Sunday, March 25, 2012

From book to screen: "Cosmpolis" teaser and corresponding book quotes

Now Eric saw three photographers off to the right and a man shooting video from his knees. Their car sat with doors flung open. 
“Today you are cremed by the master,” he said. “This is my mission worldwide. To sabotage power and wealth.”
He began to understand. This was Andre Petrescu, the pastry assassin, a man who stalked corporate directors, military commanders, soccer stars and politicians. He hit them in the face with pies. He blindsided heads of state under house arrest. He ambushed war criminals and the judges who sentenced them.
“I am three years waiting for this. Fresh baked only. I pass up president of the United States to make this strike. I creme him any time. You are major statement, I tell you this. Very hard to zero in.”
He was a small guy with hair dyed glossy blond, in a Disney World T-shirt. Eric caught the note of admiration in his voice. Carefully he kicked him in the nuts, watching him spaz and crumple in Torval’s grip. When the flash units lit up, he attacked the photographers, landing a number of punches, feeling better with each one. The three backpedaling men stumbled into a row of garbage cans, then scuttled up the street. The videographer fled in the car.
Read and see other parts from the book at Cosmoplois Film

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