Thursday, June 10, 2010

Eclipse Anticipation Reviews: Love, Choices, & Extremely Hot Battle Scenes

By Regitze R.


Long awaited and highly anticipated. The most used words, when describing the third movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. The third book in the Twilight Saga was my favorite from the moment I read the first page.

The story, the way the two worlds are forced to cooperate to save the one thing they both care about is amazingly well written and I only hope the movie lives up to it. The atmosphere and the fact that there is something for someone like me, who is Team Edward all the way, but still loves Jacob. There is someone for everyone in this movie. And personally, I can’t wait to see how they portrait Jasper’s story as he is my all time favorite character. All the fight scenes is by far the thing I am looking most forward to, I mean, Twilight was great, but filled with love (no offense – great movie) and New Moon was, like the book, not 100% awesome, but still it was a fantastic movie, so I am looking forward to a lot of action and hot battle scenes. Because, let’s face it, how can it be other than hot, when it involves the Cullens, the werewolves and a lot of bad vampires.

Among my other favorite moments are the when Jacob kisses Bella against her will and Charlie doesn’t really care, but Edward goes ballistic. The Team Edward side of me looks forward to the proposal scene, whereas the Team Jacob side can’t wait to experience the bonfire night at the rez. And more shirtless scenes with the sexy wolves.

When my mom told me, there was an early premiere the day before the official premiere, I got so excited and I can’t wait to go see it with my best friend, my mom and her friend and my little sister. This movie, I have waited to see it ever since I saw New Moon. I knew, I’d love it and I’m sure I will. But I don’t know if I am going to love it as much as the book (I’m am a book-person – forgive me!). Just seeing the posters or listening to the soundtrack (already loving it) and picturing where this particular song is used in the movie, I can’t wait to see the third installment in the, for me, most captivating and best movie-series of all time.

Team Jacob, Team Edward. No – I’m Team Twilight. And now, I want to go read the cool Eclipse novella, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. What a genius initiative, to write some of the book from another perspective. Another dimension to the, hopefully, best movie: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.


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