Monday, July 12, 2010

“Eclipse” Weekly Poll

lot of you Twi-hards who saw Eclipse multiple times thought it was the best in the Twilight Trilogy thus far. Now we’re wondering how you thought it measured up to the book, which a lot of you read before watching the movie.

Most of you fall into one of these three camps: 1. Although you liked the movie, you didn’t think it did the book justice. You understand that the filmmakers couldn’t cram every part of the book into a 2-hour screenplay, however, you still believe crucial parts were left out. 2. You’re part of the group that thought the movie was better because of the action scenes, the faster pace, added humor and a few tweaks to character development. 3. And the rest of you seem to be split right down the middle, sort of like Team Switzerland, deeming the book and movie as equally entertaining, stand-alone mediums. So which did you like better? Let us know what you think in the poll below!
Which ‘Eclipse’ did you enjoy more? The movie or the book?

The movie

The book

Both were equally entertaining

Click here to cast your vote!


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