Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dior Update and HQ Photo of Robert Pattinson

Last night, in Los Angeles, Dior revealed the new face of its leading men’s perfume, Dior Homme. A heartthrob actor with a dazzling career that parallels the trajectory of the legendary fragrance, who is the man behind the scent?

He’s returned from Australia where he was filming the new David Michod movie with Guy Pierce, The Rover . And will soon kick off shooting David Cronenberg’s Maps to the Stars alongside John Cusack and Julianne Moore. And then it will be the turn of Hold On To Me , from James Marsh. Any ideas? Previously, he was in Cosmopolis and Water For Elephants . Cinephiles should have already guessed…

And his first role? Cedric Diggory in the fourth installment of the Harry Potter series. Getting warm? And then… Well then, of course, came the unforgettable Twilight saga. There can be no doubt remaining, and you’ve guessed it: Robert Pattinson will embody the new Dior man, the new Dior Homme.

The article from WWD has been updated with more info
According to Dior, the print campaign will break from Sept. 1 in a range of magazine titles for women and men, along with daily newspapers.

The television commercial, shot largely in New York, is to debut the same month in 60-second and 80-second lengths.
Click on the HQ image below to enlarge:


ThinkingofRob | Source | WWD Via

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