Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Volvo: Breaking Dawn Style

Given that the Volvo has changed a bit from what is in the books when it hit screens, many of us have been wondering what it will look like in Breaking Dawn.

In the books the Volvo is a S60R which is no longer made. Stephenie Meyer in the recent fansite interviews stated:

“…you know the reason that Edward drives a Volvo is to be inconspicuous and because the whole—you know, people see a Volvo and think you buy them for safety and it’s kind of a joke, like it’s the way to blend in because the last thing in the world he needs is a safe car. So when I was doing the cars, my brothers are car freaks—you know— and I asked them. I said, “Okay, if you were gonna drive a Volvo but you’re a car enthusiast” and they’re like: “Ugh!” And I’m like: “No, what are you gonna drive?” And they’re like: “Well, there’s the S60 R. Very limited, not a lot of people did it. It looks like a sedan but it’s built for racing.” And so I was like: “Oh that’s perfect!”

So, the intention based on Stephenie Meyer’s quote seems to be inconspicuous, but with a love of car enthusiast speed. Also add to that that the color as stated in the books and on Stephenie’s website is bright silver.

The Twilight movie has a Volvo that didn’t quite blend in. It had that Herbie the Lovebug on crack look. It did, however get the speed and color aspects right. In New Moon and Eclipse the pendulum swung totally in the opposite direction to a SUV with a paint job that looked black. Inconspicuous was the understatement of the year. The car was rendered completely forgettable. That potential speed factor was totally annihilated.

So now we are up to Breaking Dawn and we think we speak for many fans when we say CAN YOU JUST GET THE DANG CAR RIGHT!!!!!!!!! It’s a VOLVO SEDAN. They make Volvo sedans, it’s not that hard!

Fear not, there is a solution that one of our Lexicon readers, CC, stumbled upon. Volvo has a totally revised S60 out that is an awful lot like the now defunct S60R! We played with the “build your own Volvo S60” features on the site and the pictures above are what we came up with.


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