Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rob's Interview with Sat1 - Berlin Press Junket

Full translation thanks to @Kris1787

I've just seen your movie.

Rob: Did you like it?
It's really crazy
Rob: It's pretty weird. It's pretty out there.
It's definitely no teenage movie
Rob: Yeah no. unless you are a really clever teenager or really interested in big limousines

In the movie there are many nude scenes. You have much sex with many different women. How was that?

Rob:Its strange. Half of the sex scenes was not planned to be sex scenes. They should take place after the sex. The script said: "They just had sex", but David said on the day: "You have sex now". All my preparations, all the work and the huge dialoge scenes that I've thought about, I could throw away.

Has you girlfriend Kristen seen the movie?

Rob:Yeah, yeah

How did you prepare her for all these scenes with all these different women?

Rob: The only problem is, when the movie isn't good. And then there is the question: "Why are you doing this? Why are you playing so many sex scenes in such a bad movie? If it's intersenting and believable, then everything is okay."

When did you decide to make your relationship official?

Rob: To be honest. I don't talk about my relationship. Simply because I never did this. Since I started doing interviews. No... simply no.

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