Thursday, December 13, 2012

James Marsh, Director of Hold on to Me, Talks About Rob and the Movie

So if Marsh plans on filming this mini series, with no official title yet, next summer, where does this leave Hold on to Me, his project with Rob Pattinson and Carey Mulligan?

"It's going well," Marsh reassure us. "I think about starting the shoot at the beginning of 2013 if our funds are secure." Often compared to 'To Die For' by Gus Van Sant because of its pitch (a beauty queen kidnaps and buries alive a man for money), Marsh points out that he finds the comparaison appropriate even though "Boogie Nights will also be a model ton wise. It's one of m favorite movies cause it goes from dark to humourous in a second. Hold on to Me ill be a dark comedy. My documentaries had humour - at least I hope - whereas my fictional works were heavier. This one will be more high-spirited." An opus that might change Marsh's carreer since it stars Robert Pattinson. "Robert is interesting. He knows where he wants to go and he wants to work on projects that might help him shape himself, like Cosmopolis. He uses his fame and his energy to help people, like me, make interesting movies. He has a lot of potential. When we met I loved his attitude towards the cinema genre. He liked the script and talked to me about it in an intelligent way. He's going to be a great asset for Hold on to Me and I hope that with him on board, it'll round up tons of teenage girls in the movies theaters to corrupt them" *laughs*

Finally, Marsh revealed to us the name of the actor he coveted to complete the casting: "I would like to hire an actor from the show Girls, Adam Driver. He's an amazing actor, not very well-known. It would end up forming such a great triangle with Robert and Carey."

Via Robsten Dreams, Source

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