Monday, July 16, 2012

The 'Twilight' Casts' sends A Love Letter To The Fans

"Being able to share with these guys, the fans, [they] are an ever-present, motivating, reassuring thing," Kristen Stewart said. "It's really nice, but when they're actually physically in front of you, if you can get over the blast of energy that's thrown at you, it's the most amazing shared energy thing. They're just as invested in it as I am, and to see that is mind-blowing. I love it."

Amazingly enough, Nikki Reed could pinpoint specific fans, who have been coming to Comic-Con year after year. Now that’s true love!

"Being here with the fans this year has been really special for me," Nikki said with a heartfelt smile. "The fact that they're still here four years later and that I recognize a lot of them—I can see that they've cut their hair or lost weight or they're wearing makeup—all those little things are very bizarre, but I feel like I know a lot of them, and I just can't express how grateful I am to have this, because we are at a time right now where capturing someone's attention for more than five minutes is nearly impossible."

It looks like Kellan Lutz is going to dearly miss his "Slutz for Lutz." Don’t worry Kellan, production on "Twilight" might be over, but we have no problem rocking the Slutz for Lutz campaign forever more!

"I love the Slutz for Lutz, that started here, I believe," he said. "That just always cracks me up every time someone has a shirt or screams, 'Slutz for Lutz!' It puts a smile on my face."


Via Twilightish

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