Friday, July 16, 2010

Special 'Eclipse' Signing Session at Comic-Con 2010

While fans disappointingly learned that there will be no The Twilight Saga: Eclipse panel at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego, they may be happy to learn that there will be a signing session with three of the stars.

Bronson Pelletier (Jared), Kiowa Gordon (Embry Call), and Kirsten Prout (Lucy) will be at Comic-Con on Sunday, July 25th from 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. PST for a special signing session with the fans. For more information, click here.

Other castmates who are reportedly attending Comic-Con include Anna Kendrick (Jessica), Michael Sheen (Aro), Cam Gigandet (James), and Billy Burke (Charlie).

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