Thursday, November 3, 2011

Breaking Dawn Press Conference


Hypable Bill Condon
Question: When did the cast give you enlightenment? And what about having Meyer there?
Bill: the first people who arrived were Rob, Kristen, and Taylor. We just sat in a room talking about every page through the script. They showed a tremendous amount - when an actor embodies a role you'll know it more than they ever will.
Bill: I met with Rob a couple months before we started. We were just having a general talk about Twilight. He mentioned something I ahdn't known before. He'd been a playing a men who was full of regret and who was self loathing. Because of an episode where he broke away from the Cullen family (the early 30s in Chicago) where he'd explore what it'd be like to kill human beings.
Rob thought it was a killed that played on Edward, but it was never played in the movies. There was Midnight Sun where it's really explored. SO we had a conversation about that, I worked with Melissa, and we put it into the beginning of the movie. We understood where Edward was coming from. So things like that, so much comes out of those types of meetings.

Question: Was the chemistry something you felt when you met them?

Bill: We started filming in Brazil. They were staying on the beach, annd then downstairs there people all the time and they couldn't leave their room. It amazed me how gracious they were all the time. I kind of understood it was part of the interest. Generally, one thing that's so exciting is.. you work on every decision and it's going to be studied and reacted to by a large group of people.
Bill: We haven't seen a screening with big crowds of people, except for last night. Rob and Kristen are so relaxed in the acting - it's something they don't even have to act.

Question: I think it's great how tune you are with all of the fans. This is for them. We heard it was originally rated R?
Bill: It wasn't really rated R. They didn't rate it. They told us we weren't hitting PG 13 yet. It's a very clinical thing. They have very specific guidelines for ratings. Because it's so subjective they have very specific guidelines. I had to be critical but.. thrusting, intercourse. There was never explicit. It's not very different from what you see. Any movement was what was considered not appropriate. Because of the popularity of Twilight it had a bigger focus.
Question: Rob jokingly blamed Kristen.
Bill: Well, Rob's right. (laughter)

Question: Talk about shooting in Brazil.
Bill: We started on the honeymoon in Brazil. I found it great. The crew was great, we had some weather problems.. got rained in and had to sleep in bathtubs in the honeymoon house. But everythign about it was magical. We were five hours outside of Rio, and we had to write a boat into the set every day.

Question: Can you talk about the last day of shooting?
Bill: That was the almost last day. The last day was the middle of April and it snowed. It was hard to shoot in Vancouver. There were two big moments. One was the dance between Kristen and Taylor, and Rob stayed for the whole thing. It ended at dawn.
Bill: Everyone got emotional and Kristen cut it with a joke. Because the last take.. high shot.. I call cut.. she starts running in the wedding dress and starts yelling "Jacob come back come back I've made a mistake!" (laughter) it was great.
And then that whole moment when Alice and Jasper were dancing. But EVERYONE was there. We called cut and everyone hugged each other. It was great.

Via @katespencer
Bill Condon: talking about Rob's decision to play up Edward's self-loathing and how they added that into #BreakingDawn
Bill Condon: Rob and Kristen couldn't leave "their room" in Brazil bc of fan frenzy. Their chemistry is "crazy" #BreakingDawn
Bill Condon addressing the issue of "thrusting" and jokes Kristen got "very into it" #BreakingDawn
Bill Condon on Kristen/Taylor dance shoot: "Rob stayed for the whole thing" #BreakingDawn

Via @taryder
Bill Condon talking about when he first met Rob he brought to light Edward's self-loathing gave Bill idea to show where that came from in BD
Bill talking rob and Kristen chemistry, says they are so gracious
"it's crazy how close they are, it's wonderful" - bill on rob and Kristen. Says its wonderful because "they didn't have to act"
I asked bill about R rated sex scene and if Kristen was really to blame: "I think that's true she was very into it" he laughed

Producer Wyck Godfrey, Stephenie Meyer, Melissa Rosenberg Hypable

Question: What did you think of the birth scene, Stephenie?
Stephenie: I really liked it. It was something.. in the beginning when we developed the story, we weren't sure if it'd be enough. The birth scene, we thought it would be a lot.. some people werent sure if it'd be climatic enough. With the birth scene you could tell it was so emotional. It was.. Edward is losing Bella, and Rob's performance was so heartbreaking that I'm going to admit I teared up. Yes, there were tears because you looked at the idea of losing the thing most important to you.
Bill has such a gift for that

Via @katespencer
Steph: Rob's performance in the birth scene is "heartbreaking." Made her cry! #BreakingDawn

from Elizabeth, Nikki, Peter, Jackson: Rob and Kristen Mentions
Question: How do you feel that Kristen and Rob deal with the media scrutiny? How do you think they deal with it? Do you admire it?
Peter: I've been impressed. People ask if I give them advice, and I don't because you have to go through it your own way. I don't think they've changed who they are, they just have more people surrounding them. They haven't changed and that's nice to see.
Elizabeth: I agree. They had unusual challenges and I don't think I could offer any advice. It's really exciting that they've forgotten to play these roles, and carried us along with them.

Question: What props did you take or borrow from set?
Peter: I tried to take Carlisle's ring. I said it wouldn't come off my finger. And they tracked me down. They wanted to take a mold of it and sell it to the fans, I think. On the fourth one I asked to have one and I think i have one of the originals.
Jackson: I bought one of the Carlisle rings as soon as they came out (laughter)
Nikki: I'm a huge rule follower. So i was afraid of taking something and getting in trouble. They always find out. Kristen stole my sneakers in the baseball scene in the first movie. She came over to my house and said "hey they have two of these, you can have one." They have all the mud on them so I never used 'em.

Taylor's Q and A
Question: Was it upsetting that Edward gets the hot vampire bride and you get a baby? (Laughter)
Taylor: I know! When I was reading the books I was worried. I was like "wait, he's trying to get Bella the whole time and he strikes out so he goes with her child?!" You have to tread lightly. It's not romantic at all. Bill did an incredible job filming it carefully.

Question: What's been your craziest fan encounter? And what's happening next?
Taylor: That's so tough to choose one. I don't like using the word crazy. I like the word passionate. Kristen and I had a very interesting Brazil experience. It was out of control but amazing and there was a lot of passion. I've had a few girls - a tattoo, a picture of you, or a signature on their arm. That blows my mind. Something new happens every single day. You'd think we'd all get used to it and expect it but every time something happens we're like "are you kidding me?" We wouldn't be here promoting a movie if it weren't for the passion.

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