Thursday, June 10, 2010

Moviefone Wants YOUR Twilight Trivia! is in the process of setting up a ultra cool Twilight Trivia section on their site, and in order to do so .. they’ve called upon the help of our ever knowledgeable readers’ help!

What you need to do is to think of some really good Twilight related Trivia. It could be related to the books themselves, or the movies. But it can’t be something simple like “What is Edward’s last name”.

In the comments section put your question (with the answers). The totally awesome Andie from Moviefone will be checking our site, and jotting down the trivia questions they like, until noon tomorrow!

This isn’t a contest, but I think it will be super fun, and totally neat to see if any of our Trivia questions are chosen and featured on!!

Let the Trivia begin!!


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