Thursday, November 1, 2012

"": Rob,Kristen & Taylor Talks About The End Of A Journey


From source:
LOS ANGELES - The Twilight stars came out to promote Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Thursday at L. A.'s Four Seasons hotel, but breaking up part one was never mentioned. During separate interviews, Robert Pattinson was his casually affable self discussing the last in the lucrative series of vampire flicks, while Kirsten Stewart did her best to focus on the task at hand. You couldn't blame them for being a little distracted. Their public displays of Twilight affectation arrived months after Stewart admitted to having an affair with her Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.

Apparently, Pattinson and Stewart patched things up recently, and showed up gamely to do their duty. It marked their first mainstream media encounter as they discussed the final film chapter in which Pattinson plays vampire heartthrob hubbie Edward opposite Stewart's lost-in-supernatural-love Bella, a newlywed vampire and a mother. Not surprisingly, a swarm of paparazzi have been tracking Pattinson and Stewart since the fling thing. But they weren't staking out the Four Seasons Thursday. Most pundits agree the indiscretion won't hurt the box office which is predicted to hit close to the billion dollar mark worldwide after opening in theatres on Nov. 16. Certainly, the Bill Condon-directed movie doesn't end the franchise with a whimper but more of a bang as illustrated by the fierce battle that occurs between the Cullen family and friends and the evil Volturi vampire clan at the climax of the flick screened for reporters Tuesday night and again Thursday night.  

On Thursday morning and afternoon, Pattinson and Stewart were joined by Taylor Lautner, who famously plays wolf-man Jacob. All three amigos admitted it was difficult to get nostalgic about the Twilight series since the Breaking Dawn filming wrapped nearly two years ago. But they did their best to describe their sentimental journey. "They are some of my best friends," said Lautner of Pattinson and Stewart, "and that won't go away." So what has Pattinson learned from his Twilight experience? "Start drinking vodka instead of beer," he quipped. More seriously, he said the attention from fans added a new dimension to his life. "It was fun to deal with the terror, and the huge highs and lows of the whole thing." Stewart said that she had mixed emotions during the Twilight focus. "I was excited and incredibly overwhelmed."  

All three agreed that Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is a solid way to end the franchise for loyal fans who grew up with the Stephenie Meyer books and subsequent movies. "I think fans are going to be happy about it," Lautner said of the swan-song production. Only once during Stewart's 20-minute session did she allude to her affair to dismember. Near the end of her interview, she mumbled into the microphone recording the event: "What do I want to let out right now?" Then she pretended to be a member of the media as she whispered, "I thought she was going to do it." But she never did.

Via Gossip_Dance

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