Wednesday, December 12, 2012

First News interviews new Twilight star Mackenzie Foy

First News managed to speak to Mackenzie Foy about her ‘Breaking Dawn’ experience. In this insightful interview, Mackenzie speaks about her auditioning process, her favourite scenes, the challenges she faced being an actor and a student and what she did during her spare time.
Did you know much about Twilight before you joined the cast of this film?
I knew a little bit about Twilight. I had seen the first and second movies but I hadn’t read the book yet.
Did you have any favourite moments from those films?
I haven’t seen them in a while. I’ve been quite busy with school and all.
How did you audition for the film?
It was just like a regular audition. You learn your lines, you go over it a couple more times, then you go in and you do your thing and you come out, wait and see if you’ve got a call-back and then, if you do, you do the whole thing over again. And then you just wait and see if you got it or not.
Where were you when you heard you got the role?
I was in Hawaii! I’d just gone down to the pool when they called me and I was like: “Hello?” and they said: “You’ve got the part in Twilight!” And I was like, “What?” “You’ve got the part in the Twilight movie.” And I went: “I got it?” And I was so excited I wanted to sing and jump, but I was in a hotel and had to be quiet because there were people near me. I wanted to tell all my friends and tell all my family, but I had to keep it a secret for a while and I couldn’t talk about it. It was like Christmas.
Did you go out to celebrate?
I had to go to bed early that night but we did celebrate. My mum and me went out to the courtyard and had gram crackers and a banana. It was lovely.

What was your first day on set like?
Well it wasn’t too overwhelming. I was just excited because it was my first movie. I was soaking it all in, because it was my first time on a movie set. I wanted to hear what everyone was talking about. It was really cool. The first scene I filmed was the Christmas scene!
Were you excited about meeting Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner who play Bella, Edward and Jacob?
I was excited because I knew that they are really good actors.
Did you all get to hang out much?
Rob, Kristen and Taylor were super busy, busy, busy, so I got to hang out with them only a little bit. I got to spend an evening with Taylor and I did some hiking with Kristen, but I didn’t get to see too much of Rob because he was really busy and was shooting another movie too.
What was your favourite scene to film?
It would probably be riding Jacob wolf. It was my first stunt and I got to wear a harness, and to work with the stunt co-ordinator, which was really fun.
What were you actually riding?
Well it wasn’t a real wolf! It was like one of those mechanical bulls, but with its head cut off and it’s just the centre, and it is covered in fur, to make it look like Jacob wolf’s body. Then I sit on it and ride it and it moves up and down and side and side to side. It was really cool. It was surrounded by green screen and I had a fan to make my hair blow back. It was fun.
Was wearing the harness uncomfortable?
I thought it was fun, but it did pinch a little. And it was kind of bulky. It was an adult harness so they wrapped it around my waist a bunch of times. I was walking a bit like a penguin!
Did you get to keep any souvenirs from the film set?
I got to keep the dragonfly hairclip from Renesmee’s hair. I don’t wear it in my own hair because I am afraid it might break, so I keep it in a special box that I got from Twilight.
What was it like juggling school and filming?
I had a teacher while I was there, but I am home-schooled anyway, so that made it a whole lot easier. I just shipped all my books there and used my mum’s computer and I did it all from there.
Do you want to carry on acting as you grow up?
Oh yes! I want to be acting until the day I die!
What do you get up to when you aren’t acting or doing your school work?
I do Taekwondo and sometimes I paint. I am a junior black belt. Taylor Lautner and I talked a little about that on set — we had a push up competition, but he got called to set so we never found out who won!

Via Twifans

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