Monday, January 9, 2012

Five ‘Down-to-Earth’ Celebrity Couples (Robsten Featured)

It’s hard to deny how infatuated our society is with the lives of our favorite celebrities and their relationships. We sit with our friends and gossip about each of them on a first name basis as though they’re our best buds. We fawn over their fame, fortune and good looks. But it’s the rich and famous stars who handle their popularity with a dose of humility that give us a real reason to love them. Having it all and making top headlines in the media is one thing, but the way they act off screen or outside of the studio is what really exemplifies who they are as people. So, let’s put aside the celebs with an attitude and stuck up demeanor, and give credit to the ones who have their feet planted right here on Earth.

2. Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. Despite all their vampire fame, this duo has yet to sink their teeth into the unfortunate attitudes that Hollywood is known to bring out. Staying true to themselves and their values, Stewart and Pattinson just want to be treated like everyone else. Even after bringing in the big bucks, we see no change in what they choose to wear on the red carpet, and they always show genuine appreciation towards their fans.

Via Spunk-Ransom

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