Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Vogue Interview with Ashley Greene talks about domestic violence and abusive relationships

Tell us a little bit about the event you're hosting. 
The event is for and it's for their "Louder Than Words" launch, and 
I'm here because I'm the ambassador for Mark. The campaign is dedicated to stopping 
abuse and domestic violence. They recently created youth advisory board with the 
National Dating Abuse Helpline. 
Who are you most excited to see at the party tonight? 
I got to meet a couple of the girls who are the board. They're all very smart girls who 
are very dedicated. I admire what they're doing, especially at young age; it's incredible 
and really inspiring.  
How did the girls get involved? did a search, working with the National Dating Abuse Helpline. They 
had to write essays, explaining how domestic violence has affected them. Twenty-four 
girls were selected and now they're all out there making a difference, making sure 
people my age and younger are aware of dating abuse. 
Read more here TeenVogue

Via Gossip_Dance 

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