Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bel Ami Director Talks Twilight Series

Poor Robert Pattinson. It's a miracle the Breaking Dawn heart-throb isn't too terrified to open his mouth within hearing distance of a reporter let alone in front of a microphone or a video camera. R-Pattz is constantly being accused of dissing a wide variety of people from his fellow teen idol Justin Bieber to his Twilight leading lady and real-life girlfriend, Kristen Stewart. Recently, Rob was accused of dissing the multimillion-dollar film franchise that made him and Stewart, a.k.a. Robsten, one of the most famous couples in the world, not to mention mega rich. But the directors of Rob's latest post-Twilight film, Bel Ami, say that nothing could be further from the truth.

Poor Robert Pattinson. It's a miracle the Breaking Dawn heart-throb isn't too terrified to open his mouth within hearing distance of a reporter let alone in front of a microphone or a video camera. R-Pattz is constantly being accused of dissing a wide variety of people from his fellow teen idol Justin Bieber to his Twilight leading lady and real-life girlfriend, Kristen Stewart. Recently, Rob was accused of dissing the multimillion-dollar film franchise that made him and Stewart, a.k.a. Robsten, one of the most famous couples in the world, not to mention mega rich. But the directors of Rob's latest post-Twilight film, Bel Ami, say that nothing could be further from the truth.

According to his Bel Ami directors, Robert Pattinson never made disparaging comments about the Twilight Saga that made him a world-famous romantic icon as well as a desperately sought-after leading man. They claim Rob is "so loyal to the franchise that made him an A-lister, he never speaks badly about it!"

"He has genuinely never said anything negative about Twilight but no one wants to be in a franchise for ever," explains Bel Ami director Declan Donnellan in a recent interview. Pattinson is only 25 years old, and he wants to "expand as an actor." In fact, He actually took a pay cut to get the role of Georges Duroy in Bel Ami so that he could play a more complex character. He also spent a great deal of time preparing for the part.

"He read the novel and also a book I wrote about acting," Donnellan revealed, "and he insisted on four weeks of one-on-one rehearsal before we shot anything, which is unheard of in Hollywood."

So, there you have it. Proof from his directors that Robert Pattinson is still grounded, hard-working, and an all around nice guy who would never diss the Twilight Saga—the vehicle that put him where he is today.

Via Gossip_Dance, CelebGather

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