Monday, April 12, 2010

‘Twilight’ helps ‘Wuthering Heights’ sales increase

Last fall, just before the major promotions surrounding The Twilight Saga: New Moon’s release began, publishing company HarperCollins re-released Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights with an unabashedly Twilight-esque cover to it.

Mixed feelings on the subject of the re-vamp were discussed by Entertainment Weekly, and a lot of folks were on the fence about whether the decision to re-brand the story to accommodate its Twilight-descending newcomers was agreeable or not.

Sentiments notwithstanding, it seems that Wuthering Heights has enjoyed a bit of success coming off the decision.

The U.K.’s Telegraph reports that Wuthering Heights publishing company HarperCollins is enjoying a nice jump in sales because of the Twilight series.

Wuthering Heights, before the first Twilight books came out in 2005 sold 8,551 a year in Britain. However, the publishers Harper Collins reissued Wuthering Heights last year, with a cover inspired by the Twilight artwork and including the tag-line: “Bella and Edward’s favourite book”.

Following this reissue, sales peaked at 2,634 in one week and totalled 34,023 during the year, according to Nielsen Bookscan, which monitors book sales across the industry. This was a fourfold increase and it is now one of the best selling novels at Tesco, as well as more traditional book shops.

You might also be interested to note the “look” of some of the other Twilight-related classics. Both launched in fall 2009 by HarperCollins subsidiary HarperTeen, Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice (stories also heavily incorporated into the text and plot of the Twilight series) have also gotten a new Twilight-like face.

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