Attention Insiders - Want to win a pair of tickets to see Robert Pattinson on Jimmy Kimmel Live this Wednesday, 11/2? If you were in an elevator with Robert Pattinson and had 30 seconds to talk to him, what would you say? Post a video to our wall of what YOU would say to Robert. The video with the most likes from other users by 3 PM PST tomorrow, 11/1 will win a pair of tickets to the show! All attendees must be 18+. Tell your friends to like your video!
Via Twilightish, 1iota FB
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sarah Clarke Talks To Say What News About Being Bella's Mom and Breaking Dawn
SayWhatNews: Sarah, you know I have to ask about "Twilight". You play Renee Dwyer, Bella Swan's mother. Had you read the books before you got the role? And how did you learn about the role of Bella's mom?
Sarah: I read Twilight because Catherine Hardwicke asked me to. I loved the first book but have to admit that I was under-whelmed about the character of Renee. It was Catherine who convinced me that there was more to her. She grew on me as the movies went on, but I still find her lack of presence in Bella’s life very annoying.
SayWhatNews: Speaking of Renee's lack of presence in Bella's life...... Bella's mom really has no major part in her life when she moves to Forks except for emails and a few phone calls. As a mother, what are your thoughts on Bella and Renee's distant and some what hands off mother/daughter relationship?
Sarah: Yeah it’s weird...being a mother of two girls myself I found it very frustrating...I finally had to make peace with it and decided that Renee was a different mother than myself. I also have to remember that Bella was 17..and not 3..so by then there is a lot more independence.
SayWhatNews: In 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse', we finally get a look at the bond Bella and her mother have when the two share a very special moment on the patio when Renee gives Bella a gift during her visit. Do you feel this was a key moment for the two characters?
Sarah: Absolutely...I think the key to understanding their bond is that there is a mutual respect of personal and emotional space. Renee really does see Bella as an adult and an equal to her...that’s why she doesn’t crowd her.
SayWhatNews: "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" hits the theaters in November and fans are counting down the days. What has it been like for you to be part of such a phenomenal movie?
Sarah: It’s been a blast.
SayWhatNews: In a recent interview, Taylor Lautner said he had watched "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" and was pleased with the movie. Have you seen it yet and if so what do you think?
Sarah: No! How did he get to see it? I’m jealous.
SayWhatNews: I guess he knew someone inside. (lol) Sarah you have been in all the "Twilight" movies. What's it like experiencing the fandemonium that follows the movie with the "Twi-hards", Team Edward and Team Jacob and the Twilight conventions?
Sarah: Nothing I ever expected.
SayWhatNews: The end of "Twilight" is near. Can you tell us how it was on the set the last days of taping "Breaking Dawn: 1&2"?
Sarah: It was exciting and bitter sweet. I think a lot of people were really happy and sad to see it all end.
Sarah: I read Twilight because Catherine Hardwicke asked me to. I loved the first book but have to admit that I was under-whelmed about the character of Renee. It was Catherine who convinced me that there was more to her. She grew on me as the movies went on, but I still find her lack of presence in Bella’s life very annoying.
SayWhatNews: Speaking of Renee's lack of presence in Bella's life...... Bella's mom really has no major part in her life when she moves to Forks except for emails and a few phone calls. As a mother, what are your thoughts on Bella and Renee's distant and some what hands off mother/daughter relationship?
Sarah: Yeah it’s weird...being a mother of two girls myself I found it very frustrating...I finally had to make peace with it and decided that Renee was a different mother than myself. I also have to remember that Bella was 17..and not 3..so by then there is a lot more independence.
SayWhatNews: In 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse', we finally get a look at the bond Bella and her mother have when the two share a very special moment on the patio when Renee gives Bella a gift during her visit. Do you feel this was a key moment for the two characters?
Sarah: Absolutely...I think the key to understanding their bond is that there is a mutual respect of personal and emotional space. Renee really does see Bella as an adult and an equal to her...that’s why she doesn’t crowd her.
SayWhatNews: "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" hits the theaters in November and fans are counting down the days. What has it been like for you to be part of such a phenomenal movie?
Sarah: It’s been a blast.
SayWhatNews: In a recent interview, Taylor Lautner said he had watched "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" and was pleased with the movie. Have you seen it yet and if so what do you think?
Sarah: No! How did he get to see it? I’m jealous.
SayWhatNews: I guess he knew someone inside. (lol) Sarah you have been in all the "Twilight" movies. What's it like experiencing the fandemonium that follows the movie with the "Twi-hards", Team Edward and Team Jacob and the Twilight conventions?
Sarah: Nothing I ever expected.
SayWhatNews: The end of "Twilight" is near. Can you tell us how it was on the set the last days of taping "Breaking Dawn: 1&2"?
Sarah: It was exciting and bitter sweet. I think a lot of people were really happy and sad to see it all end.
Via Robsten Dreams
Kristen in Glamour (France) December 2011
Just some new quotes. Thanks to KSFranceCom for the translation
First sentence in the french Glamour: "We loved her before Twilight. Will continue to love her after."
Just some quotes, in this interview. "Meeting with a 'great future'"
"I feel like I have become boring", confess she by pulling on the sleeves of her shirt with a touch of embarrassment.
"I was surprised to discover that Bella would become my only horizon, at the point of eclipsing - without bad puns - all that I was able to make before."
"I'd love passing to the realization, that itches me. I am very pleased to be an actress but, I'm not yet complete."
Check out the full scans at kstewartnews, kstewartfans or KSFranceCom
First sentence in the french Glamour: "We loved her before Twilight. Will continue to love her after."
Just some quotes, in this interview. "Meeting with a 'great future'"
"I feel like I have become boring", confess she by pulling on the sleeves of her shirt with a touch of embarrassment.
"I was surprised to discover that Bella would become my only horizon, at the point of eclipsing - without bad puns - all that I was able to make before."
"I'd love passing to the realization, that itches me. I am very pleased to be an actress but, I'm not yet complete."
Check out the full scans at kstewartnews, kstewartfans or KSFranceCom
Via RobStenation
Casting for male leads in Stephanie Meyer’s ‘The Host’ is underway
Indie Wire reports :
Take note, young directors. This is why you attach yourself to projects before your next movie comes out. While the middle performance and dreadful reviews for the pretty idiotic “In Time” would have sidelined any director, Andrew Niccol was savvy enough to sign on to “The Host,” an adaptation of a novel by “Twilight” author Stephenie Meyer and with a release date already pegged, this one is beginning to cast up.
With Saoirse Ronan already set for the lead, Variety reports that the hunt is on for her two male co-stars. The story is set in the near future where alien parasite “souls” benevolently take over the consciousness of humans. One such “soul” named Wanderer inhabits the body of a dying woman, Melanie Stryder, who just happens to be obsessed with finding the last group of surviving humans. The high concept film will find Ronan taking both roles of Wanderer and Melanie in the picture, which is certainly an intriguing prospect. As for the dude parts?
Liam Hemsworth, Kit Harington, Jai Courtney and Max Irons are testing for the part of Jared, Melanie’s boyfriend. Meanwhile, Dane DeHaan, Thomas McDonnell, Augustus Prew and Jake Abel will compete to play Ian, the “menacing young man who brutalizes Wanderer before falling in love with her.”
Read more HERE
The film is scheduled for release on 3/29/13.
Via Team Twilight
Bid on a Private Viewing of Breaking Dawn Part 1
Bid now to win a personal screening of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 for you and 20 of your friends (21 people total), taking place at a private screening room in Los Angeles on the evening of November 17th, the night before the movie releases!
As the auction winner, you will also receive a Twilight Saga gift bag including:
One (1) poster signed by select cast;
One (1) replica of Bella’s Engagement Ring;
One (1) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” jewelry box;
Select “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” apparel;
One (1) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” 2012 Calendar;
One (1) set of PRO Beauty Tools Twilight Limited Edition Hair Appliances;
One (1) DVD 3-pack which included “Twilight,” “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” and “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse;”
One (1) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” photo frame;
One (1) set of character bookmarks from “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1”
The proceeds for this item benefit GO Campaign
One (1) replica of Bella’s Engagement Ring;
One (1) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” jewelry box;
Select “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” apparel;
One (1) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” 2012 Calendar;
One (1) set of PRO Beauty Tools Twilight Limited Edition Hair Appliances;
One (1) DVD 3-pack which included “Twilight,” “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” and “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse;”
One (1) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” photo frame;
One (1) set of character bookmarks from “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1”
The proceeds for this item benefit GO Campaign
Terms: Includes: private screening of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 for winner and 20 friends on November 17, 2011 in Los Angeles and gift back including the above-listed items. Please note no recording devices are allowed (including mobile phone or other devices with pictcure-taking and/or recording capabilities). Travel and accommodations not included. Additional shipping charges may apply based on winner’s location. Cannot be resold or re-auctioned.
Motion Picture Artwork TM & © 2001 Summit Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.
Motion Picture Artwork TM & © 2001 Summit Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.
Donated by: Robert Pattinson
Via ThinkingofRob
MTV: Your #5 Favorite Twilight Moment
MTV: “With just four days until our MTV First special on “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1″—complete with never-before-seen clips from the film and interviews with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner—we’re getting antsy in the pantsy for our last-minute exclusive peek at the crushworthy culmination of Edward and Bella’s big day. But before we get cracking on picking our new favorite moments from the penultimate chapter of “The Twilight Saga,” we’re counting down the top five fan favorite moments (voted by you!)”
Read The Rest Of The Article HERE
E/B Still Now in UHQ, Bill Condon talks BD Sex Scene Adjustment
MTV Was the first cut of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" racy enough to be slapped with an R rating?
In the December issue of Glamour UK, star Kristen Stewart revealed that Bella and Edward's feather-strewn sex scene was so saucy that it had to be recut.
"It was so weird, it didn't even feel like we were doing a 'Twilight' film," she recalled to the British mag. "I was like, 'Bella! What are you doing? Wow! What is happening here?!' It was very surreal. We [originally] got rated R. They recut it."
Though director Bill Condon couldn't confirm the R rating when MTV News recently spoke with him on the phone, he did reveal the approach necessary to earn a more teen-friendly PG-13 for the November 18 release.
"It's almost clinical the kind of strict guidelines [the MPAA] have about anything that appears to be — how do I put it delicately? That appears to be, let's call it thrusting. In fact, you know, it was so much more about romance than it was about hot-and-heavy action, so it was a very kind of simple adjustment to make."
If filming the infamous sex scene was one of the simplest items on Condon's honeymoon to-do list, one of the most difficult was scouting the location: the secluded Isle Esme owned by Carlisle Cullen.
"We went to Brazil where it was at, that felt important to us," he said. "There are very few houses built on the water because it's against the law. So they're mostly built up, so it was hard to find a house that was like that. It took us — wow — we were five hours outside of Rio and then a boat trip of 40 minutes to get to this one island that had the house that we wanted."
It was a good thing Condon was satisfied with the locale seeing as he and the crew spent several unexpected extra hours there.
"We spent four days there and one night, when we had this incredible hurricane and couldn't get off the island," he said. "Eighty of us slept in the house on the floor and in bathtubs. It was incredible."
The sex scene in Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 has been cut down so the movie can be given a 12A, it has been revealed.
The British Board of Film Classification advised producers to edit the "graphic sight of Edward thrusting while he lies on top of Bella" to avoid the film being given a 15 certificate.
"This film was originally shown to the BBFC in an unfinished version," a statement on the BBFC website says. "The BBFC advised the company that the film was likely to receive a '15' classification but that the requested '12A' certificate could be achieved by making changes to a sex scene between the Edward and Bella characters.
"In particular the BBFC suggested that [the] more graphic sight of Edward thrusting while he lies on top of Bella, and while her legs are wrapped around his torso, be removed.
"When the finished version of the film was submitted these changes had been made, with the scene having been reduced in length and with less focus on full body shots. As a result, the film was classified '12A'."
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have both admitted that they felt uncomfortable while shooting the Breaking Dawn sex scenes.
The BBFC had previously advised that the film contains "moderate violence and sex".
12A - (12 Accompanied/Advisory) Suitable for 12 years and over. No one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult.
Via RobStenation
Bill Condon talks BD with Fandango and Movieline
Fandango : Fans are really looking forward to the wedding, the honeymoon, the birth and Bella's transformation scenes. What was your favorite to film and why?
Condon: They're all really fun but I have to say the birth. There was something that happened on those nights, but specifically the first night – there was something electric about it, so intense. Kristen [Stewart] was so powerful. Obviously, it's a very feverish scene with everybody kind of getting into that mode. It happens on a movie set sometimes. Everyone gets very hushed, and after and between the takes everyone's walking around, whispering and not talking – it was one of those. Kristen didn't get up. She was on that gurney and spent hours and hours there. That scene is the one I will remember more than anything.
Condon: They're all really fun but I have to say the birth. There was something that happened on those nights, but specifically the first night – there was something electric about it, so intense. Kristen [Stewart] was so powerful. Obviously, it's a very feverish scene with everybody kind of getting into that mode. It happens on a movie set sometimes. Everyone gets very hushed, and after and between the takes everyone's walking around, whispering and not talking – it was one of those. Kristen didn't get up. She was on that gurney and spent hours and hours there. That scene is the one I will remember more than anything.
Condon: In that case, it's just about good movie storytelling. Just imagine if she's not there and then in the second movie, she shows up, sees Renesmee and freaks out. No one will know who she is. People will talk about who she is, as they do in the book. Or you'd be stuck with some clunky flashback. To make something really cinematic, you put it into the present tense. She doesn't want to come, she's convinced to come, she gets there, she sees something that upsets her and she leaves – so that you see, you experience what it is that's bothering her. It's because her problem with the Cullens is the lynchpin for the entire second movie. Part of it why it's there has to do with servicing what's going to happen in the first half hour of the second film.
Fandango: You mentioned that Kristen Stewart cried when she read the wedding part of the book. Why do you think it resonated so much, and what other parts resonated with you?
Condon: I think so much of it resonated because the stakes were so high. A wedding is always a really moving thing, but [Bella] is walking down that aisle knowing she's never going to see her parents again. That's the thing that I think adds this extra kick of emotion. It's one thing to say goodbye to your dad and your mom and to thank them as you're going off to your honeymoon, but when you know you're going to be a vampire and never exist in [human] form again, it's something else. I think that was a big one – just talking about the movie a while before we started. Forget about the vampires and werewolves and everything. What are the human challenges? One of them is that first difficult year of marriage. You've had the fantasy, you've had the dream, you've gotten your dream, now it's a reality. Now you're waking up with him or her every day. What adjustments do you have to make when you change this fantasy to reality? That's an interesting human question. There's a lot of resonant stuff through the book that was very real on that level.
Fandango: You've also said there's going to be a choreographed dance number at the wedding.
Condon: It's very brief, but absolutely! It was a lot of fun. All I can say is that Jackson [Rathbone] and Ashley [Greene] are incredibly good dancers. They should make musical films.
Fandango: Was it an actual musical number?
Condon: This is not a musical number on a stage or anything. This is just people dancing at a wedding, that's all. It's just that we had a choreographer to help us.
Fandango: How excited are you for fans to see the wedding scene? It must've taken high-security to keep the wedding dress from getting leaked.
Condon: I know! We're three weeks out and it still hasn't leaked. I'm so happy. Oh, I can't wait. We're going to have our premiere two weeks from Monday and I'm just so looking forward to being there with fans and just getting a sense of what they think. It is a challenge. There are other surprises in there too that we've been able to keep, but it's harder to do it these days.
Fandango: This being a PG-13 film, how challenging was it to find the balance of being appropriate and yet sexy and romantic during the honeymoon scenes?
Condon: I think it was hard. I think the crucial thing was keeping it romantic because that's what it's about. You'll see it's done in a slightly different way. I don't want to give it away. It's in pieces, let's say. You don't get it all at once.
Fandango: We get so much of Bella's and Jacob's view in the last book, but what specific parts do we get to see more of Edward's point of view?
Condon: There's something that we put in there that's referred to in an earlier book. We actually get to see Edward in his early life as a vampire and hear his thoughts about that. There's a glimpse of him in Twilight describing how he got turned, how he got changed by Carlisle, but this is more extensive. I do think we get more inside Edward and he changes a lot, too. The wedding has an effect on him. There's an aspect of self-loathing to him about what he did when he was a vampire [earlier] that he releases through Bella's love. I think that's a fun thing to watch.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Rob's Interview with Cinemania
Your character and Kristen’s shared so many romantic times during the filming, especially the last day of filming.
The last day of filming in Saint Thomas was great. It was just Kristen and I. The only time we were able to film with a nice weather. It was literally the last day of filming, and we were filming a scene in which we’re kissing in the ocean, all night. So it wasn’t a bad way to say goodbye. Then everybody stayed to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful.
Can you share something about Kristen?
The only thing she likes to watch on TV is the cooking channel, especially when she’s on set. She has her TV on all the time in her make up trailer. That’s her only diva behavior (laughs); the cooking channel must always be on, any time, everywhere.
What was it like playing a dad? Was it hard?
Not at first. You’re holding a baby, which is not easy to do, but nobody knows how to be a father at first. You can’t prepare for it. It was weird whn Mackenzie Foy had to play my daughter because you start to think: “My daughter is now 11. It’s been two months that she’s been born and now she can talk.” It was complicated to play. But it’s a fantasy movie, so you have to believe it.
You said you were nervous of taking off your shirt this time.
When I did New Moon, someone in the studio said I needed a six pack and I had to work out. I had to look like a vampire, it was part of the character. As soon as they told me I neded a six pack, I stopped working out and I never did it again for the rest of the series. They realized they shouldn’t have told me anything. In this last movie I spent six weeks in Baton Rouge with nothing to do, so I started running. And then I started going to the gym and I became obsessed. I ran 14-16 km everyday. I even rode a bike. Until I got bored. Plus, when you’re filming, if you want to go to the gym you need to do it at 4 am. That’s just not worth it (he laughs in a very infectious way).
With this fame you have and your relationship with Twilight, do you think it will be harder to get the type of work that you really like the most?
Of course. Before Twilight I did castings for so many things, and I was always left on the top 3. They gave the role to someone who was already more famous than me, and I kept thinking how unfair it was, so I thought the only way was to become more famous. But when you’re super famous, you get offered tons of bad stuff, in movies where they’re not even concerned with the cast. And if you haven’t done much work, directors look at you like an unknown and there’s not stigma attached to your name. It’s harder to get some roles sometimes. It’s weird.
So you’ve had doors closing to you…
If you’re a complete unknown, you have more chances. After Twilight, things are very different, depending where the money comes from. If there’s not a star attached, there’s no way that you can sel a movie, so that forces you to make a good movie. But if you don’t, it’s like “Since he’s involved, we need to get teens interested,” so they change the story, and you end up having that pressure. A good director will prefer not to deal with that stuff. But it’s true that if you find the eprfect role, everything will fall into place. But there’s less options. Now that I have a very specific image, it’s hard to find roles that fit into it.
That didn’t stop you from getting Cosmopolis.
It was amazing. I let my spiral of paranoia go out of control and I thought all the good directors would want nothing to do with me now. And then Cronenberg makes this offer directly to me. I had neve even met him before.. I had a grat time during filming, and I kept saying “Am I good enough? I don’t know what I’m doing,” and he said “why do you think like that? You are an actor,” and the only reason that happened to me it’s because I became this sort of celebrity, and I’m worried that people won’t take me seriously.
What did Cronenberg see in you that he chose to cast you?
Nothing. Just interviews. And he saw Remember Me. But this character looks like nothing I’ve ever done before.. When I first read the script, I thought I couldn’t play the character. I loved the script, but I was afraid. I said I called him in a week to find out if I wanted the part or not. I spent an entire week thinking how to say no. The only thing I thought was “Look, I can’t do this because I’m a coward and I don’t know how to play it (laughs really loudly). So I said yes, and told him I didn’t know what the story was about. He said he didn’t know either. So we started collaborating from that point on. I had never worked with a filmmaker that had so much confidence in himself. He just said everyday “let’s see what happens,” there were no rehearsals, nothing. It was insane.
We know you love to watch movies, what was the last movie you saw?
Red Riding Hood. That was the last time I saw anything. Going to the movies is impossible after Twilight. You’re trapped in a dark room and don’t know what is going to happen, and I get nervous and think of everything that I’m going to have to deal with after it’s over. That time there were 60 people outside the theater. Before I saw Inception. I went to a theater in the middle of nowhere and there were 20 paparazzi waiting for me outside. I couldn’t get rid of them all day.
Rob never let serious subjects like his insecurities affect his sense of humor and his desire to have fun in every circumstance. He talks openly about everything. We have now the image of an actor who, answer after answer, shows himself rebellious, unconformed and against the ideas Hollywood tries to impose on him. We shake his hand and he says goodbye. Outside, we find the best surprise ever: his dog, Bear, a half-breed he adopted in Baton Rouge. It looks like Bear takes after his master: simple, sweet. It’s the only thing that explains the reason why he jumped at us and licked out feet.
Read the full interview at Twilight Poison
The last day of filming in Saint Thomas was great. It was just Kristen and I. The only time we were able to film with a nice weather. It was literally the last day of filming, and we were filming a scene in which we’re kissing in the ocean, all night. So it wasn’t a bad way to say goodbye. Then everybody stayed to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful.
Can you share something about Kristen?
The only thing she likes to watch on TV is the cooking channel, especially when she’s on set. She has her TV on all the time in her make up trailer. That’s her only diva behavior (laughs); the cooking channel must always be on, any time, everywhere.
What was it like playing a dad? Was it hard?
Not at first. You’re holding a baby, which is not easy to do, but nobody knows how to be a father at first. You can’t prepare for it. It was weird whn Mackenzie Foy had to play my daughter because you start to think: “My daughter is now 11. It’s been two months that she’s been born and now she can talk.” It was complicated to play. But it’s a fantasy movie, so you have to believe it.
You said you were nervous of taking off your shirt this time.
When I did New Moon, someone in the studio said I needed a six pack and I had to work out. I had to look like a vampire, it was part of the character. As soon as they told me I neded a six pack, I stopped working out and I never did it again for the rest of the series. They realized they shouldn’t have told me anything. In this last movie I spent six weeks in Baton Rouge with nothing to do, so I started running. And then I started going to the gym and I became obsessed. I ran 14-16 km everyday. I even rode a bike. Until I got bored. Plus, when you’re filming, if you want to go to the gym you need to do it at 4 am. That’s just not worth it (he laughs in a very infectious way).
With this fame you have and your relationship with Twilight, do you think it will be harder to get the type of work that you really like the most?
Of course. Before Twilight I did castings for so many things, and I was always left on the top 3. They gave the role to someone who was already more famous than me, and I kept thinking how unfair it was, so I thought the only way was to become more famous. But when you’re super famous, you get offered tons of bad stuff, in movies where they’re not even concerned with the cast. And if you haven’t done much work, directors look at you like an unknown and there’s not stigma attached to your name. It’s harder to get some roles sometimes. It’s weird.
So you’ve had doors closing to you…
If you’re a complete unknown, you have more chances. After Twilight, things are very different, depending where the money comes from. If there’s not a star attached, there’s no way that you can sel a movie, so that forces you to make a good movie. But if you don’t, it’s like “Since he’s involved, we need to get teens interested,” so they change the story, and you end up having that pressure. A good director will prefer not to deal with that stuff. But it’s true that if you find the eprfect role, everything will fall into place. But there’s less options. Now that I have a very specific image, it’s hard to find roles that fit into it.
That didn’t stop you from getting Cosmopolis.
It was amazing. I let my spiral of paranoia go out of control and I thought all the good directors would want nothing to do with me now. And then Cronenberg makes this offer directly to me. I had neve even met him before.. I had a grat time during filming, and I kept saying “Am I good enough? I don’t know what I’m doing,” and he said “why do you think like that? You are an actor,” and the only reason that happened to me it’s because I became this sort of celebrity, and I’m worried that people won’t take me seriously.
What did Cronenberg see in you that he chose to cast you?
Nothing. Just interviews. And he saw Remember Me. But this character looks like nothing I’ve ever done before.. When I first read the script, I thought I couldn’t play the character. I loved the script, but I was afraid. I said I called him in a week to find out if I wanted the part or not. I spent an entire week thinking how to say no. The only thing I thought was “Look, I can’t do this because I’m a coward and I don’t know how to play it (laughs really loudly). So I said yes, and told him I didn’t know what the story was about. He said he didn’t know either. So we started collaborating from that point on. I had never worked with a filmmaker that had so much confidence in himself. He just said everyday “let’s see what happens,” there were no rehearsals, nothing. It was insane.
We know you love to watch movies, what was the last movie you saw?
Red Riding Hood. That was the last time I saw anything. Going to the movies is impossible after Twilight. You’re trapped in a dark room and don’t know what is going to happen, and I get nervous and think of everything that I’m going to have to deal with after it’s over. That time there were 60 people outside the theater. Before I saw Inception. I went to a theater in the middle of nowhere and there were 20 paparazzi waiting for me outside. I couldn’t get rid of them all day.
Rob never let serious subjects like his insecurities affect his sense of humor and his desire to have fun in every circumstance. He talks openly about everything. We have now the image of an actor who, answer after answer, shows himself rebellious, unconformed and against the ideas Hollywood tries to impose on him. We shake his hand and he says goodbye. Outside, we find the best surprise ever: his dog, Bear, a half-breed he adopted in Baton Rouge. It looks like Bear takes after his master: simple, sweet. It’s the only thing that explains the reason why he jumped at us and licked out feet.
Read the full interview at Twilight Poison
Via RobStenation
Saturday, October 29, 2011
‘Breaking Dawn’ Stars Gush About Each Other – Flashback on the Twi-Trio
It’s hard to escape what everyone else is saying about the stars of “Breaking Dawn – Part 1″ — whether it’s fans gossiping about Rob and Kristen or teen girls fawning over Taylor’s abs — but what do the three biggest stars from “Twilight” have to say about one another?
We’ve looked through stories from our years of “Twilight” coverage and compiled our 10 favorite quotes that Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have said about each other in advance of our “MTV First” with the cast of “Breaking Dawn” on Thursday, November 3 at 7:56 p.m. ET on MTV.
Here is what the stars had to say:
» “She’s more stubborn than me in a lot of ways. She really stands up for what she thinks is right. It’s generally on the same page with what I think is right, but I never have the balls to do it.” — Rob on Kristen during “New Moon”
» “She looked amazing. I really didn’t do anything much but just stand there.” — Rob on Kristen in her “Breaking Dawn” wedding dress
» “I didn’t see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting ['New Moon']. When he came back, I had the same reaction as everybody else. I was like, ‘Jeez, now I have to go to the gym!’ ” — Rob on Taylor’s “New Moon” abs
» “It’s fun to watch with [Taylor Lautner], because we actually sit and watch it. Me and Taylor are actual ‘Twilight’ fans, so we can sit there and be totally into it! Whereas I sit there with Rob … he likes it, but he has just such a different energy.” — Kristen on watching “Twilight” with Taylor
» “You’re so cute.” — Taylor on Kristen
» “I don’t feel like kissing you!” — Rob to Kristen at the MTV Movie Awards
» “It was really fun to see Kristen try and act all tough, and she’s a vampire and she’s chucking me across the yard into trees. It was funny.” — Taylor on Kristen throwing him around in “Breaking Dawn”
» “It’s not tough when you’re working with someone like this. She’s extremely talented, and we get along really, really well.” — Taylor on working with Kristen during “Breaking Dawn”
» “He’s really buff! He definitely is. It took him a lot of time.” — Kristen on Taylor
» “It’s just totally false … Rob and I are good friends.” — Kristen on rumored relationship with Rob
Don’t miss “MTV First” with Rob, Kristen and Taylor on Thursday, November 3, at 7:56 pm ET on MTV, when the stars will introduce a never-before-seen clip from “Breaking Dawn – Part 1″ and answer your questions afterward on MTV.com.
Check out everything we’ve got on “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1.”
For young Hollywood news, fashion and “Twilight” updates around the clock, visit HollywoodCrush.MTV.com.
Via Spunk-Ransom
[Digital Scans] Rob and Kristen Interview in Cineplex Magazine
Transcript: StrictlyRobsten
Screaming fans line up overnight and camera-wielding press converge en masse to catch a glimpse of the stars of one of the biggest franchises in recent history. But it’s just another day in the life of The Twilight Saga’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
The venue is San Diego’s Comic-Con and the romantic duo at the heart of the franchise (they’re rumoured to be involved off-screen, too) are here to talk about the beginning of the end, Breaking Dawn, the adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s final book in the saga that pits vampires (including Taylor Lautner’s Jacob Black), with a confused human caught in between (Stewart’s Bella Swan).
Yet, while filming may have wrapped for Twilight’s stars, it’s not quite time to say goodbye. The final chapter is being broken into two movies - Part 1 comes out this month, and Part 2 next November, with new director Bill Condon.
Despite jet lag, Stewart and Pattinson are relaxed and quick with a joke or a smile on this day. In fact, they seem quite tickled that - aside from some major tv appearances - this is the first time in three years they’ve sat side-by-side to talk about the roles that launched their careers.
Q: You guys had a different director for each film. What was it like to work with Bill Condon, especially given how well-established these characters are?
Stewart: “It’s interesting working with a new director each go around. It’s funny; at first you always think there’s going to be a period of trying to introduce them to your story. You know, get them feeling like they’re on our page, get them feeling acclimated to our little world, but it goes both ways...It’s two side meeting in the middle. He’s very smart, he’s really good at talking about people and how people react to each other and our dynamics within the story, and everything was just a good working experience, it didn’t feel like a studio movie. It felt like our job was to get in there and figure it out and understand these people.”
Pattinson: “Catherine [Hardwicke] to Chris Weitz to David Slade to Bill...it’s like...the four points of a compass.”
Q: Breaking Dawn is being split into two parts but you filmed them as one. How did that affect the story?
Pattinson: “The first one is based on a smaller section of the book than the second one is. It’s quite nice to kind of get the opportunity to concentrate on more intricate relationships and stuff.
Stewart: “Yeah, you can let moments play out between people and, like, just watch people live and experience things rather than shoving exposition in their face at every moment...It feels much more like a real movie [laughs]. Feels like a good movie, actually.
Q: What are your favourite scenes?
Stewart: “I think that I’m most excited about the wedding and a few moments during the honeymoon and the birth...There are two scenes that take place right at the end of the reception for the wedding, between Charlie and Renee and Bella and I really love that part.”
Q: How did it feel to say goodbye to characters that you’ve been with for so long?
Stewart: “The actual moment, it was definitely strange. It’s one of those things that I had to sort of tell myself to appreciate. - tell myself to acknowledge it and sort of be in the moment because it was really late one night on set and it was like, ‘Oh we’re wrapped...but we’re wrapped wrapped.’”
Q: And you finished with the wedding scene.
Stewart: “It was cool that we had such a huge scene to do...It usually DOES end with some random green screen and no one’s there. It definitely felt like the right...it felt like a cathartic experience. It was chapter closed.”
Q: What’s new and different about this one?
Stewart: “It’s the first where you feel you’re not watch the story of, ‘Are they going to stay together? Or not stay together?’ They’re done, it’s very official. And the beginning is really happy - like, it’s the happiest the series ever gets, it’s really light. They know each other now in a much more realistic way, they are not just enamoured with each other, they are really able to live. And then it all gets crazy after we have sex because that’s just what happens, kids.”
Pattinson: “Use a condom! That’s the moral of the movie.”
Q: How did it feel to be in that wedding dress?
Stewart: “The dress was tight. It was so tight. I really liked it, it was really pretty. It was a huge deal, keeping this thing shrouded, I was wearing this Volturi cape most of the time and I hated it. You know, you want to feel pretty on your wedding day and every single time they call ‘cut’ someone comes and attacks you with a Volturi cape and I’m like, ‘Where am I?’”
Q: What’s been your most memorable fan experience since this all started?
Pattinson: “My favourite moment was actually on the first film when nobody knew what was going on. We were doing the last bit of the shoot and there were these people that were waiting outside of the perimeter of the set and this one woman handed her baby, who was three months old, to an AD (assistant director) to meet us. The AD didn’t really know what to do with it and he’s like, I think she wants you to sign the baby or something...No, she wanted pictures with the baby. I didn’t really understand the reality of the situation at that point, that anyone would actually see this picture, and so there’s a picture of me on the internet biting this baby.”
Stewart: “You bit the baby?”
Pattinson: “Yeah.”
Stewart: “That’s so weird.”
Pattinson: “I didn’t actually like, touch it. It’s kind of a funny picture. The baby was so young that the entire head fits in my mouth.”
Stewart: “I’ve had pretty gratifying experiences ... It’s funny because I think if I were to meet some of the people whose work has really spoken to me on some level that I think only I could understand, and you know, we have this connection...I’m sure that when I met this person and I told them that and I said, ‘I really know you, I know a version of you really well, I just thank you so much,’ I’m sure they would think I was a nut case. Now having been in both positions it’s kind of understandable....The crying is always what’s weird.”
Via Robsten Dreams
Friday, October 28, 2011
Rob, Kristen and Taylor's Interview with OK! Mag Philippines Nov 2011
Kristen on the concept of marriage:
"I am sappy person. I like the idea of people committing to one another for the rest of their lives, all of that."
On love "It is just nice to think that your version of love, and I am sure that everyone feels this way, is better than everyone else's. It is the strongest that ever was and it is all between us. It is like a secret. It is fun to have a secret.It makes you feel special."
What will you be missing from the whole Twilight experience?Kristen:
I do not feel remorseful in any way, like we missed something. It is all there. I am not really going to miss these guys.
Robert and Taylor: You are not going to miss us?
Kristen: No, I am not going to have to miss you.[laughs]
New interview with French Magazine Star Club
1) How was the last day on set?
This last day in Canada marked a break from the two previous weeks that were horrible and sad when it came to the weather. It was so cold. For the last day, we finally had some sun and it was nice. Then for the last scene, we got to film on a beach, facing the ocean. There are worse work conditions.
2) How was the mood on set?
It was really nice. There were more than a hundred people for the last scene, which was great. I’d already done my biggest scenes with Kristen so we were able to relax. Like I said, we had nice weather so it was a nice way to end everything.
3) How do you feel now that everything is over?
I don’t really realize it. I’ve been part of this journey for a while now and it didn’t register yet with me that it’s almost over. Even if we finished shooting, we’re still promoting the movie, it’s being talked about so I’m still immersed in it. Maybe in a year, I’ll have moved on.
4) Are you worried of being pigeonholed as Edward?
Yes and no. it’s true that by playing Edward, I played a character that is atypical. It’s not every day you play a vampire. I know that people compare me to him a lot & that there is a risk of only getting offered vampire roles but in the last 2 years I’ve played in other movies that were from a different genre.
5) Would you like to produce?
Why not but I’d rather work in screenwriting, I don’t feel ready to tell stories yet but rather help others put theirs into form and go inside their universe. I like that a lot.
6) In the fourth film you become a dad, was that weird?
Not really, holding a baby isn’t too hard. Now playing a dad isn’t something you prepare for it's definitely something new when you’re not a father but you star to react naturally when you hold a baby in your arms. You feel like protecting it. But when Mackenzie Foy started playing Renesmee (our daughter) older, it was weirder. I told myself, ‘we have a 11 years old daughter.’ *laughs*
7) Are you living a dream?
I’m living a life that I would have never even dreamed of. Even though in some ways, it helped me become the adult that I am today. I’ve met people that share the same passion and this is amazing. Working with people who invest themselves as much as I do into their work is wonderful.
Only for Star Club
The scene that marked Rob the most is the birthing scene. Indeed, like his character in the book, he has to open her open with his own teeth. Even if it was fake, he’s still not over it. He still asks himself today if the baby that I was in the scene wasn’t traumatized as well.
The BIG question!
Do Edward and Bella finally have sex?
It’s so funny how people constantly talk about this scene. Like in the books it’s an intimate and sensual moment and maybe the scene in the movie won’t meet people’s fantasies! It’s crazy; I don’t think there’s ever been as much hype in any other movie about a sex scene.
This last day in Canada marked a break from the two previous weeks that were horrible and sad when it came to the weather. It was so cold. For the last day, we finally had some sun and it was nice. Then for the last scene, we got to film on a beach, facing the ocean. There are worse work conditions.
2) How was the mood on set?
It was really nice. There were more than a hundred people for the last scene, which was great. I’d already done my biggest scenes with Kristen so we were able to relax. Like I said, we had nice weather so it was a nice way to end everything.
3) How do you feel now that everything is over?
I don’t really realize it. I’ve been part of this journey for a while now and it didn’t register yet with me that it’s almost over. Even if we finished shooting, we’re still promoting the movie, it’s being talked about so I’m still immersed in it. Maybe in a year, I’ll have moved on.
4) Are you worried of being pigeonholed as Edward?
Yes and no. it’s true that by playing Edward, I played a character that is atypical. It’s not every day you play a vampire. I know that people compare me to him a lot & that there is a risk of only getting offered vampire roles but in the last 2 years I’ve played in other movies that were from a different genre.
5) Would you like to produce?
Why not but I’d rather work in screenwriting, I don’t feel ready to tell stories yet but rather help others put theirs into form and go inside their universe. I like that a lot.
6) In the fourth film you become a dad, was that weird?
Not really, holding a baby isn’t too hard. Now playing a dad isn’t something you prepare for it's definitely something new when you’re not a father but you star to react naturally when you hold a baby in your arms. You feel like protecting it. But when Mackenzie Foy started playing Renesmee (our daughter) older, it was weirder. I told myself, ‘we have a 11 years old daughter.’ *laughs*
7) Are you living a dream?
I’m living a life that I would have never even dreamed of. Even though in some ways, it helped me become the adult that I am today. I’ve met people that share the same passion and this is amazing. Working with people who invest themselves as much as I do into their work is wonderful.
Only for Star Club
The scene that marked Rob the most is the birthing scene. Indeed, like his character in the book, he has to open her open with his own teeth. Even if it was fake, he’s still not over it. He still asks himself today if the baby that I was in the scene wasn’t traumatized as well.
The BIG question!
Do Edward and Bella finally have sex?
It’s so funny how people constantly talk about this scene. Like in the books it’s an intimate and sensual moment and maybe the scene in the movie won’t meet people’s fantasies! It’s crazy; I don’t think there’s ever been as much hype in any other movie about a sex scene.
Via RPLife
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