Thursday, July 1, 2010

Twilight fans either loved or hated “Eclipse”, but will still see “Breaking Dawn” Whether fans loved or hated Twilight “Eclipse”, strong sentiment either way was a common reaction. Those who liked it absolutely loved it, but few early reviews were lukewarm. As for those falling into the “hated it” camp, the common reaction was profound disappointment. One clear pattern separating the two groups was how much they enjoyed the book. Those who loved the book seemed to hate the movie, and vice versa. Common ground, then, became a shared opinion that the book was nothing like the film.

Wrote one fan, Tammy, on the bestsellers comment thread at, “Twilight and New Moon were dead on…Eclipse was a huge disappointment…Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are the best books and with many added scenes in the movie that were not in the book, as well as added dialogue, the movie was hard to follow. The person sitting next to me, having not read the book, asked what was going to happen next, and I had to say, I don’t know, they aren’t following the book. Scenes that did make the movie were clipped and downplayed. Overall a disappointment. I hope they follow the book in Breaking Dawn.”

Said another fan on the Fandango message boards, “I loved this movie…Compared to the book, this movie did cover a bit more (even on how Riley was created) but it moved WAY too fast up until the fight scene. There were so many things they could have gone into more detail with. I would have loved to see Alice actually kidnap Bella for their slumber party and more detail in the council meeting where they tell the history of tribe. Even the graduation party could have had more details. I hope that with Breaking Dawn, they take their time and cover the things that need to be covered without rushing through it.”

Regardless of where opinion shook out, even fans who hated it seemed intent on seeing “Breaking Dawn”.


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