Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Special wedding edition "Breaking Dawn" Barbies of "Edward' and 'Bella"



Twilight Saga film studio Summit Entertainment has announced that starting in February, special wedding edition Barbie Dolls of "Edward" and "Bella" on their wedding day - as seen in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 - will be available for purchasing.

The dolls will be listed at BarbieCollector.com for $29.95.

Attached are four preview images of the new "Edward" and "Bella" Barbies. Pretty, right? Notice how similar the wedding attire is to what was seen in the film. Spot on for both.
What do you think?
These two dolls add to the growing list of Twilight Saga Barbies currently available. "Edward" and "Bella" Barbies were released after Twilight's success, and for The Twilight Saga: New Moon, a shirtless "Jacob" Barbie came down. With The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, it was "Alice," "Victoria," and, later, "Jane."


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