Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Producer Nick Osborne talks about “Remember Me” as 9/11 Approaches

As the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks approaches, television will commemorate the day with specials and documentaries. But at the nation’s cineplexes, there is considerably less ceremony.
“People are going to movies to be entertained, more and more,” Jason Kliot states. “They can watch 9/11 programs at home on TV or their computer. But they are looking for the spectacular after paying the high price for movies, the popcorn, the babysitter. They want to feel good.”
Films such as Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center (2006) and Paul Greengrass’ critically lauded United 93 (2006) found respectable audiences while fending off criticism when sensitivities were still high. The criticism even stung films with a tangential relationship to the attack, such as 2010′s Remember Me. The Robert Pattinson drama featured a 9/11 surprise ending, which took a “drubbing” says producer Nick Osborne.
“Everyone was, to a certain extent, terrified of doing it,” Osborne says. “It’s such a sensitive topic. But it was the right ending.” To read the full article click here

Via Spunk-Ransom, Source

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