Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ashley Greene interview with Series City

Séries City: How goes the promotion of Breaking Dawn? It celebrates the end of an incredible event.

Ashley Greene: We all try to take advantage of those moments. We are eager to teach movie fans. And indeed, it is far from being the end because we still have to present two films. We still have some time left to live in the Twilight universe. I feel sad because it's over. Last year, during filming, we were saying here is, we are at the beginning of all this. And we just could not believe it.

One of the most anticipated scenes is the wedding. What was it like on set?

Well, we shot three times because it was raining. But it was great recording together. Of being all together in a film set so beautiful. And despite the rain, the scene was very beautiful, the atmosphere, majestic and magical. The truth is that I think the public really going to love this scene.

Do they have felt more pressure because they are the latest films in the saga?

a little because in fact, the filming lasted for some time. And it is evident that the project has leveled up, then inevitably, the goals are more ambitious. Also, Breaking Dawn is far bleaker, we refer to adult themes.

You have rolled along for a couple of years. Which members of the cast, according to you, much has changed?

I think we all included. Somehow we have grown through this adventure. Right now, four years ago started Twilight. When I came into the series, was a freshman in recordings. He was young, as a person and an actress.We've all been thrown into a kind of whirlwind of madness. Our lives have changed suddenly in full. Everyone has really changed, but for our own good.

If Midnight Sun, the book could be the last volume soon, is published and becomes a movie, would you be a participant to follow the saga?

Absolutely of course! In fact we have all thought this was going to stop, then we see it. But even if I say I'll keep watching my compñaeros one thing makes me sad, is Alice Cullen put in a closet. It's hard to leave a character, know that not interpret more. Especially when we spent so much time on your skin. Interpret a vampire, is really cool. And Alice has this great way to approach life. It is contagious when you play a character of joy. I was being optimistic and happy as she.

you say that the couple Alice / Jasper looks like Edward and Bella?

Their common point is the power of his love. Give his life for him or that they love. They also share this charming game of seduction, is constantly looking like a cat and mouse. It is a playful, fun relationship that we will be able to see more Alice and Jasper in the upcoming films. Bella and Edward ago after a long time shared a great complicity.

Alice really becomes a hero at the end of the saga. The book talks a lot of it is it will be the case also in the movie?

Alice would do anything for her family, she is the mother of the world. She would give his life for his. We will see that in the film. She plays an important model. But part of his life will not be released would not make sense. There were other things more necessary to teach.

Recently it has been likened to Harry Potter Twilight. This comparison will continue because you have filmed with Toam Felton, the actor who plays Draco Malfoy in The Apparition. .. It was a wonderful experience working with him. Someone is really adorable, talented guy. I loved to escape a little and let Alice Twilight to be reunited with her ​​best

Via Gossip_Dance

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