Friday, June 11, 2010

Official Twilight Convention: How to get around the convention quick – tips

June 11, 2010 — Since you are at the Twilight Convention already, there is no need to mosey. Navigation for the conference is painless, unless you don’t pay attention. Before you begin, you need to go to the registration table, pick up your badges and making sure you have all your autographs and photo ops purchased. Then you need to decide on what you will be attending (everything, right?)

To get around the convention quickly, here are the levels and areas for the weekend:

Registration: PLAZA LEVEL ( to get credentials, all tickets for admission, autographs, photo ops, parties, concerts are sold here)
Theater: LOS ANGELES BALLROOM (California Level)
Vendors: CALIFORNIA SHOWROOM (California Level)
Photo Ops: ENCINO ROOM . (California Level)
Volturi Vampire Balls: PLAZA PAVILION (Plaza Level)
Karaoke Concert Friday: LOS ANGELES BM. (California Level)
Saturday Pre-Concert Party: PLAZA PAVILION (Plaza Level)
Saturday Concert: LOS ANGELES BALLROOM (California Level)

Remember the staff (as well as the fans) are super friendly and asking if you are going the right direction is the best way to save time!


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