As someone wise once said, everyone’s a critic. With this truth in mind, we’re breaking with tradition and opening up the Evening Standard British Film Awards to public vote this year.
Our individual categories acknowledge the best of British films and British artists and are chosen by a panel of film critics, but it’s time to broaden the field. So we have introduced a new Blockbuster of the Year Award, open to Hollywood movies as well as British and to be decided by you, our readers.
Your job is to pick the most popular of the year’s most popular films. You’ll be choosing from the top 12 grossing films (that is, at it happens anything that has taken than £16 million) at the UK box office over the last 12 months (since last year’s
Awards on February 6, 2011).
And here’s the thing. Those readers too fagged to make it to the cinema will have by now caught up with almost everything on dvd, bringing new demographics into the equation. Who knows what will emerge victorious?
The number one spot is up for grabs – pick a film and let your voices be heard so that Blockbuster of the Year winner can be announced, alongside our critics’ awards, at the star-studded ceremony at London Film Museum on February 6.
Via Spunk-Ransom
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