Friday, July 2, 2010

OK! Magazine (UK) Review: Twilight Saga Eclipse

Certificate 12A. OK! rating: 4/5

Twilight Saga: Eclipse review
Director: David Slade
Starring: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Xavier Samuel, Ashley Greene

What’s it all about?
Twi-hards haven’t had long to wait for the latest installment of The Twilight Saga. The latest chapter in the story sees Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) battling with her feelings for best friend Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) – who happens to be a werewolf – and boyfriend Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) – who happens to be a vampire.
Meanwhile, as Bella struggles to make a choice between the two hottest men on earth, there’s danger on the horizon in the form of evil vampire Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard), who is sending an army of vampires – led by hottie Riley (Xavier Samuel) – in the direction of Bella’s hometown, Forks.

What’s good?
Director David Slade knows action, we can’t argue with that. The fight scenes in Eclipse are amazing and we loved the stunning scenic shots and chase sequences.
Expect plenty of gratuitous topless Taylor shots and several steamy kissing scenes between Bella and Edward.
But those who squirmed during the cheesy scenes in New Moon will be relieved to find the director has mixed in plenty of parodies and one-liners that will keep your moaning boyfriend chuckling to himself.
He has also managed to perfect the awkwardness between the trio and we loved Rob and Taylor’s banter during that sleeping bag scene.
Eclipse has a much darker, mature feel to it than both Twilight and New Moon and Xavier Samuel makes a great brooding bad guy.

What’s bad?
Although Twi-hards will be happy Eclipse hasn’t strayed far from the book, to anyone that hasn’t seen the first two it will be very confusing. And despite not working well as a stand-alone film, it still feels half an hour too long.
Some of the script is a little dry, which we’re guessing was screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg’s way of explaining the storyline to newcomers.
New Moon was all about the grand scales and panoramic shots, but Eclipse had a much faster turn-around time and as a result some of the scenes feel a little rushed and amateurish, although that does make Eclipse feel raw and stripped down.

OK! Verdict:
With action-packed fight scenes and plenty of awkward teenage sexual tension, Eclipse fits the Twilight Saga franchise perfectly.
Twi-hards will be happy with the true-to-the-book storyline and – obviously – topless Taylor shots and risque Rob and Kristen scenes.
Apprehensive boyfriends being dragged along can rest assured that they won’t be left snoring through as many gushing and giggles scenes as they were during New Moon.


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