Monday, March 22, 2010

Exclusive Interview: Chaske Spencer (Twilight's Eclipse at Bounty Hunter Red Carpet Premiere)

You are very active on the Twilight convention circuit; how has it been going? It's great; it puts me in touch with the fans and you get good feedback from them.

You must have some great fan encounters, anything stick out, and have you received any cool gifts you would like to share with us? Yeah, they give me some really cool gifts. Once I got a gold chain that I sported and it was really nice. If a fan comes up and has a cause, or charity of something and my signature helps out, I am all for it. The fans have been great.

Life on set of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse was pretty insane with the constant press. What was it like working on the film?
Oh yeah! We have blocked off a section and the paparazzi had built this huge ladder that allowed them to get over. That thing was huge, maybe two stories, and they got over it. We were filming a scene and we looked up and they were taking our picture.

Did any of the fans sneak in?
Some fans got into the set which is kinda cool. Good for them! It is very tight security and it pretty hard to get in.

When you look back to filming The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, do any memories jump out at you?
Yeah, we did this campfire scene that was really cool, I can't give too much away. The bonding with the cast was great, they are great people.

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