The film tells the story of Tyler Hawkins (Robert Pattinson), a brooding twenty-one year-old who meets and falls in love with a kindred spirit in the shape of Ally, played by Lost’s Emilie de Ravin.
The film, executively produced by Rob, has very little plot line, simply following the life of troubled teen Tyler, who is haunted by the suicide of his elder brother.
Ally and Tyler both have Daddy issues, linked to the loss of loved ones and find a comfort in one another that neither expected.
The film is clearly aimed at a female auidence (mainly made up of Robsessive’s) and plays quite blatantly on his heartthrob status – not that you’d find us or most of the audience complaining! Frankly at times we didn’t even realise Rob was speaking he looks so damn hot…
But nevertheless he was speaking and proved to be a captivating lead man, going from Twilight fantasy to gritty reality in one fluid motion.
So, back to the plot, just when things look like they could be turning around for Tyler and Ally, a controversial twist at the end of the movie turns the whole thing on it’s head and leaves us with a serious need for the copious amounts of tissues we brought with us…
All in all a complete Rob fest and for fans of the actor you’re in for a serious treat but not one your boyfriend/husband would thank you for dragging him to…
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