Sunday, June 24, 2012

SWATH Director: Kristen Stewart Has Been ‘Imprisoned’ By Twilight

Rupert Sanders says ‘Twilight’ has been holding Kristen Stewart back — do you agree with him? Plus Kristen talks about leaving the vampire franchise.

Rupert Sanders, director of Snow White and the Huntsman, had some pretty strong words about Kristen Stewart and The Twilight Saga. Words that Twi-hards may find a bit harsh.
“[Kristen has] been imprisoned by Twilight and this is her breakout,” Rupert told the Sydney Morning Herald. “Kristen’s very talented and she’s got a huge career ahead of her where she will constantly surprise people.”
Rupert is definitely complimenting Kristen’s talent, but it sounds like he’s insulting Twilight while doing so.
More at HL

Via Twilightish

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