Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More Details about Brussels and Paris Fan Events

More Details about the Paris Fan Event
Google translate via Twilight France FB
Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene will be in Paris for Breaking Dawn promotion on October 23rd and 24th. October 23rd from 6 to 7PM (local time) a fan event with the actors will be held at Gaumont Opéra Capucines.

1. A red carpet will be set up to accommodate the actors.
2. Monday, October 24th will be the day dedicated to promoting the film in the media, more details and TV schedules next week.
3. In theory all the fans in the room on the day of the fan event can ask questions to Robert Pattinson and  Ashley Greene. However, the actors' time allowed is limited by their agents: the fan event will last 1 hour (red carpet included).
4. Outside the theater: no problems taking pictures and filming.
Inside the theater: - During the Q and A: You can take pictures.
- During the 10-minute 'Breaking Dawn' exclusive: Security guards equipped with infrared eye will monitor the room. Anyone caught taking pictures or filming may be subject to prosecution by Summit.
5. Outside the theater: The actors lend the game a priori dedications and photos on the red carpet (but this will be confirmed at the last minute in accordance with the actors' agents).
Inside the theater: Unfortunately there is no time for autographs.
6.  For the goodies, it will be a surprise! However, there is nothing for sale in the film.

- No autographs inside.
- 5 questions come from facebook for those who have not had a chance to win a seat and other questions will be asked by the audience.
- The program for the 24/10 and the presence of actors in the media is coming by the weekend.

More info about the Brussels Fan Event

According to "L’Essentiel" and "Utopolis" contest to win 2 tickets to the Brussel's fan event, Rob and Ashley will arrive at the event at 6:30PM (local time) and answer fan questions at 7PM (local time) on October 26th.

Google translate
"Essentials" and "Utopolis" send you and two of your friends to Brussels on October 26, 2011 to meet the stars of Twilight (transport and hotel included)!

Be one of the lucky few who can meet Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene on the occasion of the release of the first part of the fourth part of "Twilight" at the special fan event!

To win, send TWILIGHT followed by your name and address to 64646. € 1 per SMS + shipping. Service only available from a mobile number Luxembourg.

Program of the day October 26th:
From Luxembourg by train. destination Brussels
6PM: Entering accredited in the conference room
6h30PM: Arrival of the stars on the red carpet
7PM: Questions/discussion with press and fan + exclusive viewing of two clips from the fourth movie of the saga
7h30PM: Showing of the third component.

Accommodation in a triple room in a hotel, breakfast included. Return by train to Luxembourg October 27, 2011.

Via RobStenation, RPLife  

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