Sunday, May 12, 2013

27 Of Robert Pattinson’s Most Iconic Hairstyles To Celebrate His 27th Birthday


Today is an important and auspicious day: Robert Pattinson’s 27th birthday. Our love for Robert Pattinson’s good looks are only matched by our adoration for all the amazing hairstyles he’s sported over the past 27 years.

Sure when you think of Rob, his tousled nest of unruly brown curls instantly comes to mind, but think harder. He’s also sported buzz cuts, mohawks, short and spikey hair, greased back locks and perfectly trimmed and combed hair.
So, in honor of Rob’s 27th, here are 27 iconic hair looks that take us on a journey that is the “Hair-volution” of Robert Pattinson.

To check out all Rob past and current hairstyle’s click here!

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