Thursday, May 31, 2012

Stephenie Meyer's 'The Host': On Your Summer Reading Guide for 16 Great Books About To Become Movies

"Yeah, but it wasn't as good as the book."

You hear that about movies all the time pretty much no matter what, whether it's a spin on a huge best-selling series like Harry Potter or an intimate adaptation of a highbrow novel like Jane Eyre. We love movies here are much as anybody, but we also know there's nothing quite like the experience of reading book, feeling like you're living with these characters in your head for weeks and days on end, and imagining them in a way that's totally specific to you.

But even if you're setting yourself up for disappointment, you can't help but look forward to an adaptation of a book you love, out of curiosity if nothing else. And even though we'll be spending plenty of time at the movies this summer, we're also in need of a few good books, whether for reading on the beach or in a dark air-conditioned room somewhere. So we've put our heads together and come up with 16 books we all love that are on their way to becoming movies, whether set for release later this year or in development at a studio somewhere. Not only do you get to add some great titles to your summer reading list, but you'll be totally prepared to be that guy complaining the movie isn't as good as the book when it finally comes out.

See the entire list at CinemaBlend

Via Twilightish

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