Saturday, March 6, 2010

Us For Always

The minute I saw you, I couldn’t breathe.
My heart stopped in my throat, and how weak I became in the knees.
You walked in with your crowd, the wind gently rustling your uncontrollable hair, and it was over when our eyes first met.
We tried so hard to stay away from one another,
but my heart was taken, as well as yours, and I knew you were what was forever.
So many times our eyes would meet, I’d blush deep red, but you’d regretfully look away.
You tried so hard to avoid my eyes, so hard to avoid any contact, but it failed.
One day as I walked past, you gave up your fight and let your guard down, pulled me close and took me in.
As your arms wrapped around me, you smiled down at my pleased face, and I knew… I knew you and I would be for always.

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