Sunday, March 25, 2012

Michael Welch On fans experiences & Life After The Twilight

You’ve finished shooting Twilight. What are you going to miss most about filming the saga?
I really enjoyed playing Mike Newton. It was a fun, uncomplicated role that I connected with pretty easily. I'll miss Mike, but mostly, I'll miss hanging out and working with the people who I made good friendships with over the years. Making these movies kind of felt like summer camp. We would all get together once a year, far away from home, usually for about two weeks in my case, and create something together. We worked hard, but mostly, we just had a lot of fun.

Twilight has been a part of your life for many years now. What was the last day on set like for you?
I just tried to just take everything in with gratitude and joy. Experiences like that don't come around very often, so I really wanted to enjoy the moment, share it with my friends, be proud of what we had all accomplished, and be happy to have been a part of something so incredible.

What’s the funniest fan experience you’ve ever had?
The first time a girl cried when she met me was the funniest experience to me. I certainly wasn't laughing at her vulnerability, just at the situation. I almost felt like a con man, like I had somehow tricked this poor girl into thinking I was a really important member of society, that my very presence should cause her to shake and bring tears to her eyes. The first few months of the Twilight experience were really wild. It was 0-100 overnight. One minute I was just some dude, the next, crowds of people were screaming at me and some girls were suddenly crying at my feet. It's hard to describe what that's like.

Read the full interview at ShalomLife

Via Twifans

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