Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jackson Rathbone in One Magazine

ackson Rathbone is in the French language publication, One. The Twilight Ladies site provided a translation:

“One magazine: In the United States Eclipse and The Last Airbender are out at the same time. What movie do you want to see at the number one spot in the box office?
JR: To be honest, I consider myself lucky just to be in two movies at the same time! Before that, I enjoyed a quantity of projects that nobody went to see in theaters. Things are finally going a good way for me. It was time!

ON: How did you land the role of Sokka?
JR: When I met M. Night Shyamalan, the film director, three years ago, we immediately got on. Initially, I auditioned for the role of Prince Zuko and he told me he was thinking of another role for me. Then I never heard of the film for a year. Then he got back to me and asked me to play Sokka and I was hired. I’m a fan of the animated series, I’ve always loved fantasy stories with such rich mythology. And with this role, I finally have a chance to show that I can do more than just to play a vampire. It also gives me the opportunity to be much less serious than Jasper, as Sokka has many comic scenes.

ON: Are you tired of the role of Jasper?
JR: No, but I try to play very different characters from film to film. I don’t do the same thing twice. I gravitate naturally towards to projects in which the public don’t expect to see me.”


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