Monday, June 28, 2010

UK Fans Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse all nighter!

Calling all fans from around the UK!

Vue Cinemas around the nation are holding a Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse all nighter on the 2nd-3rd of July.

Areas holding this event include cinemas in: Aberdeen, Blackburn, Hamilton, Oxford, Watford, York and many many more.

Tickets are at a special price of £5 when you book your seat for the first two films. But you must pay separately for the showing of Eclipse. You can also pay £1 extra for a VIP seat, to watch Jacob Black in style!

The showing of Twilight will begin at 7pm, with a short interval after to start with New Moon. Finally, at midnight the first showing of Eclipse will begin!

So grab your Team Edward t-shirts and your duvets, and head on down to the cinema this weekend!


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