Friday, February 10, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Trailer to Debut Exclusively in Front of Hunger Games

This is a bit of a new one. Usually movie studio have gone with putting their trailers not only in front of films of similar demographic interests, but since around 2000 or so they have also put them online. Gone were the days when you paid from a crappy movie just to see the trailer of something you did want to see. If we are reading this article correctly, it looks like Lionsgate (which recently acquired Summit) is going to exclusively debut the trailer for Breaking Dawn part 2 in front of The Hunger Games.
From our experience this shouldn’t be too much of an issue since Twilight fans (at least from what we can tell in our user comments on the blog and forum) actually want to see The Hunger Games. They are either major fans already or have heard enough about it from current fans and seeing the trailer that they are curious enough to go. It’s not like what summit tried back with New Moon which was to put the trailer in front of Bandslam (remember that) which just about no one wanted to see no matter what the incentive.
Here’s what the LA Times had to report:
The trailer for the fifth and final “Twilight” movie, “Breaking Dawn Part 2,” will debut exclusively on “The Hunger Games” in March — the first significant example of synergy between Lions Gate Entertainment and its new subsidiary Summit Entertainment.
When the studio acquired Summit in January, Lions Gate executives touted the opportunities that would come from bringing together two of Hollywood’s hottest young adult franchises. Because fans tend to get excited about seeing the first trailer for a highly anticipated sequel, Lions Gate is betting it can bring the huge base of “Twilight” fans to the opening weekend of “The Hunger Games,” which debuts March 23.
“‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2′ trailer will debut exclusively on every ‘Hunger Games’ print on its opening night for what will be Lions Gate’s largest release ever,” Santa Monica-based Lions Gate’s chief executive Jon Feltheimer said on a conference call with analysts Friday following the release of its financial results.
See more on The LA Times

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