Saturday, July 3, 2010

Charlie Bewley Talks Rob: “His Music is Really Important to Him”

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are the main stars – how did they make you feel welcome on set?

I don’t think it was really their job to make us feel comfortable. At the end of the day we are all actors, it wasn’t like there was some sort of initiation process. They are obviously under a massive amount of pressure and to have this new family of Volturi step on set and become part of this thing, it was probably more nerve-racking for them! I loved talking to Kristen, though – she’s a very deep, intelligent person and Rob reminds me of a lot of people I know from home. He talked to me about his friends back home getting recording contracts. His music is really important to him but with 12-13 hour days there’s not much time for that. I’ve heard him play and he’s good.


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