Monday, October 24, 2011

Exclusive Rob Interview During RTL-TVI 'Twilight' Special on November 10


Cinetelerevue You must know already, RTL-TVI will air for the very first time, the first movie of the Twilight Saga, ... but it's not all. RTL-TVI is planning a special night!

Indeed, with the diffusion of the first movie, we will be given a special documentary starting at 7:45pm :'Twilight: Inside the phenomenon'. Sandrine Corman will present the show and explain why the Saga is a success. We will also see an exclusive interview of Robert Pattinson and some images of the filming of Breaking Dawn.

Throughout the day, RTL-TVI will also air footage of the success story of Twilight.

And of course, starting 8:20 p.m., you can rediscover the first part of the saga.

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