Monday, May 3, 2010

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s relationship in ‘Breaking Dawn’ – Do fans want it to be racier?

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are the quintessential couple in the ‘Twilight’ movies: sweet, innocent, chaste and that is the way that Stephenie Meyer wanted it. However, the last book ‘Breaking Dawn’ does have a honeymoon scene and a baby and it seems as if fans want to see Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in some racier scenes in that movie.

Many fans are excited that Bill Condon took the helm of ‘Breaking Dawn’ because ‘Dreamgirls’ was such a sensual movie, however, the NC-17 rating that many are hoping for will likely not happen. Most of the repeat viewers and obsessed fans are tweens and teens and Summit Entertainment would lose a lot of money if they made a movie that was NC-17.

Therefore it seems very unlikely that ‘Breaking Dawn’ will show anything racier than Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson kissing in bed and then waking up in the morning together, the day after the big night.


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