Monday, January 9, 2012

Exclusive Interview with Rob's stunt double in "Bel Ami"

How did you become the double of Rob in Bel Ami?
In 2010 I was the Hungarian X-Factor promo's face and they observed me and called the Bel Ami's casting. I tried and I got the role. Then they asked me that if I wanted to be Robert's double, and I said: Of course:)

How was this experience? Did you enjoy it?
It was amazing! To play whit such a great actors! Robert and me act in a scene together! He is a very good actor, and very kind!

Can you tell us a funny story about Rob?
Actually I don't remember! Once, I asked him if he knows Natalie Portman, and they are in good friendship. But he just laughed on this...

What is your favorite movies played by Robert Pattinson? And Why?
I love Little Ashes! My favourite painter is Dali, and Robert was a Great Dali!

Could you describe us your relationship with the fans on set?
No! there was very exacting safety-rules

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