and we believe Bill Condon is exactly the right steward, having shown equal and abundant talents of immense creativity and subtle sensitivity.”
Condon is best known for directing and adapting the box office and critical hit “Dreamgirls” which was nominated for eight Academy Awards and won two including Best Supporting Actress for star Jennifer Hudson. The film also won the Golden Globe for Best Picture – Musical or Comedy and grossed $103 million at the U.S. box office. The filmmaker won his own Oscar in 1998 for Best Adapted Screenplay for “Gods and Monsters.” He was subsequently nominated again in the same category for “Chicago.” Condon also received a prestigious Director’s Guild of America Best Director nod for “Dreamgirls.” More impressive, besides Hudson’s breakthrough, he’s shepherded Oscar nominations for Ian McKellen (“Gods and Monsters”), Lynn Redgrave (“Gods and Monsters”) and Laura Linney (“Kinsey”). And for those concerned about Condon’s genre credentials, he’s more than happy to discuss directing 1995’s “Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh” to anyone who will ask. Most recently, Condon teamed up with producer Larry Mark to produce the 81st Academy Awards with host Hugh Jackman. That show received strong critical notices and was nominated for more Emmy Awards than any Oscar broadcast in history.
Upcoming projects for Condon include the potential HBO series “Tilda” starring Diane Keaton and inspired by notorious online entertainment blogger Nikki Finke. Condon will shoot the pilot for “Tilda” before “Breaking Dawn” begins prep early this summer. The fate of the long in the works “Richard Pryor” biopic and the recently announced drama “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” is still unclear.
Catherine Hardwicke directed the first “Twilight” which was a surprise blockbuster grossing $384 million worldwide. The follow up, last fall’s “New Moon” was shepherded by fan favorite Chris Weitz and made an eye-popping $707 million worldwide. The third chapter, “Eclipse,” will hit theaters on June 30 under David Slade’s direction.
Production is expected to begin early this fall.
Official press release from Summit
Los Angeles, CA April 28, 2010 – Summit Entertainment has confirmed that Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg, and will star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, and Stephenie Meyer will produce the project.
“Bringing Stephenie Meyer’s BREAKING DAWN to the screen requires a graceful and intelligent hand and we believe Bill Condon is exactly the right steward, having shown equal and abundant talents of immense creativity and subtle sensitivity,” said Erik Feig, President of Production and Acquisitions, for Summit Entertainment.
Added author Stephenie Meyer, “I’m so thrilled that Bill wants to work with us. I think he’s going to be a great fit, and I’m excited to see what he does with the material.”
“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring the climax of this saga to life on-screen. As fans of the series know, this is a one-of-a-kind book – and we’re hoping to create an equally unique cinematic experience,” said Bill Condon.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.
Condon is well known for writing and directing DREAMGIRLS, KINSEY, and GODS AND MONSTERS, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay in 1999. He was nominated for a second Oscar for his screenplay for the movie musical CHICAGO in 2003. Most recently the multi-hyphenate directed the pilot episode for the Showtime series “The Big C” and produced the 81st Annual Academy Awards telecast, hosted by Hugh Jackman.
The third film in the franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is due in theaters on June 30, 2010.
Condon is represented by WME and Anonymous Content.
About the TWILIGHT film series
The TWILIGHT film series stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward Cullen, a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together…even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. The action-packed, modern day vampire love story TWILIGHT, the first film in the series, was released in theatres on November 21, 2008 to a blockbuster reception. The second installment of the film franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON was released November 20, 2009. The franchise has grossed over $1.1 billion in worldwide box office ticket sales to date.
About Summit Entertainment, LLC
Summit Entertainment, LLC is a worldwide theatrical motion picture development, financing, production and distribution studio. The studio handles all aspects of marketing and distribution for both its own internally developed motion pictures as well as acquired pictures. Summit Entertainment, LLC also represents international sales for both its own slate and third party product. Summit Entertainment, LLC releases on average 10 to 12 films annually.
Official SUmmit Press Release is after the article.
As reported earlier, Summit Entertainment has found its next “Twilight” filmmaker and now formally locked up Oscar-winner Bill Condon to direct “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.” While none of the stars have signed deals yet, the entire cast including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are expected to return. This is possibly one reason the studio has not confirmed whether, as rumored, there will be one or two “Breaking Dawn” films.
“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring the climax of this saga to life on-screen. As fans of the series know, this is a one-of-a-kind book – and we’re hoping to create an equally unique cinematic experience,” said Bill Condon.
The fourth book in Stephenie Meyer’s popular series chronicles Bella’s most advanced initiation into the vampire world to date, but is also seen by many as the most difficult to adapt of all the best-selling novels. Melissa Rosenberg, who adapted the first two novels, would continue in that role for “Dawn.” Stephenie Meyer has already met with Condon to discuss the project. She noted in the release, “I’m so thrilled that Bill wants to work with us. I think he’s going to be a great fit, and I’m excited to see what he does with the material.”
Erik Feig, President of Production and Acquisitions, for Summit Entertainment added, “Bringing Stephenie Meyer’s BREAKING DAWN to the screen requires a graceful and intelligent hand and we believe Bill Condon is exactly the right steward, having shown equal and abundant talents of immense creativity and subtle sensitivity.”
Condon is best known for directing and adapting the box office and critical hit “Dreamgirls” which was nominated for eight Academy Awards and won two including Best Supporting Actress for star Jennifer Hudson. The film also won the Golden Globe for Best Picture – Musical or Comedy and grossed $103 million at the U.S. box office. The filmmaker won his own Oscar in 1998 for Best Adapted Screenplay for “Gods and Monsters.” He was subsequently nominated again in the same category for “Chicago.” Condon also received a prestigious Director’s Guild of America Best Director nod for “Dreamgirls.” More impressive, besides Hudson’s breakthrough, he’s shepherded Oscar nominations for Ian McKellen (“Gods and Monsters”), Lynn Redgrave (“Gods and Monsters”) and Laura Linney (“Kinsey”). And for those concerned about Condon’s genre credentials, he’s more than happy to discuss directing 1995’s “Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh” to anyone who will ask. Most recently, Condon teamed up with producer Larry Mark to produce the 81st Academy Awards with host Hugh Jackman. That show received strong critical notices and was nominated for more Emmy Awards than any Oscar broadcast in history.
Upcoming projects for Condon include the potential HBO series “Tilda” starring Diane Keaton and inspired by notorious online entertainment blogger Nikki Finke. Condon will shoot the pilot for “Tilda” before “Breaking Dawn” begins prep early this summer. The fate of the long in the works “Richard Pryor” biopic and the recently announced drama “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” is still unclear.
Catherine Hardwicke directed the first “Twilight” which was a surprise blockbuster grossing $384 million worldwide. The follow up, last fall’s “New Moon” was shepherded by fan favorite Chris Weitz and made an eye-popping $707 million worldwide. The third chapter, “Eclipse,” will hit theaters on June 30 under David Slade’s direction.
Production is expected to begin early this fall.
Official press release from Summit
Los Angeles, CA April 28, 2010 – Summit Entertainment has confirmed that Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg, and will star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, and Stephenie Meyer will produce the project.
“Bringing Stephenie Meyer’s BREAKING DAWN to the screen requires a graceful and intelligent hand and we believe Bill Condon is exactly the right steward, having shown equal and abundant talents of immense creativity and subtle sensitivity,” said Erik Feig, President of Production and Acquisitions, for Summit Entertainment.
Added author Stephenie Meyer, “I’m so thrilled that Bill wants to work with us. I think he’s going to be a great fit, and I’m excited to see what he does with the material.”
“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring the climax of this saga to life on-screen. As fans of the series know, this is a one-of-a-kind book – and we’re hoping to create an equally unique cinematic experience,” said Bill Condon.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.
Condon is well known for writing and directing DREAMGIRLS, KINSEY, and GODS AND MONSTERS, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay in 1999. He was nominated for a second Oscar for his screenplay for the movie musical CHICAGO in 2003. Most recently the multi-hyphenate directed the pilot episode for the Showtime series “The Big C” and produced the 81st Annual Academy Awards telecast, hosted by Hugh Jackman.
The third film in the franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is due in theaters on June 30, 2010.
Condon is represented by WME and Anonymous Content.
About the TWILIGHT film series
The TWILIGHT film series stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward Cullen, a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together…even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. The action-packed, modern day vampire love story TWILIGHT, the first film in the series, was released in theatres on November 21, 2008 to a blockbuster reception. The second installment of the film franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON was released November 20, 2009. The franchise has grossed over $1.1 billion in worldwide box office ticket sales to date.
About Summit Entertainment, LLC
Summit Entertainment, LLC is a worldwide theatrical motion picture development, financing, production and distribution studio. The studio handles all aspects of marketing and distribution for both its own internally developed motion pictures as well as acquired pictures. Summit Entertainment, LLC also represents international sales for both its own slate and third party product. Summit Entertainment, LLC releases on average 10 to 12 films annually.
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