Saturday, June 12, 2010

Robert Pattinson and Co-Stars arrive at Twilight Convention at 7:40 Tonight!

June 12, 2010 – Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner of ‘Twilight Eclipse’ tonight at the Twilight Convention hit the stage. Schedule to see the audience at 7pm sharp, the trio are expected to talk about the movie, behind the scenes moments and even share a little bit more about the upcoming flick.

Hoping to impress the fans, the Twilight Convention is the first place these three come together to talk to ‘Twi-Hards’ and share their take on the role of the characters and what inner connection there might be. The talk, a discussion panel that will give definite insight on the dynamics, isn’t going to be like anything else in the Twi-universe as it will be completely geared toward fans.

Those with tickets on Saturday already have seats for the presentation (that includes me, too) but don’t go losing your badges or you might miss the discussion. As those who didn’t get the tickets for the day are planning to converge on the hotel for this performance just to get a glimpse of the three actors. There are already people who are joining together just to come down and hang-out around the outside of the hotel instead of ponying up the cash to see it one-on-one in the theater setting.


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