Saturday, April 3, 2010

Robert Pattinson created from chocolate

The Twilight star was immortalised in an 18 kilo, solid chocolate bust after being voted Hollywood’s tastiest actor.

It took food artist Prudence Staite two weeks to complete the Belgian chocolate sculpture in the likeness of the actor’s hit vampire character Edward Cullen.

Pattison, 23, was crowned Hollywoods hottest man with 16 per cent of the vote in a poll of more than 2,500 movie fans by DVD rental firm Lovefilm.

Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp, 46, came second with 15 per cent while Gerard Butler, who starred in The Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston, was third with 11 per cent.

George Clooney, 48, came fourth with nine per cent, followed by Brokeback Mountain star Jake Gyllenhaal (eight per cent) and The Hangover’s Bradley Cooper (six per cent).

Brad Pitt, 46, was seventh with five per cent, ahead of Ryan Reynolds (four per cent), Hugh Jackman (two per cent) and Jamie Foxx (one per cent).

One lucky fan will get the chance to sink their teeth into the chocolate incarnation of Pattinson by entering a draw through this link.

Fliss White, of Lovefilm, said: “We were inundated with requests from fans looking to win and even some asking to buy the chocolate head outright.

“We’d heard that fans always ask him to “bite” them but now it seems they are more than willing to turn the tables.”


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