Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Rob and Kristen Interview with Channel M6 (France)


For 4 years, the Twilight vampires haunted our theaters. The saga ends with 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' out on November 14th, and we got to meet exclusively the main actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in LA. The on screen couple who went through a difficult time off screen, won't answer any personal questions but will talk about life after Twilight.

Rob: I'm kind of excited about it, at the moment. I'm not sad for now but I think I might be when we're done with promoting it. It lasted a long time and it's done now, it's complete, it's kind of exciting

Rob: I'm sure some people will say 'they changed the story!' but I hope they'll still like it.

Movies that made Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson into movie stars, the latter has a mass of projects coming up.

Rob: I'm filming a lot of movies next year. For starters, 'The Rover' is some sort of futuristic western that means a lot to me. And I might film in Iraq but I'm not sure when. And finally I'm gonna shoot with Cronenberg again, it's incredible.

Kristen: I feel pretty good about it, I've waited a long time to become to become a vampire. It's always nice to go towards something than to distant yourself from it and the 2nd one I was impatient to do this movie, I'm a huge fan of the books and I couldn't be more invested ... and acting the end, I was shocked by it, it's really crazy to watch.

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