Monday, July 4, 2011

New/Old Pics of Rob during WFE Berlin Promo. Plus Translated Interview from DYOU Mag

DYOU: Hi Rob, might we do that interview in german?
Rob: (laughs) I´m afraid that would be a short interview than. I just know the words "Wiener Schnitzel" and "Frankfurter" (note: thats 2 german dishes. So he wouldn´t die for hunger in Germany LOL)

DYOU: Why did you want to play Jacob Jankowski?
Rob: I read the script and I loved the role of Jacob from the beginning. But I have to say, that I get a lot of scripts to read, but I don´t like most of them at all. That was very different at this movie. Everything matched from the beginning.

DYOU: Could you imagine to study veterinary medicine like Jacob?
Rob: Not at all! I watched the process in a Horse hospital to prepare myself for the movie. And I had to learn, that this is nothing for me. I had to shave a Horses leg, that the doctors can medicate it. I was scared to hurt the animal. But apart from this I couldn't ever imagine to study anything because I wouldn't hold it out at an University for years (laugh)

DYOU: Was it fun to act with 2 Oscar winners?
Rob: It was really cool, because the two gave always their full power. Such a situation is the best thing which can ever happen to you.That makes filming a lot more fun!

DYOU: Looks like you had a lot of fun during filming. Could you imagine to play a role in a comedy?
Rob: I don´t think that comedy would be right thing for me. I don´t think, that I´m particularly funny. Beside that, I just read one ore two funny scripts until now and they were just funny, because the main actor did his role perfect. That´s a thing I couldn't manage certainly. So I stay away from that.

DYOU: Can you pic your roles by yourself?
Rob: Thats the way it is! People send me a lot of scripts but I have to say that I put most of them away very soon because I´m bored. But when I like a script that I want to play in that movie absolutely. The budget doesn't really matter, the essential thing is the role and the fun.

DYOU: Does that mean, that you will not do just blockbusters in future?
Rob: Definitely not. I can tell you that I did and independent movie a few weeks ago. I didn't get a lot of money but I had a lot of fun in that role.

DYOU: Will you do more music in future? That´s your second huge passion ...
Rob: That´s my dream. Music is really cool, because there you are your own master. In a movie you are always some kind of dummy from the director. I don´t like that as a control freak (laugh) (note: Didn´t even know that he is lol) But when I do music and especially a gig on stage, that It´s just me who decides the songs I play. And I can see people´s reaction, if they like it or not. That´s why I would like to go on tour again.

DYOU: And the last question: Are you bothered about that a lot people just see you as the vampire Edward?
Rob: Sure, I am mad about it but I have to live with that. I always try that people see me like I really am. Otherwise it will be very hard for me to do something else in future. Try to imagine that I want to be a dentist. That wouldn´t work, because every patient would think: "The guy from Twilight is supposed to be my dentist? "That´s why I will try to stay away from Vampire roles in future.

Via RobStenation

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